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US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)
How Israel Won the Settlement Battle Again
By Ramzy Baroud, November 21, 2009
When British Foreign Secretary David Miliband uttered a few
words regarding the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the occupied
West Bank, many wanted to believe that London was taking a sharp stance
against Israel’s continued violations of international law. Alas, they
were wrong. The fact is Miliband’s statement, made during a press
conference that followed talks with Jordan’s King Abdullah II, in Amman,
was merely tactical, aimed at lessening the negative impact of the feeble
position adopted by Washington regarding the same issue. This is
what Miliband had to say: "Settlements are illegal in our view and an
obstacle to peace settlement in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The
settlements challenge the heart of... a Palestinian state." But
then, he added: "It's so important for all those who care about security
and social justice in this region that discussions about borders and
territory are restarted in a serious way, because if you can progress on
border and territory, you can resolve the settlements issue." This
is classic Miliband. While his clear and decisive statement regarding the
illegality of the settlements and the fact that their construction is an
obstacle is to be welcomed, one cannot decipher a politician’s statement
in increments; to be truly appreciated, they must be understood as a
whole. The danger lies in Miliband’s follow up statement, where he
purposely changed the order of the proposed solution to the Middle East
crisis to be "discussions about borders and territory are restarted in a
serious way", which means unconditional negotiations, because "progress"
at that front would "resolve the settlements issue." But isn't
this the exact type of dialogue that Israel wishes to take part in: peace
talks with no conditions, no deadline and no specific end, while it
persists in building its illegal settlements in flagrant violation of
international law, unabated? More, isn’t this what Palestinians, all
Palestinians, have vehemently rejected? The Palestinian leadership
understands that unconditional negotiations will yield Palestinians, the
weak party in any negotiations, nothing but further humiliation, while the
strong party will determine a solution, any solution, it finds suitable to
its interests. Considering that Israel is under no serious
pressure, but occasional lip service to the peace process, from
Washington, and London, the rightwing government of Benjamin Netanyahu has
no reason to stop, or even slow down its illegal settlements project and
the subsequent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Miliband is a
clever politician. Although his words reek with contradictions, they are
stacked in such away to give the impression that a substantive policy
change is in fact in the making. Miliband’s supposedly strong
statement on the settlements came at a time that the Obama
Administration’s policy, a meager attempt at presenting itself as the
antithesis to the hated George Bush legacy, is falling apart. In
May, following President Obama’s first meeting with Netanyahu, US
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton wanted to leave no doubt regarding the
US new policy on settlements. The US "wants to see a stop to settlements –
not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exceptions."
This sounds great, even better than Miliband’s recent statement. But since
then, the Obama Administration has obviously discovered the limits of the
"audacity of hope": a strong, unified pro-Israel lobby, decisively
rightwing Israeli government, a unified US Congress backing Israel’s every
move, a wishy-washy international community, fragmented Muslim and Arab
countries, and all the rest. Therefore, it was no surprise to see
Mrs. Clinton, during her recent Middle East trip backtracking on every
promise that her government had made. She "claimed (on November 1) that
halting settlement building had never been a pre-condition to resuming
talks," reported The Times. Worse, not only did she fail to
convince Netanyahu of the US position, which was more or less consistent
with international law, she commended him for failing to meet what was
once considered a strong US demand. The switch happened during her
recent tour’s one-day visit to Jerusalem. "What the Prime Minister (of
Israel) has offered in specifics of restraint on the policy of settlements
... is unprecedented," she said of Netanyahu’s dismal promise to slow down
settlement activities in the West Bank. There are over 500,000
Jewish settlers in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank, living in
many settlements that are all considered illegal under the Fourth Geneva
Convention and numerous UN resolutions. To add insult to injury,
Mrs. Clinton, continued, at every stop, to demand Arabs and Muslim to
reach out to Israel. What has the latter done to deserve any Arab or
Muslim normalization, open markets and establishment of diplomatic ties?
Why should Israel be rewarded for its massacres in Gaza, entrenching of
its military occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the
consistent attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque and more? Concurrently, the
Palestinian Authority is, perhaps, realizing its error of trusting that
the Obama Administration’s resolve would prevail over Israel’s obstinacy.
Top PA official Nablil Abu Rudeinah said that the "negotiations are
in a state of paralysis," blaming both "Israeli intransigence and
America’s back-pedaling." “There is no hope of negotiations on the
horizon," Abu Rudienah added. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb
Erekat’s words, during a press conference in Ramallah, in the West Bank,
on November 4, were gloomier, however. It maybe time for Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas to “tell his people the truth that with the
continuation of settlement activities, the two-state solution is no longer
an option,” he said. He said what many don’t want to hear,
including Miliband himself, who insists on breathing life into an outdated
‘solution’, while doing nothing to turn it into reality. “It's
important we don't lose sight of the importance of a two-state solution
for all peoples of the region. I think the alternatives are dark and
unwelcome for all sides,” Miliband said. He failed, however, to
enlighten us on how his ‘bright and welcomed’ solution is to be realized,
as Israel continues to seize Jerusalem and the West Bank, inch by inch and
house by house, in front of international media and with the knowledge and
subtle agreement of ‘back-pedaling’ politicians, Mrs. Clinton and himself
included. -Ramzy Baroud (
is an author and editor of His work has been
published in many newspapers, journals, and anthologies around the world.
His latest book is, "The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a
People's Struggle" (Pluto Press, London), and his forthcoming book is, "My
Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story" (Pluto Press, London).