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Bring All British Troops Home
By William Gladys, November 6, 2009
Will Prince Harry ever say sorry?
Democracy is still alive – well only just - in the British Isles.
Although Prince Harry failed to march with the Anti-War Majority on the
streets of London recently, a fearless Peace Seeking Lance Corporal bravely
hoisted a Flag of Peace to the mast for the entire world to see. To observe
a serving soldier marching in opposition to the Queen’s foreign policy in
the Middle-East was heartening to say the least. Perhaps after all there is
still hope for this country? Like millions of voters in the British Isles
the Lance Corporal is plainly sick to death of the relentless slaughter and
body and mind maiming of hundreds of British soldiers, and hundreds of
thousands of blameless Muslims: men, women, children and babies. The
rhetoric that “Monarchical Britain has sent its troops to occupy the Middle
East to safeguard the people of Britain” will not wash anymore. It is
hypocrisy and poppycock of the very worse kind, and one reason why millions
of us want ALL military personnel returned to the British homeland, and not
only a highly privileged and pampered Prince Harry, who stated not
verbatim, that “he would loyally stay with his men”. This was
established when we witnessed this trigger joyful royal on camera
disgracefully unleashing killing rounds from his heavy machine gun in the
direction of Muslims who were valiantly resisting occupation of THEIR
homeland. As we in Britain no doubt would also valiantly resist “with our
backs against the White Cliffs of Dover” if need be any foreign
troops endeavouring to invade OUR Homeland and intervene in our affairs, our
Sovereignty. Nevertheless, although the majority of people in the
British Isles did not want the Queen’s troops or air force sent to occupy
other countries in the first place, the voting public were nonetheless
horror-struck that this royal; Prince Harry, unlike the rest of his army
colleagues was given the privileged choice to leave the region if he wished
and thereby avoid the consequences of further fierce resistance from those
defending their homeland. His retreating therefore, beggared the
question “… is the life of this personage worth more than each and every one
of his fellow British ‘Tommie’s’ who had to stay put and risk being
killed or maimed in the months to come? Deplorably, the answer seems to be a
resounding Establishment yes. Evidently his life according to Britain’s
Establishment, is manifestly worth more than any of the soldiers or airmen
who were to be left in the region! On the other hand
there is no doubt that the grief stricken relatives of those killed or
maimed think otherwise; the lives of their loved ones no matter what
rank they are, are just as important as any Prince. The irony of course
being that no strings were manipulated from the apathetic high echelons of
power in Monarchical Britain that would save other lives by bringing them
home! Like the majority in Britain, the people of foreign countries
that we have occupied are sick of all this pointless slaughter, and justly
seek to expel our military and put an end to Britain’s arrogant interference
and meddling in affairs that should not concern them.
Moreover this peacefully protesting soldier is exceedingly brave
because he is prepared to defy the Establishment and openly express his
concerns with a heartfelt compassion; a compassion that
encompasses all those unfortunate human beings who have been placed at the
sharp end as well as receiving end of Monarchical Britain’s mucky
uncompromising and crusading self serving war-mongering. We should not
forget either that this man is likely to be court martialled for his peace
loving beliefs. How absurd therefore that he should be the focus of
humiliation and degradation because he is fervently campaigning for PEACE
and not war? And what is his dastardly ‘crime’ millions of us wish to know?
One Man’s “Crime”!
“A desire to save countless lives, no matter what their religious
beliefs because he like so many of us has seen through – exposed - the
hollow values of Monarchical Britain’s foreign policy in the Middle-East,
the terrible destruction it brings and the paramount need to end it for all
time”! Praise be to that.