Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

News Photos, December 27-31, 2009



Al-Jazeerah History


Mission & Name  

Conflict Terminology  


Gaza Holocaust  

Gulf War  




News Photos  

Opinion Editorials

US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)




News Photos 

Second Detroit Plane Scare Due to Digestive Terrorism
25 Pakistanis Killed in Bombing of Shi'i Procession in Karachi, 8 Killed in Muzaffarabad, 15 Killed in Tribal Clashes
First Anniversary of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza: Highlights from the First Two Days
6 Palestinians Assassinated by Israeli Occupation Forces, PA Complains to US  
Haniyah to UN: Don't Let Israeli War Criminals Escape Justice  
Richard Falk calls for economic sanctions against Israel to lift the Gaza siege
The Zionist Plan for the Middle East: A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties By Oded Yinon  
A Very Un-Merry Christmas for the Palestinian People, a Poem By Nahida Izzat
Israel's Leaders on the Run Due to their War Crimes By Gilad Atzmon  
Note: Photos are captioned.
News Photos 

8 Iranian Protesters Killed, Foreign Interference Blamed, Parliament Urges Severe Punishment  
 Israeli Daily Aggression Against the Palestinian People, December 29, 2009
50 Yemenis Killed in Saudi Air Strikes, Houthis Control Al-Jamrah Border Post
Abdul Malik Al-Houthi Claimed Dead
Note: Photos are captioned.
News Photos 
25 Iraqis Killed, 32 Injured in Ramadi Suicide Bombing Targeting Governor Fahdawi, 6 Killed, 10 Injured in Ba'aqouba Bombing, December 31, 2009
French Peace Activist, Marie Renee, Killed by Egyptian Police During a Protest Against Gaza Siege in Cairo  
Italian organizations say the steel wall makes Egypt equal to Israel in the blockade of Gaza  
100 of 1340 'Gaza Freedom Marchers' enter Gaza with help of Egyptian President's wife  
1,594 Palestinians Killed by Israeli Terrorist Forces in 2009, Tadamun
Note: Photos are captioned.

  Left: Palestinian school in Gaza Strip attacked by Israeli phosphorus bomb, January 2009. Right: Former British Zionist Prime Minister, Tony Bliar, receives his prize, for participation in killing millions of Iraqis, Afghanis, Palestinians, and other Muslims (By John Chuckman, March 12, 2009).




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