Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding
Opinion Editorial Links, March 2009
March 31, 2009
Shame on Us! Jenin Children Entertain their Oppressors in Tel Aviv By Khalid Amayreh
Intifada: A Third Chapter By Ramzy Baroud
The Lobby Falters: The Smear Campaign Against Charles Freeman By John Mearsheimer
War Anniversaries: It Is All Going So Well in Iraq and the Balkans, Isn't It? By Annette Schiffmann and Jan Oberg
Roadmap for an Israeli Attack on Iranian Nuclear Facilities By Dorian De Wind
Report of the Special Rapporteur, Richard Falk, on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967
World Depression: Regional Wars and the Decline of the US Empire By James Petras
March 29, 2009
A Plea to President Obama to Stop the Zionist Savagery By M L Boysen
Who's the popinjay? Canadian Shameful Barring of George Galloway By Eric Walberg
From Skokie to Um El-Fahm: Judeo-Nazi Extremism on the Rise By Khalid Amayreh
Netanyahu and the Future of the Peace Process By Ramzy Baroud
Obama orchestrating from the same old Bush music sheet By Ghulam Muhammed
Obama, Iran , Israel, and Charles Freeman By Ali Al-Hail
March 26, 2009
With Israel there will never be peace, an Interview with Khaled Mesha'al By Gianni Perrelli
War On Terror Within: The End of Jewish History By Gilad Atzmon
Pride and Prejudice: Zionist Rejection of Chas Freeman By Eric Walberg
May we ask who Obama's experts on Afghanistan are? By Ben Tanosborn
Past Due for Canadian Troop Homecoming By Jim Miles
Sudan Dilemma: ICC Accusations Seems Un-fair! By Hasan Yahya
Henry Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide By Joseph Brewda
Hesham Tillawi Interviews Jeff Gates, Author of Guilt By Association
Torture Team: Deception, Cruelty and the Compromise of Law By Philippe Sands and Allen Lane, a Book Review By Jim Miles
March 16, 2009
Readers' Letters to the Editor & Announcements, March 16, 2009
While Arming Israeli War Criminals to Teeth, NATO Nations Pledge to Keep Gaza Armless By Hassan El-Najjar
Mr. Obama: Don't let Israel destroy America By Khalid Amayreh
Obama's Achilles Heel and the Israel Lobby By Paul J Balles
Schumer and Lieberman Should Resign From the U.S. Senate By Sam Hamod
The Russian Life Line Into Afghanistan: Will Russian Lifeboats Rescue The Drowning NATO? By Ali Al-Hail
CIA report says Israel will fall in 20 years By Prison Planet
Corporate Media, the IFJ, and Women By Ben Tanosborn
Durban II: Politicizing Racism By Ramzy Baroud
GOP Rep Frank Wolf Pressures FBI for 'Payback' Against Muslim Civil Rights Group, CAIR
The Zionist State Needs Psychotherapy By Adib S. Kawar
War of the Worlds: NPR Forum of Islamophobes By Timothy Stinson
March 12, 2009
The Israel Lobby Controls US Policy Process Through its Tactics of Dishonor, Indecency, Character Assassination, Selective Misquotation, Distortion of Records, Fabrication of Falsehoods, and Disregard for the Truth By Charles Freemano
Freeman Withdraws as Head of National Intelligence Council Under Pressure from Israel-Firsters Who Control US Government By Jeff Bliss
On Chas Freeman's withdrawal By Stephen M Walt
Criticize Israel and Lose Your Job: US Academic Freedom in Peril By Paul J. Balles
Fearing a One-State Solution, Israel's President Serves Pabulum to Washington By Franklin Lamb
Too Many Overseas Bases, 1,000 of them, It's Time to Close them Down By David Vine
Study paints rare portrait of Muslim-Americans, with a positive outlook on life By Mike Mokrzycki
Russell Tribunal on Palestine launched to Try Israeli War Criminals in Absence of Trying them by the ICC
Repression against U.S. political prisoners ongoing By Saeed Shabazz
The United States of Israel: Hillary or Condy, No Difference By Khalid Amayreh
Letter to Secretary Hillary Clinton from Palestinian American Mike Odetalla
Hamas Is Smeared Right and Left in the West By Ramzy Baroud
How the world can stop Israeli war crimes By Roshan Muhammad Salih
Israel Boycott Movement Gains Momentum By Mel Frykberg
Kentucky Windage won't fix this economy By Ben Tanosoborn
Turkey Is The Dividend, It's NOT the Divisor, And The Quotient Is On Her Side By Ali Al-Hail
US vs THEM: How a Half Century of Conservatism Has Undermined America's Security By J. Peter Scoblic, a Book Review By Jim Miles
Obama to the (Green) Rescue? Environmental Groups are Hopeful, Says Green Environmental Magazine
Announcements, Readers Letters to, March 8, 2009
Opinions expressed in various sections are the sole responsibility of their authors and they may not represent