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Zionist Spin Doctors Upset by World Growing Awareness of the Israeli-Egyptian Blockade of Gaza

By Khalid Amayreh, January 17, 2009


As far as I know, no other people under the sun is being targeted for annihilation. True, there are civil wars in several spots in the world. However, neither the Somalis nor the Darfurians are being threatened with a holocaust. I don’t know of religious leaders in any country other than Israel routinely issuing edicts permitting the mass extermination of men, women and children “and not leaving a breathing thing alive” as many Jewish rabbis have been doing.


Why Not Somalia? Why Not Darfur? Why Not Mars?

Zionist spin doctors are  visibly upset by growing world awareness about the manifestly cruel  Israeli-Egyptian  blockade of the Gaza Strip.

These malicious  propagandists, hell-bent as they are on diverting attention from the slow-motion genocide being meted out to the helpless people of Gaza, are asking “why not Somalia? Why not Darfur?  They think that Israeli-made Gaza tragedy shouldn’t deserve all this attention and that the thoroughly tormented Gazans should suffer, starve and die as silently and as quietly as possible.

Well, to begin with, it is  highly unlikely that such questions are motivated by good will or any  real desire to see real problems in Somalia and Darfur and other parts of the world rectified.

 What is nearly certain, given consistent Israeli and Zionist behavior,  is that such questions are meant first and foremost to distract attention from the shameless genocidal  crimes against humanity which the children, grand-children and great grandchildren of the holocaust have been  committing against the people of Palestine.

It is rather  a repulsive,  diversionary  red-herring tactic used by the murderous thugs of Zionism to distract attention from  the real Israeli Jewish  holocaust against the Palestinian people.

Hence, there is not even an iota of doubt that would make people, especially those  who value their conscience,  think that the Israelis are really concerned about the suffering of people else where.

It is actually inconceivable that the hearts of Israeli child-killers are bleeding over the civil wars in Africa. Their real aim is to isolate the Palestinians,   weaken world sympathy with them, and  force them to die or get killed as quietly as possible. This is how the SS  behaved  at Ghetto Warsaw 67 years ago. This is what  the Judeo-Nazis of today are doing. It is the same, just like tweedeldee and tweedeldum.

Having said that, it is increasingly obvious that the enduring plight of the Palestinian people is the most volatile and destabilizing issue in the world today since it has the  potentials of disrupting world order. It is the root-cause of instability and violence in much of the world. Its symptoms and side effects have global and instant repercussions.

Indeed, events that occurred thousands of miles away from occupied Palestine, such as 9/11 events in the US, the Bali bombing in Indonesia, the terror bombings in both London and Madrid a few years ago  and the American invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan had their roots in the American and western embrace of Jewish Nazism in Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from their ancestral homeland.

Similarly, one exaggerates very little by saying that most of the chronic political problems in the Arab world, e.g. the American and western embrace of  Arab dictatorships, and the unrelenting  suppression of the forces of freedom and democracy, are directly or indirectly linked to the situation in Palestine.

The current standoff over the issue of Iran’s nuclear program is very much related to the Palestinian problem. Iranian leader Ahmadinejad wouldn’t have called for the dismantlement of the Zionist infrastructure of Israel had it not been for the outrageous persecution and brutal savagery meted out to the indigenous Palestinian people by foreign Jewish invaders.

Moreover, the US, which itself is in the grip  of Jewish  lobbies such as AIPAC and whose Congress is widely considered an Israeli-occupied territory, has always opted to keep tyrannical, even criminal, Arab regimes in order to serve and promote Israeli interests.

Needless to say, both Israel and the US realize  that it is much easier to blackmail and bully dictatorial regimes that are not answerable to their  masses. Such bankrupt regimes would even act against their own nations’ interests when coming under a little pressure or bullying from Washington.

To be sure, all peoples in the world have the right to survive and prosper, including the people of Somalia and Darfur as well as any other people under the sun. This has never been a contentious issue and never will.

However, the Palestinian cause is unique because Palestine was until recently the exclusive homeland of the Palestinian people which a European power thousands of miles away decided to give on a silver platter to another European  people.

The White Ashkenazi Jews originated in the Khazar region and had nothing to do with Palestine as Professor Shlomo Sand elucidated in his recent book, Matai ve'ech humtza ha'am hayehudi? (The Invention of the Jewish People).

Today, the Palestinian people is the only people in the world whose very  survival and future as a people are under threat. We, the Palestinians, are now relying  more than ever before on the good- will of the international community for our very survival. This is why the international community must move decisively to prevent Israel from carrying out genocide against our people.

The Israelis have not embarked on a full-fledged genocide against us  for lack of trying. The real reason has more to do with non-moral and non-ethical issues, such as would-be international reactions.

The Israeli genocidal onslaught against Gaza last year should be viewed as a mere rehearsal for  a much larger war of extermination against a helpless people with little or no means to protect themselves and their children.

In the latest blitzkrieg, Israel killed thousands and maimed thousands and incinerated many with the infernal white phosphorus firestorms over Gaza. In the next blitz, Israel could reenact Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen in Gaza and the West Bank. In the final analysis, there is no real difference between gassing people in closed places, e.g. concentration camps,  and incinerating them en mass in open air.

As far as I know, no other people under the sun is being targeted for annihilation. True, there are civil wars in several spots in the world. However, neither the Somalis nor the Darfurians are being threatened with a holocaust. I don’t know of religious leaders in any country other than Israel routinely issuing edicts permitting the mass extermination of men, women and children “and not leaving a breathing thing alive” as many Jewish rabbis have been doing.

In short, the prospect of a Jewish-Zionist  holocaust or at least partial holocaust against the helpless Palestinians is not really unthinkable as Israel continues to await the opportune time to carry out its monstrous designs against the Palestinian people.

This is why international, including non-governmental, efforts to protect the Palestinian people from Israel’s genocidal urges must continue.

A few years ago,  Spanish intellectual Santiago Alba-Rico eloquently argued that the Palestinian plight continued to be humanity’s bleeding wound.

He wrote: “Perhaps Palestinians are not the most punished people on earth, but they are indeed the most openly punished people on earth; perhaps they are not the people who have suffered the most but they are the people whose sufferings are the most uninterruptedly visible.

Paradoxically, this visibility (beyond the lies) makes the victims even more vulnerable; it confers a kind of biblical dimension to the aggression: the boisterous authority of a divine intervention, and in front of it, the objects of God’s anger, are demeaned both morally and ontologically.”

In recent months, a plethora of rabbis, with hundreds of thousands of followers, issued Nazi-like edicts justify the physical annihilation of the Palestinian people.

Needless to say, the effect of these insidious edicts goes beyond the confines of the theoretical sphere as the Israeli army (now being taken over by genocidal-minded religious thugs) and paramilitary terrorists, also known as settlers, are making sure to act on these satanic edicts by murdering Peaceable Palestinian civilians without patting an eyelash.

Let us not forget that the holocaust of the mid-1900s didn’t start with genocidal mass killings; it rather started with the type of things that Israel is now doing to the Palestinians, such as a violently-racist discourse,  venomous and vitriolic media attacks, the ubermenschen vs. untermenschen mentality and eventually a Kristallnacht.

Well, the Israelis themselves say openly that the Gaza campaign was a mere “prova” (a rehearsal) for things to come.

We all know the rest of the story. 





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