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Opinion Editorials, May 2023



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Can the US Deal with Millions of Migrants After the End of Title 42?

By Paul Hiriart

El Financiero, Mexico, May 14, 2023 

Latino Migrants in Mexico, May 2023  

Editor's Note:

The following op ed article is translated from Spanish to English by google automatic translation, which may not be as accurate as human translations.


The US can't deal with this crisis

With the end of Title 42, which kept the border closed to asylum seekers, 660 undocumented immigrants in Mexico will try to cross into the United States.

There is a new crisis for which the United States is not prepared or in its hands to solve: the failed states of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Haiti expel millions of their citizens to seek refuge in the country of the stars and stripes.

As of last night, when Title 42 that kept the border closed to asylum seekers ended, 660 undocumented immigrants in Mexico will try to cross into the United States.

More are coming. It will be millions.

Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua are failed states. The dictatorial socialist experiment has undone them, and their people go out to find where to work to eat three times a day.

That is what the Mexican government has defended in these four and a half years: dictatorships that, although they come to power by electoral means, there they equip themselves and impose a failed economic model.

The millions of workers fleeing their countries trade the socialist utopia for a job opportunity in the United States.

Data from the New York Times indicates that between February 2021 and March of this year, US immigration agents caught illegal migrants at the border with Mexico five million times.

On Tuesday of this week, the number of daily arrests rose to 11, after an average of seven thousand.

The tide rises. And Mexico is number one in expelling its inhabitants to the United States, because it is the most populous and because of the phenomenon of violence.

The United States was unprepared for mass exoduses from failed states whose rulers cling to power.

As a former senior official in Joe Biden's administration, quoted by Eileen Sullivan in The New York Times, points out: migrants are the symptom, and failed states are the disease.

The New York newspaper points out that the migrant detention facilities and the border protection system are made to capture migrants who cross illegally, on their own or in small groups.

Now what we see are hundreds of thousands, millions of human beings, fleeing the humanitarian crisis caused by the dictatorial socialism of rulers who do not leave power to avoid facing accountability.

Eliminating Title 42 was a courageous decision by President Biden, because it represented the anti-immigrant spirit of the Trump era. He wanted to do it from the beginning of his government, but the courts forbade it.

However, replacing it with Title 8, which includes a five-year ban on repeat offenders, in addition to being a new "rule" that hinders the asylum process, is considered a betrayal of the promises of a policy other than Trump's.

As Senator Bob Menendez said, "It is disappointing to see that the administration chose to move forward with a harmful transit ban that fundamentally limits access to our nation's asylum system."

The deployment of troops is another blunder, because it generates the perception that migrants are a threat.

The immigration laws of the United States to accept workers and refugees date from the beginning of the 90s of the last century.

Since then the economy of that country has grown enough to change the acceptance quotas, and these have not moved.

Sending troops to the border gives a bad image to the United States, which is not to blame for the failure of socialism in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.

They were not prepared to deal with the humanitarian consequences of the socialist collapse or the empowerment of criminal groups in Mexico.

Instead of soldiers, the Biden administration could have sent civilian personnel from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), to treat the problem as if it were a disaster, not an invasion.

Although more than 24,<> agents have been deployed, the processing of an unprecedented number of migrants, their food, medical attention, will exceed the federal government of the northern neighbor.

In addition, it will create tension with border mayors because thousands of those migrants will be accepted and will stay to live on the US side.

El Paso, Brownsville and Laredo, Texas, have already declared states of emergency.

There are no easy fixes anytime soon, but the Biden administration will need to expand legal access routes in considerable numbers.

The opening of asylum processing centers in Guatemala and Colombia was a good idea, albeit belatedly.

And that ignores the 660,<> migrants who, according to intelligence reports cited by the Times, are already in Mexico and will begin trying to cross starting today.

The only good news for Biden is that Republicans are preparing to pass, yesterday, a tougher immigration initiative that will make the president look like a moderate.

Bad year to be a migrant in search of the American dream.

Although for millions it is no longer a dream, but a life obligation to feed their children and leave the nightmare behind.

The US can't deal with this crisis – El Financiero





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