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Next ... Liberating the American People from the
By Gilad Atmon
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, January 31, 2011
In his latest Newsweek article
Stephen Kinzer wonders who America is betting on to counter the
popular rising forces in the Middle East : “The same friends it has
been betting on for decades” he answers. “Mubarak’s pharaonic
regime in Egypt, Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority, the Saudi
monarchy, and increasingly radical politicians in Israel. It is no wonder
that Iran’s power is rising as the American-imposed order begins to
crumble,” he concludes. Kinzer explains America's stance
succinctly and accurately : “The U.S. keeps Mubarak in power - it gave his
regime $1.5 billion in aid last year -mainly because he supports America’s
pro-Israel policies, especially by helping Israel maintain its
stranglehold on Gaza. It supports Abbas for the same reason; Abbas is seen
as willing to compromise with Israel and is, therefore, a desirable
negotiating partner….. American support for Mubarak and Abbas continues,
although neither man is in power with any figment of legality; Mubarak
brazenly stage-manages elections, and Abbas has ruled by decree since his
term of office expired in 2009.” In the light of Kinzer's
statement, the following questions surely need answering -- Why does
America support those regimes, whose leaders' dictates, ideologies and
methods of ruling are totally and openly incongruous with America’s
alleged value system? And If America is genuinely concerned with the
so-called ‘rise of Islam’, why then, did it eradicate Saddam Hussein’s
distinctly secular regime? And if America is, as it claims, enthusiastic
about encouraging 'non radicalised' secular Arabs, why is it
constantly seeking conflict with Bashir Asad, leader of another secular
stronghold? And If America does indeed champion democracy, why does it
support the Saudi regime, Mubarak and Abbas? Why does it not seek
friendship with the democratically elected Hamas? In short
American policy seems to be a total mess -- unless one is willing to
openly admit that there is a clear coherent thread running through
American foreign policy : it simply serves Israel’s interests.
For decades American foreign policy has been dictated by Zionist
forces within their administration. For decades, America has been
exhausting its resources to chase the enemies of the Jewish state. It even
sends its young boys and girls to fight and die in Zionist wars. The
second Iraq War was obviously such a war. It is becoming clear that
America’s decision makers have sacrificed the interests of the American
people. We learned yesterday that the Jewish Lobby in America
slammed Republican Senator and Tea Party representative Rand Paul for
suggesting that the “United States should halt all foreign aid
including its financial aid to Israel”. Even the alleged ‘peace
seeking’ J Street was quick to attack the patriotic senator. And clearly
they didn’t mince their words : “Senator Paul’s proposal would undermine
the decades-long bipartisan consensus on U.S. support for Israel. Any
erosion of support should concern Israel’s friends on both sides of the
political aisle, and we call in particular on leaders and donors in
Senator Paul’s party to repudiate his comments and ensure that American
leadership around the world is not threatened by this irresponsible
proposal," the statement issued by J Street read. National Jewish
Democratic Council (NJDC) President and CEO David Harris repeated the same
line of thought saying that “Paul's suggestion is negligent, shortsighted,
and just plain wrong….Senator Paul's statement is yet another illustration
of how the Republican Party continues to grow increasingly out of touch
with the values of the vast majority of the American Jewish community."
But NJDC's spokesman David Harris must have failed to grasp that the
patriotic senator Paul is actually concerned with the interest of America,
rather than the tribally orientated ‘values of the vast majority of the
American Jews’, because Senator Rand Paul obviously points at a clear
conflict between American interests and the foreign interests promoted by
the Jewish lobby. In his Newsweek article, Kinzer astutely points
out that America needs “new approaches and new partners. Listening more
closely to Turkey, the closest U.S. ally in the Muslim Middle East, would
be a good start. A wise second step would be a reversal of policy toward
Iran, from confrontation to a genuine search for compromise.” But,
It is clear beyond doubt here that America will not be able to integrate
Kinzer's very reasonable suggestions into its foreign policy unless it
first liberates itself from the grip of the Jewish Lobby. And It has been
proven that it is not easy for our greed-driven politicians to emancipate
themselves voluntarily from the Lobby. As we read above, the ‘liberal’ J
Street group have called upon donors to cut off the very life supply of
Senator Rand Paul. And The Jewish Lobby in America would do the same to
every American politician who dared to break the links. However,
in the wake of the current financial turmoil, I am convinced that more and
more Americans are beginning to identify the root cause at the bottom of
their flawed foreign policy. By the time this happens, America may
well be liberated. And here is my musical take on the subject.
Liberating the American People (2006).
Gilad Atzmon: Liberating the American People