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Rand Paul Drone Hypocrisy: It's OK to Kill
Muslim Civilians Abroad!
By Paul Balles
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, March 23, 2013
THE HIVES ARE ALL ABUZZ The drones have roused the hive; and
Junior Republican Senator Rand Paul has the bees swarming. Excuse
the analogy. Until Paul decided to filibuster the Senate on the
nomination of John Brennan as CIA director, both the polity and the
mainstream media were paying little attention to the U.S. government's use
of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), better known as drones. An
occasional column on the use of drones for president-ordered
assassinations appeared in the press.
Rand Paul buzzed onto the scene with fears that the Obama administration
might order drones into action against U.S. citizens in America.
Paul had obviously been following some of the paranoid Libertarians,
anxiously following the proposals for limiting gun ownership. They
had interpreted this as a move to make American citizens helpless against
a U.S. government attack. For Rand Paul, filibustering the Senate
for 13 hours, the issue couldn't be clearer, and he demanded an answer to
a question put to the Attorney General about the vulnerability of citizens
inside the U.S. The next day or two were all abuzz with bees
swarming throughout the major TV networks and newspapers. When the
Washington Post reported that Paul "held the Senate hostage Wednesday in
order to warn that American citizens could be targeted by drone strikes on
U.S. soil, he was rightly taken to task for gross and irresponsible
mischaracterizations of the Obama administration's policy."
Reported by David Corn of Mother Jones, "Paul's rant targeted a
nonexistent dispute: whether or not Obama administration officials
believed they could use drones (or other weapons) to kill American
citizens within the borders of the United States without due process."
In an article on drones, author/editor of Blaze, Christopher
Santarelli, concludes that "the advancement of drone technology will
undoubtedly change law enforcement tactics forever." On ‘Real
News‘ a panel discussed how "the use of drones in law enforcement could
open a can of worms in our legal system, and how the country may try to
handle the delicate balance between civil liberties and security as this
new tool becomes readily available." Clearly, the reason why drone
technology has been low-keyed in the press and media rests with the fact
that it has been used for military objectives. Numerous writers
have commented that "Military commanders use tactics and strategy in
combat to inflict as much damage on the enemy while trying to risk as few
personnel and resources as possible.” From October 2012 until
March of this year, the U.S. Air Force kept and published statistics on
the use of drones in Afghanistan. One commentator on Fox News said
he couldn't figure out why people didn't “freak out” when they heard about
the assassination of an American in Yemen. The New America
Foundation reported on the statistics of drone strikes in Pakistan and
Yemen from 2004 to 2013. The total killed ranged between 2,424 to 3,967,
of which 276-368 were civilians. With the successful nomination of
John Brennan to head the CIA, drone killings could increase.
Referring to John Brennan as a “serial killer”, syndicated columnist
Stephen Lendman has predicted “Expect drone wars to continue. They’ll
expand worldwide. So will targeted assassinations.... Counter terrorism
takes no prisoners. State-sponsored terror [is] in good hands with John
Brennan. Obama authorized him to kill.”
What makes the lives of women and children and male non-militants outside
of America less worthy of our concern about drone killing?
Some day, when Americans realize that worldwide drone killings deserve no
less scorn than murdering Americans, it will be too late to save innocent
lives and to prosecute the imperial criminals.