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US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)
Disengaging America from
the Israel Lobby
By Karin Friedemann, September 7, 2009
No taxation by a foreign government without representation" is a
basic American principle. Yet, the taxation currently endured by US
taxpayers because of the Israel Lobby far exceeds the level of taxation by
the British that led to the American Revolution. Pro-Israel organisations do
everything possible to prevent Americans from openly discussing the fact
that they are being taxed without consent.
Through subversion Israel
advocates have orchestrated passage of the Patriot Act, Homeland Security
abuses, and other erosions of civil liberties. Pro-Israel organisations file
lawsuits to keep the question of Israel investments off local ballots.
Jewish communal organisations bribe elected public officials with free trips
to Israel to gain their support — even against the will of the majority of
their constituents!
Financing Israel at the expense of basic American
values victimises every citizen to benefit a very small sub-group of the
population and also creates worldwide anti-US hostility, which puts all
Americans at risk of terrorist retaliation. Obeying the Israel lobby goes
against all logical American self-interest. Obeying Zionist pressure to
invade several countries at once means watching America commit suicide,
economically and politically, for the sake of Israel. Zionist activists are
a real and present danger to the USA. They should be stripped of their US
citizenship and sent to Guantanamo for interrogation.
America's free
press, justice system, and democracy are dependent upon the separation of
American from Israeli interests. To survive, America must disentangle itself
from the Zionist web of control. The common Zionist argument that Jews
should get to keep what they stole just because they've been sitting on
other people's property for so many years is not a valid legal argument.
International law as defined by the post-WW2 Nuremburg Tribunals does not
confer upon occupiers any entitlement to "security." Zionism is nothing less
than a criminal ideology that completely rejects the fundamental American
principle of sacred
property rights.
America stands for equal
rights, which applies to property and residency rights and other legal norms
such as use of public transportation and voting. The US has acknowledged the
injustice involved in colonising America at the expense of the native
population. Even though economic disparities still remain, Native Americans
have US citizenship and are allowed to rent, buy and sell property just like
other citizens. This is not true for millions of Palestinian refugees who
are denied any passports while they live under Israeli curfews and martial
law. It is even against Israeli law for sympathetic Jews voluntarily to
reconvey stolen property that they currently hold without legitimate title
to the original, rightful owners. In general, Jews cannot even sell homes to
Arabs. Yet Germany returned homes stolen from the Jews in World War II to
their descendants.
Many Americans are aware that the subsidisation
of the Israeli military at the expense of the US taxpayer puts all Americans
at risk of retaliation. Yet the criminal acts begin right under our noses
here in America by bankers and real estate agents. With the deep enmeshment
of Israeli agents in the United States political spectrum, the Israel Lobby
acts as a mafia facilitating the looting of billions of dollars via US
military acquisitions from Jewish-owned defense corporations like General
Dynamics and via capital transfers including ongoing complex
beneficiary-obscuring transactions. In addition to ongoing US foreign aid
for weapons purchase, the USA buys billions of dollars of weapons, declares
the weaponry to be obsolete and then consigns it to Israel at practically no
charge. Using full-scale militarised equipment supplied and paid for by the
United States, the Israeli government uses US tax money to pay the IDF to
force the non-Jewish Palestinian rightful owners to vacate their own
property so that subsidised real-estate magnates can bulldoze the place to
build suburban-style condos for foreigners outfitted with supplies from Home
Depot and JCPenney.
As the Israeli government orchestrates
increasing demand for Palestinian property, ordinary American Jews wishing
to escape their credit card debts buy up stolen Palestinian property by
means of mortgages that roll in existing indebtedness at subsidised interest
rates. American Jewish purchasers can then resell the stolen properties at a
profit and return debt-free to the USA with cash in their pockets. This
outrageous criminal conspiracy takes place in broad-daylight generally under
the aegis of taxpayer subsidised Zionist "charities" that encourage "Aliyah"
(Jewish ascension to Israel).
Are American law enforcement officials
investigating this racist organised crime network operating in full
daylight? The Jews who move into this stolen property are participating in
an international crime. The FBI should be attending all the Pro-Israel
training workshops that take place on US soil and that promote both the
subversion of all our basic national beliefs and also the looting of the US
economy. The United States has no choice but to start investigating,
arresting, charging, prosecuting, convicting and incarcerating American
citizens participating in the Zionist settlement process.
Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics.
She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the
Association of Muslim American Women. Joachim Martillo contributed
to this article