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The Rabbis of the Devil in the Zionist State
By Khalid Amayreh
Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, January 25,
Graffiti by extremist Jewish
settlers in Hebron reads: “Gas the Arabs .. JDL” |
Imagine, just imagine, the outcry that would follow an imagined call
by a European Muslim or Christian religious leader suggesting sending
hundreds of thousands of Jews to concentration camps. The Sheikh or
priest or bishop would be lambasted beyond imagination, and his
denomination or church would immediately distance itself from
his foolish remarks. Political authorities would also declare that
Nazi-minded Sheikh or bishop has no place in modern Europe and that
governments would nip the hateful and racist elements in the bud. In short,
he would be looked upon as a pariah, to say the very least. He even
might be forced to commit suicide under public pressure. As to
Jewish circles, their protests would be clarion and omnipresent. But
how would things look like if such a call took place in Israel and was made
by a popular rabbi, with hundreds of thousands of followers?
According to a weekly Hebrew magazine, several rabbis, including the rabbi
of Safad, Shmuel Eliyahu, recently proposed the establishment of
death camps for the Palestinians. The magazine indicated that the
creation of these camps would be the duty of all devout Jews. The
Yedeot Ahronot's YNet on Saturday, 15 January quoted the rabbis as
stating that the Torah requires Jews to wipe out any trace of the so-called
Amalek in Palestine . Many religious Jews refer to their perceived or real
enemies as Amalek. The YNet quoted Jewish intellectual Audi Aloni
as saying that calls for the extermination of Palestinians are openly made
in the synagogues as the genocidal idea has become a practical option.
"No one objected to Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, chief rabbi of Safad and Rabbi
Shlomo Aviner, Chief Rabbi of Beit El, who undersigned the advisory opinion,
which suggested approval for their opinion." I realize that these
evil men don't represent Jews everywhere, nor do they even represent the
entire rabbinic community. There are many esteemed rabbis who reject
outright the satanic mindset permeating through the landscape of the sick
minds of people like Elyahu, his cohorts and evil colleagues.
The Torah, after all, was supposed to be a light upon humanity. But
when it becomes, thanks to those rabbis of Satan, a tool for genocide, there
is obviously a huge catch-22 hanging over Judaism's conscience.
Again, the fact that these nefarious rabbis don't represent the entirety of
Judaism is no guarantee that their damage will be limited. A fool man's fire
could frustrate a thousand wise men who wouldn't know how to put it off.
Isn't this the way the holocaust started? It didn't start with
concentration camps, or even with Kristalnacht. Such death camps as
Auschwitz , Treblinka, Mauthauzen and Bergen Belsen became only known much
later. The purpose of this small piece is not to vilify or demonize
Jews. Nor am I particularly enthusiastic about hurling Nazi epithets at
Jews. However, nothing should be further from truth. The call for
sending millions of Palestinians to concentration camps means that a
sizeable segment of the Israeli Jewish society is capable, at least
mentally, of embarking on the unthinkable. It means that a real Jewish
holocaust against the Palestinian people is not outside the realm of
imagination. This matter is well known, even known too well for us
who live in this part of the world. After all, Israel demonstrated two years
ago, during its Nazi-like onslaught on the Gaza Strip, that it could do the
unthinkable. And that was not the first time Israel behaved
manifestly nefariously. In 2006, during the Israeli aggression on Lebanon ,
the Israeli air force dropped more than 2,000,000 cluster bomblets on South
Lebanon civilian areas, arguably enough to kill or maim at least 2
million Lebanese children. The scant media coverage of the latest
diabolic statements by the rabbis of evil in no way lessens their gravity
and seriousness. After all, these are not marginal or isolated figures in
society. In fact, paying not sufficient attention to this
phenomenon is tantamount to encouraging it. If Germans and others had not
kept silence in the late 1920s and early 1930s, many things wouldn't have
occurred. I would want to be cautious drawing historical analogy
between every thing happening in Israel today and everything that happened
in Europe several decades ago. However, there are certain parallels
that shouldn't escape our attention, and the latest outrageous statements by
these diabolical rabbis are one of them. Let no one say that words
are innocuous and can't kill; nay, words can kill and do kill. A few years
ago, a Jewish immigrant from France decapitated a Palestinian cabby from
East Jerusalem after the taxi-driver gave the killer a ride to his home
north of Tel Aviv. And when the murderer was eventually arrested and
interrogated by the police, he said he heard his neighborhood synagogue
rabbi say that the lives of non-Jews had no sanctity. More to the
point, it is abundantly clear that thousands of Israeli soldiers would
rather heed and obey their respective rabbis' homilies than their army
superiors' instructions when it comes to treating Palestinians. This fact
was revealed during the Israeli onslaught on Gaza two years ago when Israeli
soldiers knowingly and deliberately murdered innocent civilians, including
children, by the hundreds. But this is not the time for
demonization; it is rather the time for action. Jewish leaders of all
orientations should speak up as strongly as possible against those who are
besmirching the good name of their religion. The likes of Shmuel
Eliyahu must be told that there is no place in Judaism for those who
advocate genocide for non-Jews. In the final analysis, when Jews or anybody
else think or behave or act like the Nazis acted, they simply become Nazis
themselves. Finally, Jews shouldn't keep silent in the face of these
abominations just because the media and public opinion in the West are more
or less keeping silent. Well, since when a moral stance was decided by other
people's apathy or silence? In fact, the immoral silence of much
of the west toward what is happening in Israel these days is bad and
dangerous for Jews and their future. Anything that causes moral
desensitization to occur is definitely bad. This is to put it
extremely mildly.