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The Obscene Liar
By Khalid Amayreh
PIC, November 20, 2009
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is a manifestly
fascist-minded demagogue who thinks that everything Jewish must
override everything non-Jewish, regardless of all considerations.
He is also a first-class liar who believes that lying to the world,
including Jews, is the first line of defense against growing
opposition to genocidal Israeli criminality. Indeed,
like Nazi Germany, which waged war on Europe and killed or caused the
death of millions in the name of self-defense, Israel is doing the
same thing by threatening and attacking its neighbors, especially the
helpless Palestinians who have been trying for decades to rid themselves of
the Nazi-like Israeli occupation of their country. There is no doubt
that Netanyahu is a true pathological liar. Falsifying reality is simply an
inherent and conspicuous character of the notorious bigot. Netanyahu
claimed this week that nuclear-armed Israel is the world’s most threatened
county. He was quoted by the Ha’aretz newspaper as saying that
“ Israel is facing enemies who don’t conceal their intentions,
who first attack us physically and then attack our right to self-defense.”
But Is Israel really a threatened country? Obviously, the claim
is a big lie because Israel is actually a threatening, not a
threatened country. Israel, which possesses a huge stockpile of nuclear,
chemical and biological weapons, has been attacking other countries from
day-1 of its hateful existence. Indeed, Israel has been trying
relentlessly to annihilate the national existence of another people, the
Palestinians, by arrogating their land, demolishing their homes and
towns, and expelling them from their ancestral homeland. Harsh
ethnic cleansing, which takes a variety of aspects, has always been and
continues to be Israel ’s modus operandi in treating the Palestinians.
Israel is probably the only country in this world that thrives on murder,
theft and lies, a country that murders children on their way to school and
then cries out “self-defense! Holocaust! terror.! In his monologue
of lies, Netanyahu also claimed that Palestinian “rocket attacks” on Israeli
settlements were not experienced by any other country since German attacks
on Britain during WWII. Well, if the term “pornographic lies” has
any meaning, it is people like Netanyahu and his colleagues who
give it meaning. After all, no honest person under the sun can
compare the extremely primitive projectiles fired by desperate Palestinians
resistance fighters on Israeli settlements, with the German raids and rocket
attacks against London and other British cities. Indeed, while the
German missile and other attacks on British cities killed thousands of
Britons, eight years of Palestinian rocket firing on Israel
killed less than ten Israeli settlers. In other words, more people would die
in a single traffic accident in Israel than they would in eight years of
Palestinian “rocket attacks”. More to the point, a single attack by
Israeli fighter-bombers, e.g. F-16s and F-15s, would cause more death
and devastation than all Palestinian rockets would in many years.
This is exactly what happened during the past ten years. Israeli aerial and
artillery attacks on Palestinian population centers killed thousands of
innocent Palestinians. Thousands others were maimed and badly injured.
In fact, it is amply safe to state that for every Israeli settler killed by
Palestinian “rockets,” a thousand Palestinians, mostly children, women and
other innocent civilians, were killed by the Jewish Wehrmacht, deceptively
known as “Israeli Defense Forces.” This massive Israeli criminality
culminated in the virtual genocide in Gaza last winter, when hundreds
of Israeli war planes, the state-of-the-art of the American technology of
death, rained bombs, depleted uranium and white phosphorus, on
unprotected Palestinian towns. The pornographic killings in Gaza
proved to be far more satanic and diabolic than many of the crimes
committed by the Nazis. The Nazis attacked a super-power at least by that
era’s standards and bombed well-protected towns, Whereas the Nazis of our
time, the Israelis, rained death on totally unprotected refugees who had
absolutely no means of defense or protection against the virtual
genocide. Actually, what Israel did to Gaza and Gazans in December
and January can be compared to the extermination of Germany’s real or
perceived enemies during the War. In both cases, innocent and
helpless people were mercilessly murdered en mass for political
or ideological reasons. Hence, the appropriateness of the term “Nazis of our
time.” Like Netanyahu is doing today, many Nazi leaders and
ideologues tried to rationalize and justify their evil acts by claiming that
Germany, the motherland, was facing mortal threats and the German nation was
faced with either of two choices, destroying the enemies using a
no-holds-barred approach, or be destroyed itself. But Israel is
using the same Nazi arguments very lightly, not to repulse any real threats,
but rather to justify real crimes against humanity being committed against
the captive Palestinians. Otherwise, how can people of any semblance
of rectitude buy the big lie that a country that possesses more 300
nuclear heads, and has one of the strongest armies in the world, and above
that controls the government of the world’s only superpower, is
threatened more than any other state in the world? It is, of course,
unlikely that Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders think in their hearts that
they are not lying. They do know they are lying. This is quite natural for a
state that is based on lies and myths such as the claims that Palestine
didn’t exist and the Palestinians were not a distinctive nation and that
Israel didn’t expel the native Palestinians to the four corners of the
globe. In light, it is very important that the peoples of the world,
men and women who value honesty and justice, be constantly on the alert to
confront and refute Zionist hasbara lies with the same aggressiveness and
resolve with which they confront Zionist crimes. In short, Israel
must not be allowed to translate its pornographic lies into a license to
commit a holocaust against the Palestinian people and other peoples of the
Middle East. The Zionists are capable of doing the unthinkable. They
behave as the Nazis behaved because they possess the same Nazi mindset. The
only difference lies in name, place and circumstances.