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Opinion Editorials, July 3, 2009


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Will You Sponsor a Gift Quran for President Obama and Other American Leaders?


One Quran sponsored at ISNA convention will be sent to the president

As-salaamu alaykum.

CAIR is asking those who attend this weekend’s national convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) in Washington, D.C., to visit booths 710 and 808-809 in the bazaar to sponsor a Quran through the “Share the Quran” campaign, which is designed to enhance understanding of Islam and to reduce Islamophobia.

SEE: Share the Quran

One of the people who sponsors a Quran at ISNA for American opinion leaders and policymakers will be selected to send a gift Quran in their name to President Obama. The selection will be made July 5 at CAIR’s booth in the ISNA bazaar. [All those who sponsor a Quran, whether at ISNA or online, receive a free CAIR membership.]

The “Share the Quran” initiative aims to distribute free copies of the Quran to 100,000 local, state and national leaders by the end of the year. It was prompted by President Obama’s recent address to the Muslim world in which he quoted from the holy text and by data showing that anti-Muslim prejudice decreases as understanding of Islam increases. [According to CAIR public opinion surveys, only two percent of Americans say they are “very knowledgeable” about Islam.]

CAIR is asking Muslims to sponsor the distribution of copies of the Qurans to governors, state attorney generals, educators, law enforcement officials, state and national legislators, local elected and public officials, media professionals, and other local or national leaders who shape public opinion or determine policy.

SEE: A Thank You, and a Koran, for Obama (New York Times)

The Qurans sponsored by Muslims and delivered to American leaders will include a bookmark guide to the verses cited by the president and to references related to topics such as women’s rights, social justice, respect for other faiths, and similar issues related to international events.

REMINDER: CAIR will host an open house at its Capitol Hill headquarters for those attending the ISNA convention.

WHAT: CAIR Open House for ISNA Convention Attendees WHEN: Sunday, July 5, 1:30-2:30 p.m. WHERE: CAIR’s Capitol Hill Headquarters, 453 New Jersey Avenue S.E., Washington, D.C. (CAIR’s headquarters is located at the intersection of New Jersey Avenue S.E. and E Street S.E. The nearest Metro stop is Capitol South.) CONTACT: RSVP (required) to:

The open house will feature light refreshments and tours of CAIR’s headquarters. (Space for Dhuhr prayer is available for open house attendees.)

  Immediate action requested to make this effort succeed:

1. Come to CAIR’s booth at ISNA and sponsor one or more Qurans to be sent to American opinion leaders and policymakers. Visit booths 710 and 808-809 in the bazaar.

2. Sponsor one or more Qurans by going to the “Share the Quran” campaign web site ( and encourage others to do the same. Sponsorships and donations to CAIR are tax deductible and zakat eligible.

3. Organize an event in your mosque during which you will share a Quran with elected officials, law enforcement authorities and other community leaders. CONTACT:

4. Share information about the “Share the Quran” initiative with friends, relatives and colleagues through e-mail lists, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

5. Encourage opinion leaders and policymakers you know to request a free Quran at:

7. Donate to the “Share the Quran” campaign by clicking here. To donate offline or to inquire about the project, click here.


U.S. Muslims to Offer Qurans to 100,000 American Leaders Major educational initiative prompted by President's quoting of Islam's revealed text

On Tuesday, June 30, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will hold a news conference in Washington, D.C., to announce the launch of a major campaign to distribute free copies of the Quran, Islam's revealed text, to 100,000 local, state and national leaders. 

WHAT: CAIR News Conference to Announce Launch of "Share the Quran" Campaign

WHEN: Tuesday, June 30, 11 a.m.

WHERE: CAIR National Headquarters, 453 New Jersey Ave., S.E., Washington, D.C.


CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787, 202-744-7726, E-Mail:

CAIR's "Share the Quran" educational campaign was prompted by President Obama's recent address to Muslims worldwide in which he quoted from that holy text. 

In the multi-year initiative, American Muslims will sponsor Qurans for distribution to governors, state attorneys general, educators, law enforcement officials, state and national legislators, local elected and public officials, media professionals, and other local or national leaders who shape public opinion or determine policy. 

"Through this ground-breaking outreach

initiative, we hope not only to educate policymakers and opinion leaders about Islam, but also to provide an opportunity for American Muslims to reach out to their fellow citizens of other faiths," said CAIR Board Chairman State Sen. Larry Shaw (NC). 

The "Share the Quran" initiative is an outgrowth of CAIR's successful "Explore the Quran" campaign and is part of the celebration of the Washington-based council's 15th anniversary. CAIR was founded in June of 1994. 

CAIR, America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization, has 35 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.


CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787, 202-744-7726,


CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, 202-341-4171,





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