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A President who keeps Promises,
True Christians, a Holy Land, and a Nuke Free World
By Eileen Fleming, September 24, 2009
You may
say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll
join us And the world will live as one
September 18, 2009, was a very
good Friday, for people of conscience, truth, justice and peace when the
UN's 150-nation nuclear conference passed a resolution that directly
criticized Israel and its atomic program.
It was a bad day for the
Jewish State, America's Industrial Military Complex and their backers, when
49 votes were cast for the non-binding resolution at the UN nuclear assembly
which is urging Israel to put all of its atomic sites under UN inspection
and join the Non-Proliferation Treaty/NPT.
It was no surprise that
Israel denounced the measure and exposed once more its paranoia when chief
Israeli delegate David Danieli told the chamber, “Israel will not cooperate
in any matter with this resolution, which is only aiming at reinforcing
political hostilities and lines of division in the Middle East region.” [1]
Western states also moaned how unfair and counterproductive it is to
isolate one member state, claiming that an IAEA resolution passed the day
before urging all Middle East nations to fore-swear atomic bombs, included
Israel and made Friday’s proposal unnecessary.
Glyn Davies, the US
ambassador, spun the resolution as "redundant ... such an approach is highly
politicized and does not address the complexities at play regarding crucial
nuclear-related issues in the Middle East". [2]
The Arab nations
inadvertently noted the law of Karma when they responded that Israel had
brought the resolution on itself by having never signed the 40-year-old NPT.
Diplomats from the non-aligned movement of developing nations noted that
"times had changed with the advent of the US administration of Barack Obama,
the US president."
Reuters news agency quoted one truth telling
diplomat, "People and countries are bolder now, willing to call a spade a
spade. You cannot hide or ignore the truth, the double standards, of
Israel's nuclear capability forever. The new US administration has certainly
helped this thinking with its commitment to universal nuclear disarmament
and nuclear weapons-free zones." [3]
In 2005, the truth teller of
Israel's WMD Program, Mordechai Vanunu told me:
"The Israelis have
200 atomic weapons and they accuse the Palestinians and Muslims of
terrorism. The Dimona is 46 years old; reactors last 25 to 30 years.
"The Dimona has never been inspected and Israel has never signed the Nuclear
Proliferation Treaty but all the Arab states have.
"Twenty years ago
when I worked there they only produced when the air was blowing towards
Jordan ten miles away. No one knows what is happening now. The world needs
to wake up and see the real terrorism is the occupation and the Palestinians
have lived under that terror regime for 40 years.
"When I became the
spy for the world, I did it all for the people of the world. If governments
do not report the truth, and if the media does not report the truth, then
all we can do is follow our consciences. Daniel Ellsberg did, the woman from
Enron did, and I did.
"The United States needs to wake up and see the
truth that Israel is not a democracy, unless you are a Jew. Israel is the
only country in the Middle East where America can right now find nuclear
"America can also find where basic human rights have been
denied Christians: right here in Israel. The time has come for the United
States to see the truth of Zionism. It began as a secular nationalist
movement, not a religious one. Then some Christians believed that when
Israel became a nation, it was the beginning of the second coming. They are
deluded if they believe peace will come through atomic weapons. Atomic
weapons are holocaust weapons. Christians should be the first people against
them." [4]
While campaigning, Obama once admitted that if we took
the Sermon on the Mount seriously, it would lead to the abolishment of the
Industrial Military Complex and as "Our problems stem from our acceptance of
this filthy, rotten system… [and] Our manifesto is the Sermon on the Mount,
which means that we will try to be peacemakers…not the bombardment of open
cities…not killing."-Dorothy Day
The time is ripe, "To blow the
dynamite…It is about time to blow the lid off."-Peter Maurin
"We live
in a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants, in a world that has
achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. We have solved
the mystery of the atom and forgotten the lessons of the Sermon on The
Mount. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about dying
than we know about living."- General Omar Nelson Bradley, Armistice Day,
"You cannot talk like sane men around a peace table while the
atomic bomb itself is ticking beneath it. Do not treat the atomic bomb as a
weapon of offense; do not treat it as an instrument of the police. Treat the
bomb for what it is: the visible insanity of a civilization that has obey the laws of life."- Lewis Mumford, 1946
"Every gun
that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the
final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are
cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is
spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, and the
hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense.
Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of
iron."-Dwight D. Eisenhower, April 16, 1953.
America possesses 11,000 nuclear
weapons with many in excess of 20,000,000 tons of TNT [the bombs dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 12,000 tons] yet claims to be based on
Judeo-Christian ethics, but “How can you kill people, when it is written in
God’s commandment: ‘Thou shalt not murder’?”– Leo Tolstoy.
country that has dangled the sword of nuclear holocaust over the world for
half a century and claims that someone else invented terrorism is a country
out of touch with reality…Praying for peace is like praying for a weedless
garden. Nothing will happen until you get your hands dirty." -John K.
Stoner, co-founder of Every Church A Peace Church
"The duty of
the Christian at this time is to do the one task God has imposed upon us in
this world today. The task is to work for the total abolition of war. There
can be no question that unless war is abolished; the world will remain
constantly in a state of madness…The church [meaning all Christians] must
lead the way on the road to the abolition of war…Peace is to be preached and
nonviolence is to be explained and practiced…It is the great Christian task
of our time. Everything else is secondary, for the survival of the human
race itself depends upon it."- Thomas Merton
When FDR met with labor
leaders in 1934, after four hours of meeting, he said, 'You've convinced me
that you are right. Now, go out there and FORCE ME TO DO IT.'
What he
meant, was that the pressures on a President to stay with the status quo,
the forces of the economic and political elites of the country so enormous,
that even when a President wants to change direction, he requires the
support of forces that will push him in the correct direction.
September 24, 2009, President Obama is organizing a nuclear weapons summit
in New York and another in D.C. in 2010.
On April 5, 2009, President
Obama raised the hopes of millions with his promises in Prague:
are here today because enough people ignored the voices who told them that
the world could not change. We're here today because of the courage of those
who stood up and took risks to say that freedom is a right for all people,
no matter what side of a wall they live on, and no matter what they look
like. We are here today because the simple and principled pursuit of liberty
and opportunity shamed those who relied on the power of tanks and arms to
put down the will of a people.
"Some argue that the spread of these
weapons cannot be stopped, cannot be checked - that we are destined to live
in a world where more nations and more people possess the ultimate tools of
destruction. Such fatalism is a deadly adversary, for if we believe that the
spread of nuclear weapons is inevitable, then in some way we are admitting
to ourselves that the use of nuclear weapons is inevitable.
"As the
only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a
moral responsibility to act…It will take patience and persistence. But now
we, too, must ignore the voices who tell us that the world cannot change. We
have to insist, 'Yes, we can.'
"There is violence and injustice in
our world that must be confronted. We must confront it by standing together
as free nations, as free people. I know that a call to arms can stir the
souls of men and women more than a call to lay them down. But that is why
the voices for peace and progress must be raised together.
"Let us
honor our past by reaching for a better future. Let us bridge our divisions,
build upon our hopes, and accept our responsibility to leave this world more
prosperous and more peaceful than we found it. Together we can do it.
"Words must mean something [and] violence and injustice must be
confronted by standing together as free nations, as free people…[and] Human
destiny will be what we make of it."
We do not know the
future and so, there is no way to ascertain the impossible. De Gaul pulled
all of France's million settlers out of Algeria when few believed he would.
For decades, South African whites refused to share power with the country's
black majority, and then, overnight, they agreed to do exactly that! The
Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall both fell; and the struggle now is to break
down the walls of cynicism and apathy that block change and the imagination.
Imagine nothing to kill or die for Imagine all the people
living life in peace Imagine no need for greed or hunger Imagine all
the people sharing all the world You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not
the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as
one-John Lennon
If everyone who has
read this far would do something:
Send an email of support to
President Obama for his Nuclear Agenda and remind him that Mordechai Vanunu
also dreamed of a Nuclear Free Middle East and World back in 1985.
Ever since Vanunu has been paying the price for telling the world the truth
about Israel's WMD program and Israel continues to deny him the right to
leave the state.
The Council for a Livable World, a Washington,
D.C.-based non-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization dedicated to
reducing the danger of nuclear weapons and increasing national security
extends the opportunity with an editable email @
Eileen Fleming, A Feature Correspondent for The Palestine
Telegraph and Founder of
Author "Keep Hope Alive" and "Memoirs of a Nice Irish American 'Girl's' Life
in Occupied Territory" She produced "30 Minutes With Vanunu" and "13
Minutes with Vanunu" because corporate media has been MIA all during a
Freedom of Speech Trial in Israel.