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October 2008
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US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)
October 25, 2008
The European Union's Blind Eye: How the EU ignores Israel's failure to fulfill its obligations under EU agreements
By David Morrison
Alan Greenspan, Hey, It's Just Business
By Jim Kirwan
When Politics Stinks Like A Decayed Fish, part IV, What Would Be The Consequences Of Eliciting Disadvantaged people's money
By Ali Al-Hail
Death of the American Empire America is self-destructing & bringing the rest of the world down with it
By Tanya Cariina Hsu
Breaking Siege torch from
Gazan Children
to the world, October 23 to November 30, 2008
Livni's Travails
By Khalid Amayreh
Shame! Canada! Three Citizens Sent to be Tortured in Syria and Egypt,
Canadian Arab Federation
A Country of Words A Palestinian Journey from the Refugee Camp to the Front Page, a New Book
By Abdel Bai Atwan
, to be Presented in London, on Monday,
October 27, 2008
Hope Destroyed, Justice Denied The Rape of Palestine By William A. Cook, Reviewed
By Jim Miles
Dahr Jamail
Speaks About Iraq at KSU,
October 25, 2008
Greg Palacet
Interviewed by Hesham Tillawi on Current Issues TV
October 22, 2008
A clear choice for America, Obama or oblivion
By Ben Tanosborn
When Politics Stinks Like A Decayed Fish, part III, Banking Collapse Usury Related Factors
By Ali Al-Hail
CAIR Applauds
's Repudiation of Political Islamophobia
Forgiveness and Repentance for the Sake of Humanity
By Mohammed Khaku
Pakistan's Forgotten Bihari Ghetto Residents
By Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Support the Palestinian National Campaign Against The Israeli Closures in
Hebron Old City
36 Jewish Americans Who Shaped the 2008 US Election
By Bradley Burston and J.J. Goldberg
The Dirty Dozen among America's leading
, who's behind Islamofascism Propaganda Week
The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Some Good News for a Change
By M J Rosenberg
What is wrong with the PFLP
By Khalid Amayreh
is a form of racism and racial discrimination
October 18, 2008
Now the Cost of War Really Matters Finance Crisis and Military-Based Foreign Policy
By Kevin Zeese
The Bush October Surprise Global Financial Panic
By Stephen Lendman
Who Are Behind Pushing Islamophobia
By Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton
Statement of
Concerned Scholars
about Islamophobia in the 2008 US Election Campaign
Children of Gaza Weaned on Israeli Terror and Trauma
By Samah A. Habeeb
Sukuk Islamic Bonds Are the safest Instrument of Investment
By Mohammed Khako
London Conference to Explore
Islamic Finance
in the Face of Global Financial Crisis, October 28-29, 2008
Israel Lobby Archive
An Independent Research Unit Located at the Institute for Research, Middle Eastern Policy in Washington DC
US Pastors for Peace
Group Is Going to Cuba End of October to Help in House Reconstruction
October 15, 2008
When Politics Stinks Like A Decayed Fish, part II, The 'Whale' Street
By Ali Al-Hail
Israel and the Exodus of America's Wealth
By Mark Glenn
US Wars in the Middle East Have Caused the Economic Disaster
By Robert Shule