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Tony Blair and New Labour Seek to Contaminate
Europe with their Presence
By Gilad Atzmon
Redress,, November 6, 2009
Gilad Atzmon looks at how suspected war criminal Tony Blair and
his comrades-in-crime in New Labour are trying – so far without success – to
slink their way into the European Union's top structures.
Brown urged European Socialist leaders this week to appoint Tony Blair as
the president of the European Council. “Get real,”
he told them. “This is a unique opportunity to get a strong progressive
politician to be the president.”
Brown is obviously correct. Nothing
could be more refreshing, innovative “real” and “progressive” than assigning
the job to a man who has more blood on his hands than any other person in
Europe. It may also be right to argue that there is just one living person
on this planet with more blood on his hands than Blair. That man dwells in
Texas, his name is George and, actually, unlike our Bonaparte figure, he
keeps relatively quiet. Unlike George, our Boney is craving for recognition;
he cannot live without a crown or an official title. Someone should remind
Boney that he already made it into history; he can really take a break. With
more than one million fatalities in Iraq, he is not far behind Hitler and
Murderers are, no doubt, a unique bunch of people. Some
criminologists insists that they are psychopaths because psychopaths are
people who disregard ethical principles. Psychopaths also lack any sense of
conscience or compassion. Mass murderers are even more special, for they
manage to evade, not just a couple of eyes, but very many. They even mange
to turn deaf to public criticism and resentment towards their acts. Our
Boney, is extraordinary by any standard. Not only does he dismiss the pain
he brought on millions, not only does he fail to show remorse, he actually
constantly demands our recognition of his imaginary greatness. He seems to
lack any awareness or self-consciousness whatsoever.
While the
majority of Europeans would prefer to see Boney schlepped to The Hague, face
justice and hopefully locked up for life, he himself must be convinced that
he possesses the necessary qualities for the European presidency. From the
perspective of European integrationists, he was a light disaster. He managed
to keep Britain out of the euro zone, he also didn’t follow the Schengen
open borders agreement. From a British perspective, Boney was a total
disaster. Together with his “best treasurer ever”, he succeeded in ruining
the British economy. He smashed the last pockets of British industry to
infinitesimal pieces and, on top of all that, he has managed to get all of
us implicated in a war crime of a colossal magnitude. This was probably
enough to make European leaders think again, They have now decided to
restrain Boney’s self-centric enthusiasm and relentless will to power.
However, Blair is not alone. As much as recent polls suggest that the
vast majority of Britons find him unsuitable for the European presidency, in
his rapidly disintegrating Nuevo Labour he actually has some dedicated
followers, supporters and allies.
According to the British press, he
asked Lord Mandelson to act as his “chef de cabinet”. In the last decade
alone, Mandelson has had to resign more than once for his misconduct. Peter
Mandelson has also recently been exposed as having close ties with one of
Russia’s leading oligarchs. A person of such a low ethical reputation at the
hub of the European Union may well be a danger to the entire continent.
Another of Blair’s close allies and supporters is Foreign Secretary
David Miliband, who launched Boney’s campaign for the presidency with the
extraordinary claim that only Boney could “stop the traffic” when he goes to
foreign capitals.
Like Boney, Miliband is rather enthusiastic about
interventionism and “spreading
democracy". It is hard to believe but in Britain in 2009 the Wolfowitz
doctrine is still making headlines especially among the so called
“progressive” politicians. I have learnt in recent days that Miliband is
himself a leading candidate for the European foreign office. I urge every
European leader to look into Miliband’s neo-conservative ideology and amend
their choice before it is too late.
Until recently Miliband managed
to keep his Judaeo-centric tribal affiliation to himself. This is not the
case anymore. Facing an inevitable colossal electoral defeat for Labour,
Miliband just couldn’t hold back. A few weeks ago he decided to pull the
Jewish rabbit out of the of the Nuevo Labour sack. In a desperate and crude
attempt to evoke public pity and empathy, he warned the British public that
the coming Tory leadership is affiliated with notorious “anti
Semites and neo Nazis”. Miliband has managed to drag Poland's chief
rabbi into the British political discourse. From Miliband’s tribal
perspective, it is down to a Polish rabbi to suggest to the British people
who is kosher enough to vote for. At least Miliband’s philosophy of mutual
intervention is consistent: As much as we, the British, should tell the
world who is moral and what is wrong , it is down to a Polish rabbi to tell
us who to vote for.
Strangely enough, the Polish rabbi has now changed
his spots. He admitted that the leader of the Polish Law and Justice
Party, Michal Kaminski, is actually “against anti-Semitism". Nevertheless,
Miliband is yet to apologize for implying that the Tory leaders are
anti-Semitic. Like his mentor Boney, Miliband seems to lack the elementary
capacity of ethical judgment or conduct. Bearing in mind Miliband’s recent
Judaeo-centric assault, his enthusiasm for interventionism together with his
ethical deficiency, we are entitled to regard the man as a danger to peace.
Once in possession of power and influence we may end up being complicit
again in a new genocide...
But the paddling in pseudo-liberal Nuevo Labour
chicken soup may not end just there. It would be interesting to find out
what kind of a job Boney has assigned to his Number 1 Lord “Cashpoint”
Michael Levy. I would also like to know whether “liberal” Jack Straw, the
man who insisted on stripping Muslim women of their veil, had any potential
assignment in Blair’s presidential administration. At the end of the day,
Straw could extend and expand his dismissal of others to the entire
Blair was sure that he had the presidency “in his pocket”.
He was wrong. It is now rather clear that European leaders have woken up.
The horrifying dream may be over. I guess that the idea that they would have
to stop the traffic in their capitals just to let the convoy of a vile war
criminal pass through was too much for them. Blair as a European
president would be a total farce, almost as sickening as him being “peace
envoy”. I assume that all we have to do now is to pursue immediately the
necessary action that would lead this criminal to face justice and to bear
the consequences of his illegal war.
Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born
musician, writer and anti-racism campaigner. His latest jazz album, "In
loving memory of America", was released on 1 March 2009 and can be purchased