Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding
News Links, November 2012
November 29, 2012
A List of Nations Which Voted For, Against, or Abstained on Granting Palestine a Non-member State Status in the UN, November 29, 2012
UN General Assembly Grants Palestine Non-Member Observer State Status, 138 for, 9 Against, 41 Abstaining, November 29, 2012
November 25, 2012
Palestinian Bid for Non-Member UN Status, Correcting a Wrong 65 Years Later By Hassan El-Najjar, November 29, 2012
As Syrian Opposition Leaders Meet in Cairo, 2 Car Bombs in Damascus, Downing Mig-23 in Aleppo, November 28, 2012
Egyptian Courts on Strike, Clashes Near US Embassy, in Protest Against President's Constitutional Declaration
Abbas Proceeds With Palestinian UN Bid, Despite US-Israeli Pressure to Alter Application Text
173 Countries Vote for Palestinian Self-Determination, Despite Opposition by Israel, US, and Canada
Egyptians in Tahrir Square to Protest Morsi's Decree Granting him Sweeping Powers