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Jordanians Restrict Border Crossings, Leaving
Hundreds of Stranded Syrian Refugees in Remote Desert Areas
a Human Rights Watch Report
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, June
8, 2015

Syrian refugees stranded in Jordanian desert areas, 2014
Jordan: Syrians Blocked, Stranded in Desert Satellite Imagery
Shows Hundreds in Remote Border Zone
Jordanian authorities have
severely restricted informal border crossings in the eastern part of the
country since late March, 2015, stranding hundreds of Syrians in remote
desert areas just inside Jordan’s border, Human Rights Watch said today.
Human Rights Watch analyzed satellite imagery and interviewed international
aid workers. They said the Syrians have only limited access to food, water,
and medical assistance.
Jordan should allow the stranded people to move further into Jordan, and
let UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, register them as asylum seekers.
Until March, the informal border crossings were the only entry points into
Jordan still open to most
Syrians. Recent satellite imagery shows a large group of people in an
area with some tents just inside the border near two of the informal
crossings. Aid agencies estimated that about 2,500 people were stranded
there by April 10, but an international aid worker told Human Rights Watch
that this number had dropped to around 1,000 by late May after the Jordanian
border guards allowed some of them to move out of the border zone.
“Jordan has gone to great lengths to meet the needs of the Syrian refugees,”
said Nadim
Houry, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights
Watch. “But that is no excuse to abandon newer arrivals in remote border
areas for weeks without effective protection and regular aid access.”
Until mid-2013, Jordan allowed Syrians to enter Jordan through all of
its informal border crossings in the east and west, though it
refused entry to many single Syrian men crossing without relatives,
Palestinian refugees from Syria, and undocumented people. Most Syrians
crossed at informal western entry points from Daraa governorate near the
Syrian towns of Tel Shihab, Hayat, and Nassib.
In mid-2013, Jordan
closed all its informal western border crossings, which are much closer to
populated areas of Jordan and Syria than those in the east, to all but
war-wounded Syrians – both combatants and civilians – and other exceptional
cases. The western crossing points have remained closed. Jordan’s official
Jaber/Nassib border crossing, about eight kilometers southeast of the city
of Daraa, remained open to people the government of Jordan determined were
not asylum seekers until April 2, when it was taken by Syrian rebel fighters
and closed. The Jordanian and Syrian governments
closed another official crossing, between the Jordanian city Ramtha and
Syrian city of Daraa, in September 2012. In May 2014 Jordan officially
barred entry at Amman’s Queen Alia International Airport to all Syrians
without Jordanian residency permits or special exceptions.
the western route meant that Syrians hoping to escape to Jordan without
going through Syrian government checkpoints had to travel across dangerous
areas of Syria to cross through the informal eastern border crossings that
remained open. Jordan heavily restricted entries at these eastern crossings
too, for the first time, in July 2014.
However, on December 11,
Jordan finally allowed Syrians to enter and transferred them to nearby
transit centers, then transported them to the Raba Sarhan registration
center operated by the government and UNHCR near the city of Mafraq. One
international aid worker said that some Syrians who went through Raba Sarhan
told him they were permitted to register as asylum seekers while others were
deported to Syria.
Human Rights Watch contacted one Syrian inside
Syria, who said that he had entered in December but was immediately
deported. The Strategic Needs Analysis Project (SNAP), a nongovernmental
monitoring group, said in a January report that “[e]vidence is mounting that
refugees arriving at the border are being brought into Jordanian territory,
screened at the Government of Jordan (GoJ) registration center, and then
immediately deported to Syria without being registered.”
Such summary
returns would amount to refoulement, which violates the prohibition in
customary international law on returning a person to a real risk of
persecution – where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of
his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or
political opinion, torture, or inhuman and degrading treatment.
stated in its latest country guidance on Syria that “all parts of the
country are now embroiled in violence,” and urged “all countries to ensure
that persons fleeing Syria, including Palestine refugees and other habitual
residents of Syria, are admitted to their territory and are able to seek
Prime Minister Abdullah Ensor, who addressed the Third
International Pledging Conference for Syria in
Kuwait on March 31,
told attendees that the number of Syrian refugees had exceeded Jordan’s
capacity to respond. As of May, Jordan had 627,000 Syrian refugees
registered with UNHCR.
Other countries should share responsibility
and accept vulnerable Syrians for entry and resettlement, Human Rights Watch
said. UNHCR has
proposed that by 2016 countries outside the region including the United
States and European Union countries should resettle 130,000 Syrian refugees
currently living in countries near Syria. But these countries have only
pledged to take
87,442, or two percent.
International donors should also step up
assistance to Jordan and aid agencies working on the Syria crisis, including
through long-term development funding. The UNHCR Jordan office, which
coordinates the refugee response, has raised only
17 percent of its US$1 billion budget goal for 2015.
“Each Syrian
stuck in the desert is a testament to the failure of the badly needed
international refugee response,” Houry said. “But leaving desperate people
in a desert border zone is not the answer.”
Jordanian Border Policy
Since Mid-2013
The closure of the informal crossings near Daraa in mid-2013 meant that
for many Syrians the only escape option was to travel hundreds of kilometers
east – through the desert and often through active conflict areas – from
Daraa to Jordan’s remote northeast border areas and cross at Rukban, 100
kilometers northwest of the Jordanian town al-Ruweishid, and at Hadalat, 50
kilometers north of al-Ruweishid.
The informal crossing points at
Hadalat and Rukban are both near Jordanian military bases. Syrians and
Jordanian officials generally call all of the eastern desert crossings “al-Ruweishid.”
International aid workers told Human Rights Watch that from mid-2014, higher
numbers of Syrians from areas other than Daraa, including Aleppo and
northeastern Syrian areas under the control of the extremist group Islamic
State (also known as ISIS), started seeking asylum at the eastern borders.
In July 2014, the Jordanian military started preventing many Syrians
from entering through the eastern border crossing, forcing them to remain
just north of a raised barrier of sand, or “berm,” which marks the Jordanian
limit of a border zone between Syria and Jordan. The area where the Syrians
were stranded is inside Jordanian territory.
By October, about 4,000
Syrians were effectively
stranded at the berm without regular access to aid, according to media
reports, international humanitarian workers, and a refugee interviewed by
Human Rights Watch who had been stranded at the berm for 10 days. Satellite
imagery taken in early October and November of the border area near Rukban
and analyzed by Human Rights Watch indicates that hundreds of people were
still stranded there.
Between December and March, Jordan changed its
policy and allowed Syrians seeking to center Jordan through the eastern
route near Hadalat and Rukban to travel to Raba Sarhan, where they were
screened. The International Organization for Migration (IOM), which provides
transportation for Syrians from Raba Sarhan to Azraq Camp, 65 kilometers
east of Amman where Syrians are allowed to seek asylum stay, said that 5,438
Syrians arrived in Azraq during the first quarter of 2015.
in late March, Jordanian authorities, without announcing why, again
prevented many Syrians from entering the country via the eastern crossings,
forcing them instead to stay near the berm, the aid workers said.
April 10, the aid agencies estimated that about 2,500 people were stranded
there. Aid workers told Human Rights Watch that the physical condition of
arrivals was poor, but that some UN agencies and international organizations
were providing some assistance, with the permission of the Jordanian
authorities. One aid worker said the number had dropped to 1,000 by late May
as the Jordanian authorities slowly processed and admitted some.
Satellite images of the berm area showed that as of April 20, there were 175
tent structures on the northern side of the berm near Rubkan, indicating the
likely presence of hundreds of Syrians, and 68 informal tent structures on
the northern side of the berm near Hadalat.
A series of news releases
by Jordan’s official news agency indicate that Jordanian border guards
“received” about 800 Syrian refugees in April, and over 1,100 from May 1-24,
but it is unknown how many were permitted to register with UNHCR and enter
Azraq Camp.
Journey to the Eastern Border Crossings Human Rights
Watch interviewed four Syrians who entered Jordan via the eastern crossing
points in 2014, including one who returned to Syria after being stranded at
the berm in Hadalat, and another who entered in December but whom Jordanian
authorities summarily returned to Syria from the Raba Sarhan registration
The Syrians said the journey from southern Syria near
Jordan’s western border to the east took up to one week and required them to
cross highways and other areas controlled by the Syrian military.
said that Syrian soldiers fired at them from military posts and checkpoints.
The trip also required navigating a remote rocky area north of the
government-controlled city of al-Sweida, known as al-Laja, part of which can
only be crossed on foot. The Syrians said that once they reached the desert
northeast of al-Sweida, Bedouin drivers picked them up in cattle trucks and
transported them off road to the desert border point. He said that the
entire trip cost 25,000 Syrian Pounds (US$132) per person.
Syrian, Amer (not his real name), from Daraya in the Damascus suburbs,
entered Jordan in March 2014 to reunite with his 21-year-old son, who had
come to Jordan for emergency medical treatment for a serious leg injury from
a barrel bomb attack earlier that month. He had been refused entry in the
west: We came to Jordan after getting smuggled to al-Ruweishid in a
vehicle… A car took us near al-Sweida off road through open land. The trip
took 15 hours. Then we had to get out and walk for eight hours through the
desert, and in the middle we met a group of Shabeeha (government aligned
militia fighters) and had to pay them 50,000 Syrian pounds [$300 USD] to
leave us alone. When we crossed past al-Sweida there were Bedouin cattle
trucks waiting for us, each held 60 people, including women and children.
He said they were able to enter Jordan through one of the eastern informal
border crossings.
UNHCR statement said in August 2014: “There are worrying signs … that
the journey out of Syria is becoming tougher, with many people forced to pay
bribes at armed checkpoints proliferating along the borders. Refugees
crossing the desert into eastern Jordan are being forced to pay smugglers
hefty sums (US$100 a head or more) to take them to safety.”
Syrian, Maher, who attempted to cross into Jordan from Hadalat in September,
said his group came under fire in Syria as they walked across the main
highway between al-Sweida and Damascus, an area controlled by the Syrian
government: At exactly 9 p.m. [our guides] told us men to cross the road
before the women. We were around 14 men, and the rest stayed back with their
families to follow behind us. We crossed the highway near one of the regime
checkpoints centered on the highway only two kilometers away. About 400
meters after crossing they opened fire from the checkpoint… We threw
ourselves on the ground and dropped our bags and luggage, which we struggled
to carry the whole trip. We began to crawl at some points and run at other
points. The car that was supposed to pick us up left after they opened fire.
We were in a pitiful state of fatigue and weariness. The women and children
behind us could not cross the road and they retreated back after they opened
fire. Every time we moved away from the highway the shooting would increase.
We continued in spite of the exhaustion that overcame us until we arrived at
a village called Shanwan east of the Damascus-Sweida Highway by around 30
kilometers, which we reached on foot… Maher said that the men later
reunited with the women and children and eventually reached Hadalat, where
he was blocked by Jordan from entering and stranded at the border for 10
days before deciding to return to his village in Daraa.
2014 Border Closures and
In mid-November, the UNHCR Jordan representative, Andrew Harper, told the
New York Times that the number of new Syrian entries to Jordan had declined
from 5,000 in September to 500 in October and “very few” in November, and
confirmed reports of a “large group of Syrians near the Jordanian border.”
According to the Strategic Needs Analysis Project (SNAP), “by early
October, no new arrivals were reported and about 5,000 Syrians were stranded
with the JAF [Jordanian Armed Forces] denying humanitarian agencies access
to the area.” Several other international organizations providing relief at
the border told Human Rights Watch that they had irregular access to the
Human Rights Watch analyzed a series of satellite images
recorded between late July and early November and found evidence strongly
suggesting the number of Syrians blocked by Jordanian authorities at the
Rukban berm had increased during this period. The number of tent structures
at the Rukban site visible in the satellite images rose from approximately
110 on July 25 to 160 by October 2, and exceeded 175 by November 2.
The Syrian refugee encampment at Rukban is inside Jordanian territory a
kilometer south of the Syrian border, just north of the large earthen berm
that runs parallel to the border. By mutual agreement, the Syrians and
Jordanians erected berms on their territory an equal distance from this
section of the border, creating a demilitarized border zone, with half in
each country.
Satellite images recorded on the morning of November 2
clearly showed these tents concentrated on the northern side, inside Jordan.
Several hundred people were standing on the northern side of the berm,
possibly waiting for water from two large tankers parked on the other side,
and several hundred other people were standing among the tents.
Several aid workers, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed that
despite limiting entry into Jordan, Jordanian border guards took in at least
900 Syrians at the Rukban crossing mid-October. Only 344 of this group
arrived at the registration center, the humanitarian workers said,
indicating that the rest had most likely been forcibly returned to southern
Syria. Such returns amount to refoulement.
On December 11, Jordan
cleared the border of all Syrians, taking them to Raba Sarhan, but several
of the aid workers said that a majority of the Syrians were immediately
returned to Syria. The informal border crossings in eastern Jordan remained
largely open from December 11 until late March, when authorities again
partially closed them.
Maher described conditions on the border in late September:
The car dropped us off far from the [border] embankment, around two
kilometers, and we went on foot until we arrived. There were a group of
empty tents and we sat in one of the tents hoping to enter Jordan … We
stayed there hoping to enter day after day; meanwhile we were suffering from
biting cold at night and dust and high temperatures during the day until we
arrived to the tenth day in this state in a desert area … people were
increasingly coming to the place and there were no longer enough tents and
anyone who newly arrived had nothing before him now except to sit out in the
open amid great suffering. An aid worker who interviewed three Syrians
separately who had arrived at the Azraq camp in late November said that one
told him she waited at the eastern border between 20 and 35 days before
being permitted to enter Jordan properly. He said another Syrian woman told
him that of the 60 people in the group with whom she crossed the border,
only 9, including her and her relatives, were allowed to go to the Azraq
camp. He said she told him that the Jordanian authorities only permitted the
most vulnerable cases to enter, but returned the majority, including women
and children, to Syria from Raba Sarhan after taking them from the border
area. He said that one of the women told him that she saw sick people, some
of whom appeared to be dying, while waiting at the berm.
One 56-year
old Syrian man in southern Syria told Human Rights Watch by phone that he
had waited 14 days in December to cross into Jordan at the berm, but that
Jordanian authorities had immediately returned him to Syria from Raba Sarhan
with no explanation. He said that he had been a registered Syrian asylum
seeker in Jordan until mid-2014, but returned to Syria to bury his son after
receiving word that he had been killed.
War-Wounded Syrians Seeking
Treatment in Jordan In 2012, the Government of Jordan, international
organizations, and groups affiliated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA), an
armed group fighting the Syrian government, established a medical evacuation
process to allow war-wounded people – both combatants and civilians – from
Syria to seek emergency medical treatment in Jordan. This process, in
coordination with international aid organizations and Syrian medical
workers, has facilitated treatment for thousands of wounded Syrians in
After Jordanian authorities closed the informal crossings
near Daraa in the west to virtually all Syrians in 2013 it continued to
allow emergency medical cases to enter from Tel Shihab. The aid workers and
Syrian medical workers in Jordan, however, told Human Rights Watch that in
mid-2014 Jordan began limiting entries of war -wounded at Tel Shehab by
imposing a more rigorous check and enforcing a requirement that every
wounded person have a valid ID card regardless of the severity of their
This requirement complicated entry for many severely wounded
Syrians, particularly children under 12, who do not carry individual ID
cards, or Syrians whose documents had been destroyed as a result of the
violence. All Syrians living in opposition-controlled areas face
difficulties crossing into government-controlled areas to renew official
documents. The workers also said that Jordanian authorities did not allow
relatives of severely injured minors to accompany them into Jordan.
The workers said Jordan permitted about 140 war-wounded to enter in March
2014, but by March 2015 the entries had fallen to about 60 a month, though
the conflict in southern Syria has intensified.
In December,
Jordanian authorities
deported nine Syrian medical workers, without giving them any reason, in
breach of Jordan’s non-refoulement obligations. The nine had been
coordinating with Jordanian authorities, aid groups, and informal medical
networks inside Syria to transport war wounded Syrians across the border and
find them treatment in Jordan.
Palestinians from Syria
In addition to the recent limitations on entry to Syrians, since 2012
Jordan has
blocked all Palestinians from Syria from entering the country and
authorities seek to detain and deport all Palestinians from Syria who enter
at unofficial or official border crossings using forged Syrian identity
documents, or those who enter illegally via smuggling networks. Jordan does
in principle allow Palestinians from Syria who hold Jordanian citizenship to
enter the country but, even for this category of Palestinians, Jordanian
authorities have denied entry to those with expired Jordanian documents and
in some cases have arbitrarily stripped them of their citizenship and
forcibly returned them to Syria, in violation of Jordan’s non-refoulement
(Note on methodology: This report is based on interviews
Human Rights Watch researchers conducted between October 2014 and May 2015
with six Syrians who entered Jordan via the eastern informal crossing points
and more than 10 international humanitarian workers who work with Syrian
refugees in Jordan. In all cases, Human Rights Watch researchers explained
the purpose of the interviews and gave assurances of anonymity where
requested. None of the interviewees received monetary or other incentives
for speaking with Human Rights Watch. We also received interviewees’ consent
to describe their experiences and informed them that they could terminate
the interview at any point. All interviews were in Arabic or English.
Individual names have been changed and other identifying details removed to
protect their identity and security.)
For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Jordan, please visit:
For more
information, please contact: In Beirut, Nadim Houry (Arabic, French,
English): +961-3-639-244 (mobile); or Follow on Twitter @nadimhoury In Washington DC, Bill
Frelick (English): +1-240-593-1747; or Follow on Twitter @BillFrelick
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