Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding
Opinion Editorials, December 2014
December 8, 2014
The Unholy City of Jerusalem and Netanyahu Propaganda Machine By Uri Avnery Israel Acknowledges its True Nature as a Theocracy Guided by Jewish Racial Supremacist Ideology By Gilad Atzmon Imminent All-Out War in Ukraine: NATO's Final-Solution Offensive By James Petras The Nightmare We Called the “Arab Spring” By Nureddin Sabir The Politics of the UAE "Terrorist List" By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
The “Days of Science Festival” in Palestine: Help Ending Israeli Apartheid Regime By Mazin Qumsiyeh Talk of a Third Palestinian Uprising (Intifada) Against the Israeli Occupation Regime By Ramzy Baroud PFLP Soul-Searching: The Rise and Fall of Palestine's Socialists By Ramzy Baroud China Strengthening Claim To South China Sea Oil And Gas By Colin Chilcoat Lawsuit Against US Department of Defense to Release Report About Israel Nuclear Weapons By Grant Smith and IRmep Max Blumenthal and the Pathology of Racist, Aggressive, and Supremacist Jewish Zionism By Gilad Atzmon Arab Americans: Confident and Proud of their Heritage But Concerned About American Politics By James Zogby Publicly-Owned Bank of North Dakota Outperforms Wall Street By Ellen Brown FBI Tracks Israeli Spy Itzhak Vardi, IRemp Archives Lessons Learned from Ferguson Protests: Self-Governance the Only Basis for Dignified Communal Identity By Ben Tanosborn
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