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Pakistan and India:
Looking Beyond the Obvious Horizon to
By Mahboob A Khawaja
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, March 3, 2014

If there are any two nations with enriched common interests overriding
the gruesome perpetuated animosity cluster that is Pakistan and India - the
outgrowth of British imperialism? What went wrong with these poverty
stricken emerging nations that they could not cleansed glued hatred of the
past and fear of the unknown future? The problem rests with breaking
the past and opening up new avenues for creative manifestation and
encouraging people of new and educated generations on both sides to assume
leadership with new imagination and vision for a conducive and sustainable
future. India by virtue of its ancient history had the political capacity to
enhance its progressive image under stable leadership of Mr. Jawahar Lal
Nehru and the Congress Party. Pakistanis were not fortunate to have the
continuity after Jinnah’s death and subsequently, conspired killing of its
first Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan. This overshadowed the continuity of
political movement for change and development of the new nation. For over
half of a century, the egoistic political monsters manufacturing Pakistan’s
junk history have articulated a favorite perversion discarding the
originality of progressive nationalism to instill an underdeveloped sense of
purpose to the succeeding generations of Pakistanis. They are boxed-in to
face the problems which are not of their own origin except the outcomes of
naïve and corrupt political culture of the few. The net outcome of such a
scheme of things continues to emerge in shape of individualistic absolutism
as the powerhouse to conduct on-going disdained moral, social, political and
intellectual cultural paralysis across the mainstream of Pakistani nation.
The people who willfully undermined the progressive interests and
aspirations for change and development were the few Generals and complacent
feudal lords of the neo-colonial age to misguide and betray the futuristic
interests of the nation. The doctrine of newly emerged nationalism was not a
transitory credence but a sacred flourishing symbol of norm for
future-making – a progressive democratic nation of Pakistan to encompass a
brilliant future with new public institutions to serve the people, new
proactive political imagination and new educated visionary leaders for the
majority of the Muslims in the sub-continent. National freedom was not
just claimed by the Muslim League under Mohammad Ali Jinnah- Qauid-e-Azam,
but earned with passion and commitment to ensure sanctity of human rights
and obligations to protect the citizenry from manipulation and mismanagement
and equality before law to all people wanting to be part of Pakistan. The
tragic disconnect with the movement of Pakistan’s national freedom
lingers-on to this day as none of the political rulers could ever face the
reality check and ultimate accountability as to how they have dismantled the
fabric of a progressive democratic nation by political conspiracies,
backdoor intrigues and criminal political enterprises to enforce personal
agendas and darkened the future of the nation. The
contemporary history identifies them as “hangmen” of the Pakistani new
generations aspiring for change and development to evolve a sustainable
future. Most were political gangsters with no sense of moral, intellectual
and political enlightenment for making the progressive nation. The
indoctrination of collective sense of values giving birth to Pakistan’s
national independence from the yoke of British imperialism itself gained
logical recognition across the globe in 1947. But those who chased the
narrow self-geared follies to enter political powerhouses hardly knew what
made Pakistan a reality out of the unthinkable regional and international
affairs at a critical moment in modern history - the changing metaphor of
historical developments shortly after the end of the WW2. British
colonialism was ending on its own and the end of the WW2 embolden it to end
its more than century old occupation and exploitation removing sense of
political accountability and hurriedly agreeing to partition of the Indian
sub-continent without taking appropriate security measures to ensure
transfer of political power in peace and harmony. This was not
unusual but reflects a historical pattern how foreigners come to rule when
faced with formidable challenges; leave the occupied nations in ruins and
unending bloodbaths for generations to come. Those who had little
knowledge and intellectual foresight used the same strategy of animosity to
conduct relations between the newly emerging dominions of India and Pakistan
within the scope of the British Commonwealth of Nations. How much time,
resources and opportunities were lost in this fluid struggle for survival of
the fittest? Take a moment and reflect on how many leaders of besieged
mentality have ignored the enlightened interests of the people of the India
and Pakistan for reconciliation and rapprochement to articulate harmonious
and friendly future-making geography as linkage and history to follow for
change and good neighborly relations. People of the new and educated
generation on both sides do possess individual conscience as a powerful
weapon to be forward looking but lack force for political maneuverability
and capacity to influence the political governance. Pakistan and India
both appear to be victims of their own weaknesses and strengths and continue
to operate from a position of domestic policy agenda, not necessarily
impacting the future-making in any rational sense of political
manifestation. While both have manufactured nuclear arsenals and gained
nuclear power status to ensure mutual destruction, the need is of utmost
importance to rethink and redraw the strategic priorities to envisage
preference for peacemaking and conflict resolution, and not a
confrontational strategy in dealing with the future. Pakistan
ushers its own weaknesses, both in strategic domains and political and
intellectual leadership to maintain a rational perspective in its outlook
for relations on equal terms with India. There appears to be a deep
suspicion of mistrust and frightening trend what if there is another war
between the two rivals and nuclear options is used to manage political
madness and cruelty to the larger interests of the people of the
sub-continent? One wonders, if intelligent policy makers and politicians
ever consider people’s interest as the supreme value in global
relationships? While India had progressed enormously in developing public
institutions, educational development, self-sustenance in commerce, trade
and military-industrial growth and advancements, and all without any
military coup or intervention, Pakistan is plagued with its own political
gangsterism, jumping from one casual allusion to another political
blunder under continuous military dictatorships incapacitating its political
ideology and strength for change and goodness of the common people.
Across the global horizon of relationships between the two nations,
animosity syndrome has darkened the obvious confrontational image of both
societies to the point of becoming hotbeds for external impulse, weapons
trades and rivalries to degenerate the ancient ethics and values of the
nations. Such sadistic and incorporated trends serve as a device – a mental
microscope for lack of proactive imagination for the future and to overwhelm
a sense of unreality that people of reason could make the difference on both
sides of the political spectrums. No wonder for more than six decades how
political tensions, communal violence and unwanted upheaval of wars have
drained out positive thinking, proactive energies and commitment to change
and good neighborly relationships between India and Pakistan. Both countries
seem to enjoin self-subsisting instinctual human disposition of mistrust and
disdained outlook that embodies the impediment to normalization of friendly
relations. What needs to be done to break the historical impasse?
Foremost, to realize the NEED for change - from hostility to
understanding being different in psyche, moral and cultural values and
tolerance for difference in perspectives and forward looking aims of
normalization and optimism to make it happen. Often different impulse is a
source of healthy force to balance the competing challenges. Be it the war
in Afghanistan or the Middle East or international affairs of the
industrialized West, India and Pakistan will not be speaking the same
language of political unanimity of their respective interests and standing
in global affairs. The essence of normalization of relations requires
open-mindedness and new rational stance - away from the tragic and violent
history to imagine a new beginning for the best interests of the people,
entrepreneurship and creativity of the new innovative generation of educated
people to bridge the gaps and courageous initiatives by people of new ideas
to solve problems which obsessed the two nations to make wars and not peace.
If India allows the people of Jammu and Kashmir to utilize their right of
self –determination and to decide their own future, it will boost its
stability and image as a democratic nation. Whether the people of Jammu and
Kashmir join India or Pakistan or come up with their own solution, it should
be their choice, not the continued occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.
Egoistic Pakistani politicians have used the Kashmir issue to mislead the
nation without having the capacity to deal with India. In truth, for more
than forty years, all Pakistani rulers were the wrong people with wrong
thinking and doing the wrong things against the national interests. They
manufactured a self-centered culture of naïve thinking, complete disconnect
with the prevalent realities of the world and imposed moral and intellectual
curse over the nation. This political curse continued under Bhuttos,
Yahya Khan, Zardari, Sharif and Musharaf to make Pakistan vulnerable to
disastrous social upheavals, loss of trade and commerce, unpaid IMF foreign
debts and incapacitated political governance. To undo the scandalous curse,
Pakistan needs people of new age, educated and intelligent to inspire the
masses for change and new political visions for global harmony and peaceful
relations. When natural disasters, wars and political misfortunes
hit one or another they find readily and conveniently available blame games
to undermine the prospects for improved relationships. Often cricket is used
to bridge the widening political gaps in returning to what is most
entertaining between the two nations. Once poet and philosopher
Schiller observed: “Hunger and love are what moves the world.”
India and Pakistan both share common miseries of hunger, stricken natural
disasters, flooding and starvation but both hubs of the thinking people have
inborn love of humanity and must aspire to move beyond the animosity and
hostility syndromes and naïve imagination of survival of the fittest, onward
to an enlightened outlook for problem solving, friendly relations, free
trade, free movement of people, goods and services to the deprived masses
and to facilitate plausible future-making as an optimistic attainable aim.
(Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace
and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative
cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the
latest: Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of
New Thinking. Lambert Publishing Germany, May 2012)