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1001 Ways Zionists Use to Take Over Palestinian
Lands and Distract World Attention at the Same Time
By Mazin Qumsiyeh, November 14, 2009
One of these days, I would like to write a book to document the 1001 ways
that Zionists use to take over land and distract attention at the same time.
In history we had false flag operations like the Lavon Affair (Israeli
agents attacking Western Interests to blame it on Arab nationalists) and
countless other incidents of creating mayhem to ensure distraction. More
recently as more ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem goes on, the Lebanese
government reveals collaboration between Israeli intelligence in South
Lebanon nurtured and worked with extremist groups to fire Katyusha's at
Israel to keep the Northern front humming and give a bad name to Hezbollah.
Israel pirates a ship in International waters it claims were destined for
Hezbollah. Israeli agents infiltrate demonstrations wearing masks and
insult Christians. Israel recruits agents among sick Palestinians in
Gaza desperate to leave to get treatment and use trickery to capture
Palestinian men in compromising position and use the pictures to blackmail
them into collaboration. But mostly now, it is enough to keep scaring
the Israeli public to stay on board with eth elites making billions off of
impoverishing the average person (Israel builds massive security industries
while more than 1/3rd of its population lives below the poverty line).
As Gideon Levy put it in Haaretz: "Every few weeks you have to sow fear,
every few months you need to make threats, and once every year or two you
have to have another little war. Blind cooperation between the defense
establishment and the media holds the promise of another round of fighting.
In that way, it's possible to escape some of the blame from the Goldstone
report and wallow in the conditions we love best: being the victim, feeling
threatened and uniting in the face of the great external danger allegedly in
the offing"[1] Though he did not explain why the victimhood card is
used: because without it, this whole project of bringing Jews from around
the world to settle on stolen Palestinian land collapses. It would collapse
because the truth would come out. The truth that Zionism not only
victimized the Palestinians (70% of us are refugees or displaced people) but
also Jews [2] The US State Department declared this week that
"Israel dismally fails the requirements of a tolerant pluralistic society
"[3]. Yet the US gives Israel the largest share of foreign aid,
billions/year even as this is contrary to US law to support human rights
violators. The Israel-first lobby in Washington ensures the US
arm-twists smaller nations to vote against International law. Yet,
even Israel's endless distractions and the US power and might seem unable to
stem the bad news for the racist apartheid regime. The UN General
assembly voted overwhelmingly to support the Goldstone report 114 votes in
favor, 18 opposed and 44 abstentions.. Those of you in different
countries should check how your country voted and write to thank them if
voting yes or to ask for explanation for those spineless ones who voted no
or abstain. History will not be kind to sweeping war crimes under the rug.
Goldstone had written to congress to correct the distortions, outright lies,
and inaccuracies that were in the resolution that was drafted for them by
AIPAC trained congressional aids in fascist congressmen offices (Like Ross-Lehtinen)
but the Goldstone letter was ignored. Even the Gladstone report that they
were condemning was not incorporated into the congressional record
(otherwise future historians might see how stupid Congress is or maybe how
stupid Congress thinks the public is). So the AIPAC resolution
condemning the Goldstone report (and thus supporting war crimes) passed by
9:1. 36 brave congressmen stand out and should be thanked for showing some
backbone. (Action link [4]) Here in Palestine, we commemorated with
sadness the November 2, 1917 horrific Balfour Decalration in which Britain
promised Palestine to the European Zionist movement in order to secure help
in getting the US to join WWI. In other news, a US army officer who
as a psychiatrist treated patients suffering after return from illegal wars
on Iraq and Afghanistan (and was scheduled to be shipped there) went berserk
and shot 13 of his comrades and injured 31. The Zionists in the media
are having a field day with this. No one even mentioned on the
religious persuasion or family background of the many hundreds of other
Americans who engaged in similar kinds of mass-killing. In this case had he
been Jewish American, Mexican American or anything else his background or
religious beliefs would never have been mentioned. I found it rather
disgusting that outfits like the Associated Press engage in such smear
campaigns. All major Muslim American organizations issued statements
condemning the attack. This is indeed a sad event; killing should be
condemned by ALL but is also sad that some are allowed to exploit such
events for political purposes. In yet other news, Mahmoud Abbas
declared that he will not run for the upcoming elections. In essence he is
telling the US an Israel: you did not want to have a two state solution
based on the road map to peace that you yourself drafted (and that calls for
full freeze on settlement activity including "natural growth" and including
occupied Jerusalem). He is saying to them further that "if you do not
want that, then my line of negotiations with you has indeed reached a dead
end (he has actually been engaged in informal and formal negotiations for
nearly three decades). And let Fatah come up with a different line."
Now we could of course see a Fatah candidate who is more compliant with
Israeli demands or we could see a more sober and realistic approach.
My recommendation to Fatah is to give up on the "authority" and on the
illusionary "two states" and begin the (yet hard) process of educating
friends and foes about the value of a democratic secular state in all of
historic Palestine. As I argued in my last book, that will bring a
durable peace instead of the charade of the current "peace process" (I know
the peace process industry will not be happy with us finally beginning to
choke off their main source of income and power). On more uplifting
news, on the anniversary of the Berlin wall collapse, Palestinians breached
the apartheid wall knocking down one of its concrete segments (video here
[5]). And residents of Aida refugee camp got to see the rest of Palestine.
Rich Wiles wrote: "Um Qassim was born over 70 years ago in the village of Al
Kabu. Her early childhood was spent amongst the clean air and fresh water of
this Palestinian village. In 1948 everything changed for Um Qassim as it did
for all Palestinians, and today she is one of the 4,500 residents of Aida
Camp…I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here forever. It’s so, so,
beautiful, and it’s still ours…”[6] And a final action, please sign the
petition Sign the petition to Norway's University of Trondheim to Boycott
Israel (sign at link below [7]. A luta continua--the struggle goes
on. Notes [1] [2] see Lenni
Brenner's article "The Zionist Operation Was A Success, The Jewish Patients
[3] [4] and see how your congressperson
voted and write to them all [5] see Video [6] more at
[77] Mazin
Qumsiyeh, PhD A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home