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Media in Scotland
I found your article on the Media very interesting.
GROUPTHINK: The Disastrous Power Elite
Tunnel Vision, to Which a Population Is
Indoctrinated ). Here
in Scotland, a country under the occupation of its powerful
neighbour England for the last 304 years is subjected to a
media indoctrination at the hands of
the BBC. There is large support for independence in Scotland
however the BBC goes out of its way not to report the truth about
politics and the Scottish economy. The best way i can
explain what i mean is posting the bellow links to one of the few
sites that tries to print the truth. I feel international
exposure of the BBC tactics in Scotland would go along way to
helping the cause for Scottish independence. Then we
would be able to bring our troops home from the illegal wars of the
British and US Governments. Links
These are just two of the articles which display what is
going on in Scotland. Colin Laing
Aberfeldy Perthshire, Scotland
Welcome Back, Helen Thomas
Letter to the Editor
Falls Church News-Press Online
I am very pleased that you have placed Helen Thomas on your
newspaper. It was a brave and wonderful move in the right direction.
To stop Helen, would make this a country into a country with the
loss of Freedom of Speech. Many professionals speaking out correctly
on Israel have lost their jobs.
As to the pro-Israeli people who write in with a biased attempt
to make Israel look good, and Helen, a long term professional
journalist, "bad," many are misguided or wrong about historical
The Palestinians have been in Palestine for eons, just as the
Jews have been. Further, they got along.
When Israel was set up as a state, it was within territories that
belonged to Palestinian Arabs for centuries. Israel fought for even
more, and took more land. Many Arabs still have their deeds and the
keys to their former homes, though they cannot have their homes
back, yet anyone Jewish can live in these stolen homes and
Israel has sophisticated war equipment sent to it by the United
States which it uses against its neighbors. And we send three
billion plus each year of American money to Israel. But this is only
furthering the evil attacks that Israel commits against innocent
women and children. Since the start of this state, there has been no
peace. Israel commits war crimes each and every day against the
Palestinian people, and further, she constantly gets away with going
against international law.
The United States only makes feeble attempts to create peace in
the Middle East, while Israel creates her own reality, and it is not
to make peace with her neighbors.
Helen Thomas is a professional, a journalist, and has served many
Presidents faithfully. She is well acquainted with the truth about
the Middle East. And that is why she spoke out. Each of us knows
personally Palestinians who were ousted from their homes overnight.
Carol Rae Bradford
The Bankruptcy of Canadian Zionists and Their
I read this article written by Mr. Hanna Kawas.
I want to add one more thing that those
people defending Israel may be from this category which is mentioned
in the Guardian on November 28th, 2010 to recruit advocates for
Israel in European countries.
I wonder those advocates here in Canada
are the same category.
Following is the article:
Fouad Saymeh
Establishment news media bears the primary
responsibility for Islamophobia
Establishment news media bears the primary
responsibility for Islamophobia. Had they been doing there job,
Americans would not be so easily manipulated.
Whether it is the war in Iraq or Afghanistan,
the ravages caused by US covert actions, or the tragic events of
September 11, 2001, establishment news media has failed to give us
timely, truthful and balanced accounts.
Take 9/11 -- arguably the biggest driver of
Islamophobia, how many Americans know that
engineers, architects, military and intelligence personnel,
scientists, pilots, and professors do not believe the official
account of 9/11? This opposition to the official account is
Yet establishment news media have failed to
report this, and to inquire why the official account is so
discredited in both the US and overseas. Of course, others --
particularly Muslim leaders, are not blameless. If you're interested
in getting to the truth about 9/11, I suggest beginning with
account of what happened at the Pentagon.
Another attempt to increase Islamophobia in the
Long Island Muslims fear their congressman's hearings could flame
Enver Masud
Founder, The Wisdom Fund
Apartheid in the Israeli Education System
South Africa established
separate education systems for Blacks, Whites and Coloreds.
Non-white education systems were seriously
underfunded. 1984 per capita spending on white children was 1,654
SAR, black children 234 SAR.
Israel has established separate Hebrew and Arab
education systems. A 2005 study showed that within Israel, Jewish
students receive 4,935 Israeli Shekels per year in education funding
while Arab students receive 862.

Sent By Khaled Mouammar
Arte TV interview with Gilad Atzmon ahead of OHE's European Tour
in March Talking about Israel, Nazism, comparisons, German guilt
and multiculturalism.. These issues are hardly discussed openly in
Germany... To watch
Melanie Philips: “Israeli Hasbara is a joke”
It is almost amusing to hear Philips dismissing Hasbara (Israeli
propaganda) in Britain. It is also very cheering to learn from rabid Zionist
Philips that in spite of the Israeli Lobby, David Aaronovitch, Nick Cohen
and herself, the Palestinians are winning the hearts and minds of British
public. I guess that it is about time Philips gathers the fact that humanism
may win after all. To watch
Gilad Atzmon
Richard Forer on Voice of Palestine, Canada Voice of Palestine will be
interviewing Richard Forer Tuesday evening Jan. 25, 2011 between
8:00-9:00 pm (PST). We will talk with Richard about the Albuquerque-based
Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel and his trip to Israel and Palestine
this past summer. He is a former AIPAC member who "was completely
transformed as a result of a spiritual awakening in the summer of 2006", and
has just put out a new book Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion
- A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Voice of Palestine broadcasts
weekly on Vancouver Cooperative Radio (CFRO) 102.7 FM, Vancouver, Canada.
The show has been on the air since Sept. 1, 1987 and broadcasts for one hour
every Tuesday night from 8 to 9 pm PST (Wed. morning from 6:00-7:00 am
Palestine time). People outside of Vancouver can listen to the show live on
the Internet
For people who wish to receive announcements from our show, please join:
Voice of Palestine ÕæÊ ÝáÓØíä facebook group at:
We Remember
The Arab world “would ‘remember’ Lester B. Pearson and Justice Rand … who
… did their utmost to impose upon Arabs the infamous partition scheme.”
M.S. Massoud, president of the Canadian Arab Friendship League, for more
More videos:
1. Take it from the Horse's Mouth (video) Read the quotes of some
Israeli genocidal leaders
2. The Siege (video) Learn about the siege in Gaza
3. 1933 - Zionists sign a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement (video)
Some facts about Zionist collaboration with the Nazis
4. Gilad Atzmon: Valley of the Wolves (+2 videos)
Valley of the Wolves: Palestine is a new Turkish movie portraying the
Mavi Marmara massacre as a premeditated Israeli attack that was set to kill
innocent peace activists.
An uproar has erupted in Germany in the last few days over the upcoming
launching of the film. The film's intended release date in Germany is
January 27, the same day as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Apparently the German distributor of the film confirmed that the company
had been unaware of the sensitivity of the date. However, I actually
think that linking between the events is not such a bad idea. If the
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is there to remind us of crimes
committed by a racist ethno-centric regime in the past, the Turkish film is
there to awaken us to the colossal crimes that are committed by a racist
ethno-centric regime in the present. If Germans are genuinely
interested in the Nazi past, they better look closely at Israeli current
Click to read more ...
5. 365 AM DOCUMENTARY --GAZA (must watch video)
Two young journalists found themselves in the middle of what would be
their biggest story yet, but what happened would change their lives forever.
365 AM is the raw story of Gaza and two journalists trying to reach the
rest of the world from inside one of the most deeply divided and silenced
places on the globe.
Objective of the film
1- we seek to show and educate the Western audience about a different
narrative than the one they are used to seeing about the people in Gaza.
2- we intend on entering this film into many film festivals around the
3- we will create a website that will empower people to take action
giving them a set of practical steps that they can take to help the people
of Gaza.
4- we hope to do a speaking tour around the world with Ayman Mohyeldin
and Sherine Tadros targeting the Universities, and other educational and
prominent institutions to shed light on what happend in Gaza.
6. Settlers attack Peace Seeking Rabbi (video)