Al-Jazeerah History
Mission & Name
Conflict Terminology
Gaza Holocaust
Gulf War
News Photos
US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)
Educational Articles About Islam and About World Conflict
By Dr. Hassan Ali El-Najjar
Editor of Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding
God's Message of Guidance to
By Dr. Hassan Ali El-Najjar
Articles & Editorials About
World Conflict, US Foreign Policy, & Palestinian-Israeli
Conflict |
Table of Contents
Introduction: Basic Information
Islam: A Brief Introduction
Three Levels of Faith: Islam, Iman, and
The Scientific Evidence That God Exists
and the Holy Qur'an Is His Message to Humanity
Creation and Evolution in the Holy
Humans, As God's Caliphs on Earth
Adam's Contest With the Angels, and
Getting Out of Paradise
Worshippers By Choice Or Forced Slaves?
The Relationship Between the Spiritual
and the Physical Aspects of Islamic Teachings
Mind, Self, Soul, Spirit, and Happiness
from an Islamic Perspective
Heart-Mind Relationship in the Holy
II. Islam:
The Five Pillars of the Faith Structure
Proclamation of Faith
Performing Islamic Prayers
Giving Zakat, Charity, The Third Islamic
Fasting and Ramadhan, Great Gifts from
Allah to Muslims
Haj, Pilgrimage, the Fifth Pillar of
III. Iman:
Allah, His Angels, Messengers, Messages, Last Day, Qada and
Allah, As He Described Himself in the
Holy Quran
Noo'h, Noah, in the Holy Quran
Ibrahim, Abraham, in the Holy Quran
Moussa, Moses, In the Holy Quran
'Eissa, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Quran
Muhammed in the Holy Quran
Prophet Muhammed's Night Journey and
Ascent to Heavens, Al-Issra Wal Mi'raj
The Last Day: The Hour, Resurrection,
Reckoning, and Judgment
God's Precise Measurement and His Just
Decree, Al-Qadar Wal Qadha
IV. I'hsan:
Watching Allah in Speech and Deeds
Introduction to Islamic Law, Shari'a:
Part I, Prohibition and Don't Do Commands in the Holy Quran
2. The No (La) Commands
3. The Imperative Commands
with Islamic Perspective:
Suicide and Mass Shooting: An Islamic
Health Care Crisis in the US: An Islamic
"Terrorism" & "Islamo-Fascism"
Propaganda Campaigns: An Interactive Lecture
Six Questions About Islam, Muslims and
Five Islamic Issues: Predestination and
choice, position toward other religions, angels, and the End
of Days
Food Islamic Rules and Teachings
Are Muslim women second-class citizens
The French Ban on Islamic Headscarf
2016 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial
2015 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial
2014 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial
2013 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial
2012 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial Links
2011 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial
2010 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial Links
2009 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial
2008 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial
2007 Al-Jazeerah & Editorial
2006 Editorials and interactive editorials
2005 Editorials and interactive editorials
2004 Editorials and interactive editorials
2003 Editorials and interactive editorials
2002 Editorials and interactive editorials
Hassan El-Najjar
Editor of Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural
date of publication)
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Creative Destruction, The Name of the
Game in the Middle East By Hassan El-Najjar
The Mother of All Jokes, Israeli Prime
Minister Netanyahu Pretends to Protest US Spying on Israeli
Officials By Hassan El-Najjar
Hollande Awarded Peace Prize for Invading
and Subjugating Muslim West Africa Shame By Hassan El-Najjar
New Round of Endless Palestinian-Israeli
Negotiations, Another Distraction off the Ongoing Creative
Destruction in the Middle East
September 11, 2001 and Cold War II:
Communism is Dead, Long Live Islamism
What Does Zionist Israel Want
American Foreign Policy in the Middle
East, Designed to Create Enemies, Not Friends
Israel is an Apartheid, Racist State,
Despite John Kerry's Apology
Who Stands to Benefit Most from the US-Led War
on Syria and Iraq
American Foreign Policy in the Middle
East, Designed to Create Enemies, Not Friends
Fox News TV Caught Again in Shameful Reporting
About San Bernardino Shooting, Desperate to Link it to Terrorism, a
Iran Relinquishes Its Nuclear Weapon Program,
Israel Remains the Only Nuclear Power in the Middle East
Rand Paul Is the Only Rational Republican
Presidential Candidate, Others Are No More Than Cheerleaders for the
War Industry
The Terrorism Industry, A Merciless Continuous
Attack on the American People's Blood and Treasure
Today Is 67th Anniversary of Nakba,
Catastrophe, When Israel Was Established By Eviction of Palestinians
from their Homeland, May 15, 2015 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
October 2010
Israel Cannot Be Democratic and Jewish at the Same Time Despite
US-EU Attempts to Promote the New Falsehood
Rick Sanchez Fired from CNN for Suggesting US Media Run by Zionists,
Joins Octavia Nassr
September 2010
The Difference Between Lieberman and Netanyahu About Decades of
Fruitless Negotiations
August 2010
Declaration of the Palestinian State, Not New Round of Endless
The US Mosque Islamophobia A Neo-Con Zionist-Led Republican Election
April 2010
Obama Says the US Can't Impose Peace in the Middle East, Really
February 2010
Palestinian Khatib Kills Israeli Khatib, Israelis Use their Favorite
Terminology of Terrorism
January 2010
God Helped Haitians to Be Free from Slavery, Not the Devil, as Pat
Robertson Alleges
February 2011
Demonstrations Continue in Tripoli Despite
Attacks by Remnants of Dictatorial Forces, All Other Libyan Cities
Are Free
Most Libya Is Free of the Dictator, Who Still
Attacks People in Tripoli, Death Toll 1,000
Libyan Revolution Moving to the Climax Stage,
the Dictator Uses African Mercenaries and Air Strikes Against
Libyans Revolt for Regime Change, Hundreds
Egyptian Protesters Insist on Departure of
Mubarak, Opposition Parties Scramble for Talks with the Regime
Arabs Revolting Against Brutal Regimes of the
Zionist Empire
January 2011
Egyptians Furious After Mubarak's Defiance by
Staying in Power and Sulaiman's Call on them to Disband and Go Home
French Foreign Minister, Michele Alliot-Marie,
The Double-Standard, Zionist Operative
Can Ron Paul Defeat Candidates of the Zionist
Propaganda Machine
Macky Sall Wins Senegal's Presidential
Election, Giving Example of How Opposition Parties Can win
Mitt Romney's GOP Convention Speech, More
American Wars for Israel
US Capitalist Greed, Supreme Court May Deprive
30 Million Americans from Having Access to Health Care in Favor of
Employers, Insurance Companies
Islam, Muslims, and US Foreign Policy in the
Middle East
Israel Agrees to Ceasefire, Halt in
Assassination, and Ending Blockade of Gaza
John Kerry to Be Easily Confirmed as Secretary
of State, After Character Assassination of Susan Rice
Majority of US Democrats Scream, Jerusalem Is
Not the Capital of Israel
Mitt Romney Praises his Israeli Masters for
Stealing Palestinian and American Fortunes
New Arab Democracies and the Trap of Western
Campaign Finance
Palestinian Bid for Non-Member UN Status,
Correcting a Wrong 65 Years Later
The Islamic Solution for Such Love Triangles as
That of Hollande, Trieweir, and Royal
US Ambassador, 3 Diplomats Killed in Libya, in
Riots Triggered by Anti-Islam Film Produced by an Israeli American
Health Care in Favor of Employers, Insurance
August 2009
Health Care Crisis in the US:
An Islamic Perspective
July 2009
8 Members of US Congress Visit Gaza Strip, No Criticism of the
Brutal Israeli Siege, No Attempt to End it
Cynthia McKinney Still in Israeli
Captivity, US Government Capitulates to Israeli Pirates
Dennis Ross, Barack Obama, and the Israel Lobby Tight Grip Over
the US Government
June 2009
Netanyahu's Speech in Response to Obama's Cairo Speech
Corrections of his Distortions
Obama's Cairo Speech, Well-Said, Well-Received, Arabs and
Muslims Are Waiting for Implementation
May 2009
Palestinians Perplexed by the Contradiction Between Obama's
Openness for Change and Clinton's Zionist Hard Line
US, EU Boycott of Geneva Conference Shields Israeli Zionist
April 2009
While Arming Israeli War Criminals to Teeth, NATO Nations Pledge
to Keep Gaza Armless
March 2009
While Arming Israeli War Criminals to Teeth, NATO Nations Pledge
to Keep Gaza Armless
February 2009
Islam and Domestic Violence
Israeli Elections, Dictatorship of the
Zionist Terroristic Political Parties to Subjugate the
Palestinian Majority
Palestine, Property Rights, Identity, and
Spain Zigzags Between Probing Israeli War
Crimes and Amending Law to Avoid Such Trials
Zionists in US Congress introduce bill to punish UNRWA for
daring to speak out against the Israeli war crimes in GazaJanuary
Air Strikes Continue Killing Afghani Civilians Despite NATO
Denials, Even Karzai Cannot Take it Anymore
Fourth Gaza Summit Held in Sharm El-Shaikh, as a Zionist Damage
Control for Insulting Hosni Mubarak
Gaza Civilians Attacked With White Phosphorus & DIME
Initial Assessment of the Israeli Terrorist War on Gaza
Palestinian Resistance Continues Despite Israeli Crimes Against
Humanity & US-EU Support
Putting the Zionist Israeli War on Gaza in Perspective
US, UK, and Other NATO Forces, Commit to Help Israeli Terrorists
to Maintain their Occupation of Palestine, Blockading Gaza Strip
French Zionists Grant Parisian Citizenship to Israeli POW Gilad
Shalit, Express Hostility to 11,000 Palestinian Political
Prisoners and their Nation
Shares, Stocks, Currencies Continue to Fall, Gold Continues to
Rise, Exactly as Capitalists Planned
US Government Shields Israeli Terrorist Attacks on Gaza, US-Made
F-16 Warplanes Used in Killing Palestinian Children, Women,
Gaza Suffering Genocidal Israeli War Crimes, with
Arab Governments Participation, World Silence
The Illegal Israeli Land-Grab, Apartheid Wall Must Be Turned
Down, A Lecture
2008/June/John McCain Continues to Demonstrate Ignorance About
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Servitude to Outdated Israeli Extremist
Settler Rhetoric.htm
Ma'an and Voices of Iraq Dilemma of Funding and
Claims of Independence of News Agencies
Zionist Schizophrenia, Olmert Interrogated by Israeli National Fraud
Unit April
US House of Representatives Resolution 185 Aims at Blowing Up UN
Resolution 194 Regarding Palestinian Refugees
March 2008
Report Card for US Invasion of Iraq in its 5th Anniversary
Astounding Success for War Beneficiaries, Disaster for the US
Nation State, Death and Destruction of Iraq
November 2007
Arthur James Balfour A Declaration of War and Injustice on
October 2007
Terrorism & Islamo-Fascism Propaganda
September 2007
Arab and Muslim Americans Culture,
Beliefs, Views, and Discrimination
Demonstrations Should be Only Against
Occupiers, Not Against their Victims
The Condy Rice Vision of Democracy in the
New Middle East Maintaining the Israeli Occupation
From Editor to Readers
It's the United States that has been under attack, not just
February 2007
While Trillions of Dollars Are Spent on Wars, Hunger Kills
18,000 Kids Each Day
Bush's Mission Accomplished Exxon Mobil Posts $39.5 Billion
Profit in 2006
January 2007
Why Do War Attacks Suddenly Stop for Three Days Following
Announcement of Every New Bush Policy on Iraq
The Promised Land
December 2006
Persons of the Year 2006
Olmert Admits
Possession of Nuclear Weapons: A Call to Action
Israel-Firsters in US House of Representatives, Led by
Lantos, Weiner, and Lehinen, Pass Yet Another Anti-Palestinian
Neither Civil War Nor Sectarian Violence.
It's Ethnic Cleansing Before the Partition of Iraq
The Five-Day Olmert Peace Stunt: A Proof Israelis Not Ready for
Peace Yet
November 2006
The Olmert Peace
Stunt: Blackmailing Palestinians to Give Up their
Inalienable Right of Return to their Homeland
Ibrahim Haroon: A Palestinian American Who
Died in Kuwait
Palestine is Still the Core of the
Resources for researchers and speakers
Lowered Oil and Gas Prices: Stage Three of the Bush October
The Root Cause of America's Problems in the Middle East: The
Palestinian Suffering
August 2006
Chronology of the Conflict
The British Terrorist Plot: Stage Two of the October Surprise
Zionist-Supported Hank Johnson of Georgia Accuses Arab Americans
and Muslim Americans of Terrorism
Connecticut Leads America in the
Democratic Revolution Against Israel-Firster War Entrepreneurs
July 2006
Natanyaho, Bush, and Blair: Astounding Israeli Views About
Causes of the Conflict
Nassrullah and Peres: The War Was Supposed to Be October
Surprise, and to Weaken Iran
The American People Are the Target for Corporate Media
Oil Prices Settle at $77 a Barrel, This Time Caused By Israeli
Attacks on Lebanon
It Is the Occupation, STUPID! That's Spreading Fire Around the
Fateh Resumes Temporary Control Over the Palestinian Authority
US Uproar Over North Korean Missile Launch and the Iranian
Nuclear Program A Distraction from the Israeli Terrorist
Campaign on Gaza Strip
June 2006
AIPAC-Controlled US Senate Follows the House in Blindly
Supporting Israeli Occupation Policies Towards the Palestinian
For Israel, the US Willing to Cooperate with Iran
Great News for Future Palestinian Lawsuits Against the Israeli
State Compensation for Deportation
Members of US House of Representatives Insist on Making Fools of
Themselves, This Time Cutting US Aid to Saudi Arabia
May 2006
Bush Supports Israeli
Unilateral Plan, Inviting a Prolonged Conflict
Jerusalem on Alert over Long-Awaited Israeli-Planned Palestinian
Suicide Attack
Unconditional Negotiations Better than Israeli Ultimatums to
Annex Palestinian Lands, A News Commentary
Al-Jazeerah: A Test
of Freedom of Speech in the United States
April 2006
Bush and Rice Statements about War on Iran
Behind Pushing Oil Prices to $75 Per Barrel
US Invasion of Iraq
Was a Strategic Error, Despite Rice-Rumsfeld Denials
March 2006
Israeli Elections: Occupation Continues, More
Sadism, Savagery, and Slavery Against the Palestinian People
State of the Zionist Empire Three Years After
the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq
February 2006
Flemming Rose Cartoons: Faking an
Islamic-Christian Conflict to Fuel the Permanent War Strategy
January 2006
US Secretary of
State Rice Can Do Better Than Beating on Hamas and Punishing the
Palestinian People
Hamas Victory and the Old Israeli Trick of
Renouncing Terrorism
Al-Jazeerah Enters
its 5th Year: Hope Continues Despite Challenges and Distractions
In Memory of Martin
Luther King Jr: I Have a Dream� for America and Arabia
October-December 2005
Islam Is Not the
Enemy of the American Empire
Iraqi Constitution
Adopted Despite Two-Third� Rejection in Sunni Provinces !
Pakistan and New
Orleans Victims: Is God angry with them? An Interactive Op Ed
August 2005
Ahmed Deedat: A Relentless Caller to Islam
With Wisdom
The Sean Hewitt Testimony of How Powerful
People Have Been Making Fortunes in Crude Oil Trading
The Conflict Did Not
Start on August 2, 1990
Bolton UN
Appointment: Empire Interests Supersede US National Interests
... Again
May 2005
A Call for Support
and Volunteer Arabic Translators
March 2005
Rice's Embarrassment
Reflects Confusion Among the Empire's Zionist Leadership
Did Iraqi Police
Truly Kill 85 Resistance Fighters in a Camp?
The Mother of All
British Scandals
February 2005
Donald Rumsfeld,
George Orwell, and the Near Collapse of the Empire
The Dispute About
the Persian/Arabian Gulf Name: How Should it Be Resolved?
By Hassan El-Najjar and Nader Habibi
The Zionist Empire
Is Sacrificing Its American Colony
An Open Letter to
President Bush: Set Timetables For Iraq and Palestine
January 2005
Al-Jazeerah Enters
its 4th Year: Challenges, Hope and Peace, I
December 2004
Moratinos Blaming
Palestinians for the Intifada
November 2004
Why Are Iraqis
Killing Other Iraqis
Yasser Arafat A
Leader Who Did Not Compromise the Rights of his People
Conflict Terminology
A Note For Editors, Journalists, and Readers
An Open Letter to
Senator John Kerry The Peace Camp Is Waiting a Word From You
July 2004
International Court
Ruling A Golden Opportunity for a Policy Change in the US and
June 2004
Horrors of the
Israeli War on Rafah: Seventy-Two Hours in Muhammed El-Najjar's
February 2004
The French Ban on
Islamic Headscarf, an Interview with
Hassan El-Najjar, By Paula
January 2004
Six Questions About
Islam, Muslims and Jews By Hassan
El-Najjar and Andee Goldman
What went wrong in
Iraq By Hassan El-Najjar and Jim Kronbert
People of Cana'an
and Ghassan By Hassan El-Najjar and
Margarita Matlis
Food: Islamic Rules
and Teachings
November 2003
The Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian
People Nov 29 Every Year
Are Muslim women
second-class citizens? By Hassan
El-Najjar, Donna Jmsn, and Tim Symonds
October 2003
Europeans as
sub-contractors for Israel
August 2003
Who should really
apologize: Palestinians or Kuwaitis?
July 2003
Nobody in the world is of Jewish,
Christian, or Muslim Descent, By Hassan
El-Najjar and Michael Bokarelli
June 2003
Israeli aggression in the past and
present, By Hassan El-Najjar and
Michael Bokerelli
55 Years of Israeli
Oppression II, By
Hassan El-Najjar and Rich Maurice
June 5, 2003: 36
years of Israeli occupation terrorism and world hypocrisy
May 2003
Propaganda and
truth, in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,
By Hassan El-Najjar and Michael Bokareli
55 Years of Israeli
Oppression, By Hassan El-Najjar and Rich
Five Islamic Issues,
predestination and choice, position toward other religions,
angels, and the End of Days,
By Hassan El-Najjar and Chris Hatcher
April, 2003
Al-Jazeerah editor
threatened, media campaign against Al-Jazeerah
February 2003
The murder of Feras
Al-Mabrouki, By Hassan El-Najjar and Jane
Why do some Arab
states collaborate with the US against each other,
By Hassan El-Najjar and Husna Naim
January 2003
The role of religion
in Cold War II, by Hassan El-Najjar, Juan
Bertucci, and Zafar Khan
December 2002
Israelis and their
supporters should pay for the suffering of the Palestinian
people, By Hassan El-Najjar and Jasmine
Average American
views of the Arab-Israeli conflict, By
Hassan El-Najjar and M. Kay Scott
The US and the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict, By Hassan
El-Najjar and Tony Lombardini
Hamas and the
Palestinian Israeli peace, By Hassan El-Najjar
and Mike Chittum
November 2002
Israeli and
Palestinian viewpoints of the conflict, by
Hassan El-Najjar and Tony Lombardini
Cold War II,
America's war in the Muslim world, by
Hassan El-Najjar and Charlotte Hendy
October 2002
The US will be in a mess, a year from now, says Sandra Mackey
Muslims and the West,
By Hassan A. El-Najjar
and Ray Paradis
What do the Palestinians want,
By Hassan El-Najjar
and F Lepkin
The West needs eduction, Al-Jazeerah TV in English,
by Hassan El-Najjar and Brian Kane
The US relations with Israel and the Arab and Muslim worlds,
by Hassan El-Najjar and John Buffum
Sharon, Bush and Arafat, who is the problem?
September 2002
Al Gore: A genuine opposition of war or just politics
4 Palestinians killed, 35 injured by
Israeli occupation forces in various cities:
News and Commentary
What does the Arab world think the US should do?
By Hassan El-Najjar
and John Buffum
US-UK belligerent rhetoric despite Iraq's acceptance of
inspectors return, by Hassan El-Najjar and Andrew
We don't want to go to war. We don't want to be the peacekeepers
of the world, an interactive editorial with Catherine
Peace to the souls of September 11 victims
August 2002
Who's interests are being served by a US
attack on Iraq
and balance in policies, views, and reporting
hatred, separatism, tactics, and monopoly on morality, I
Muslim hatred, separatism, tactics, and monopoly on morality, II
Muslim hatred, separatism, tactics, and monopoly on morality III
July 2002
CNN runs Israeli propaganda news to smear the Palestinian people
and the killing cycle: 7 Israelis killed and 70 injured in
retaliation for
the Gaza massacre
hasn't the US condemned the Israeli massacre in Gaza as a
terrorist attack
Salah Shihadeh's Assassination
terrorism should be condemned by the US
is Racism
June 2002
American Foreign Policy after Bush's speech
Middle Eastern Policy
Thirty-five years of Israeli terror
While Mubarak talks, Bush criticizes Arafat, Sharon decides
May 2002
Zionism, the highest stage of imperialism
Ending the Siege by Exiling Palestinians
Sharon's Fifth Visit: More Palestinian Bloodshed and Suffering
Congress Resolutions Blaming the Victim and Praising the
A Salute to Arafat
Is Congressman Hilliard the next victim of pr0-Israel groups
Blair, trying to be an active imperialist
Carter in Cuba
Is this what America Wants?
US Terrorism Report includes Cuba and excludes Israel
Yes, September 11 attacks could have been prevented
April 2002
Sharon's Cheerleaders and the money from
Gaddhafi Sympathizes With Bush
Colin Powell's Mission: A Surrender to the Zionist Hegemony
Can Colin Powell Take the Zionist Heat?
Sharon's Defiance Reflects the Zionist Hegemony
AIPAC's financial contributions to members of Congress
Sharon and Peace, incompatible concepts
Sharon is out of Control
March 2002
Sharon: The Unchallenged World Leader
The Fateful Triangle - violent scenario
The Fateful Triangle: Wishful Scenario
Resolution 1397 and the Fateful Triangle
Cheney, Iraq, and Israeli Brutality
The Secret Behind the Zionist Hate
Thomas Freedman and
M.E. Politics: A Press Secretary of the Shadow Government, or
Just a Smart Journalist?
America's Intervention
February 2002
Sharon and Peace
Mission & Name of Al-Jazeerah
The Earth as it looks from the Moon |
Uncovering the Israel Lobby in the US
| | | | |