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Ethnic Cleansing as an Israeli State Policy
By Nicola Nasser, July 3, 2009
In his speech at Bar Ilan University on June 14, Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed a new Israeli “peace plan,” with
preconditions that a Palestinian negotiator must first meet before he would
“promptly” engage in “unconditional” bilateral talks to meet an
international consensus demanding the creation of a Palestinian state
alongside Israel. His preconditions added to the fourteen conditions the
former Israeli government of comatose Ariel Sharon attached to Israel’s
adoption in grudge of the 2003 Road Map blueprint for peace with the
Palestinian side, on the basis of which the U.S. administration of President
Barak Obama and his presidential envoy George Mitchell are now urging an
early resumption of “immediate” Israeli – Palestinian peace talks, which
Mitchell on June 26 hoped “very much to conclude this phase of the
discussions and to be able to move into meaningful and productive
negotiations in the near future." Sharon’s conditional approval of
the Road Map has condemned the blueprint as a non-starter, led to the
Israeli military reoccupation of the Palestinian autonomous areas, aborted
former U.S. President George W. Bush’s promise to Palestinians to have their
own state twice in 2005 and 2008, and doomed the twenty – year peace process
since the Madrid conference in 1991 to its current impasse that Obama and
Mitchell are trying to break through. It is a forgone conclusion that
Netanyahu’s preconditions -- Palestinian recognition of Israel as a “Jewish
state,” “demilitarization” of the prospective Palestinian
less-than-a-sovereign state and preserving Israel’s illegitimate “right” to
expand its illegal colonial Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian
territories -- will fare worse than Sharon’s conditions. Netanyahu
demanded that the “Palestinian population,” and not the Palestinian people
-- who live “in Judea and Samaria,” and not in the Israeli – occupied
Palestinian territory, where there is an “Israeli presence,” and not an
Israeli military occupation -- should first agree to a “public, binding and
unequivocal” recognition that Israel is “the nation state of the Jewish
people” worldwide, and not the nation state of the Israelis. His demand was
an arrogant precondition ridiculed by Gideon Levy in Haaretz on June 15 as
an “excessive demand that Palestinians recognize the Jewish state by one who
has failed to recognize the Palestinians as a people,” sarcastically
welcomed the next day by Ma'ariv’s chief political columnist, Ben Caspit,
who wrote: “Welcome, Mr. Prime Minister, to the 20th century. The problem is
that we're already in the 21st.” Moreover, such a precondition “is almost
humiliating and it is unlikely to be met,” by the Palestinian Authority
(PA), according to Avi Issacharoff, writing in Haaretz on June 17.
Israeli analyst
Rosenberg wrote on June 19: Acceptance of Israel as a “Jewish state” is
a non-starter at this point. And Netanyahu knows it. If that is a
precondition for negotiations, there will be no negotiations. But without
any definition of borders and with Netanyahu committed to expanding
settlements in the West Bank, how can anyone seriously expect Palestinians
to recognize Israel as a “Jewish state?” Aaron David Miller, a former senior
U.S. negotiator in the Mideast, said Netanyahu’s speech “was less about
pursuing Arab-Israeli peace and much more about pursuing the U.S.-Israeli
relationship.” PA’s Prime Minister in Ramallah, Salam Fayyad, noted
in a speech at Al-Quds (Jerusalem) University on June 22 that his Israeli
counterpart’s speech missed all reference to the Road Map blueprint as well
as to the thorny issue of expanding settlements and described the speech as
"a new blow to efforts to salvage the peace process." Head of the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO)’s department of negotiations affairs, Saeb
Erakat, condemned Netanyahu’s speech as a “non-starter.” Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas urged the international community to isolate him and
his government. His Egyptian counterpart, Hosni Mubarak, a close ally of
Abbas and the U.S. and Israel’s 30-year unwavering peace partner, said
Netanyahu’s precondition “aborts the chance for peace,” although he declined
to heed Abbas’ call for the isolation of Netanyahu and received him and
others of his cabinet. Al-Baath, the mouthpiece of Syria's ruling party,
commented: “Netanyahu has confirmed that he rejects the Arab initiative for
peace.” In an editorial on June 16, the Saudi Arabian English daily, “Arab
News,” said his speech was “a challenge to the world community.” Walid
Jumblat, a leading figure of the March 14 bloc, which recently won the
Lebanese elections, lambasted the speech as dragging the region into a
“dangerous stage” and one that “completely crippled” any possibility to
reach a peace settlement, adding that, “any talk about Israel as a Jewish
state means closing the file on the (Palestinian right of) return,” on which
there is a consensus among rival Lebanese factions to reject the
resettlement of half a million Palestinian refugees hosted by Lebanon since
1948. However Obama and Mitchell insensitively ignored all negative
Palestinian and Arab reactions, repeatedly and on record renamed Israel as
the “Jewish” State of Israel, with Obama lightly trying to defuse the
explosiveness of Netanyahu’s demand by stating that it was “exactly what
negotiations are supposed to be about,” because “this is what both America
and Europe are asking,” according to Italian foreign minister Franco
Frattini. Angrily describing Netanyahu as a “swindler” who plays
“tricks” with peace – making, Yasser Abed Rabbo, secretary general of the
PLO’s executive committee, said the Israeli premier wants Palestinians to
“become Zionists.” Mere heartfelt commitment to Zionism will not be enough,
however, Hasan and Ali Abunimah wrote in The Electronic Intifada on June 17,
for the Palestinians' conversion to have “practical meaning,” Netanyahu
explained, “there must also be a clear understanding that the Palestinian
refugee problem will be resolved outside Israel's borders.” In other words,
“Palestinians must agree to help Israel complete the ethnic cleansing it
began in 1947-48, by abandoning the right of return,” Abunimah brothers
added. In a statement, five PLO member factions, namely the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, the Palestinian People's Party, the Palestinian
National Liberation Movement and the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front,
said Netanyahu’s speech was “tantamount to a declaration of war on
Palestinians' national rights.” For the first time since the Palestinian –
Israeli “peace process” was launched some twenty years ago, the voice of the
PLO peace partners was much louder and harsher in criticizing Israel than
that of their opposition among the non-PLO factions, like Hamas and the
Islamic Jihad. Netanyahu seems to have succeeded where four years of
Egyptian efforts have failed to make Palestinians speak in one voice.
When Netanyahu makes Palestinian recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state”
as the cornerstone of his “peace” policy and has Avigdor Lieberman, who
calls on record for the transfer of Israeli Arab Palestinians, as the
foreign minister of his ruling coalition, he officially raises ethnic
cleansing to the level of state policy, and may be this is why French
President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly urged visiting Netanyahu on June 30 to
replace his top diplomat and “to get rid of that man,” whom he declined to
meet when Lieberman was recently in Paris, leading Israeli member of Knesset
Afu Aghbaria (Hadash) and ten others of his parliamentary colleagues to call
on world leaders to declare what they condemn as the “racist” Lieberman a
persona-non-grata. Another Hadash MP, Hanna Swaid, wrote to Mitchell: "The
recognition of Israel as a Jewish state harms the Arab citizens (25% of the
population), undermines their legal status in the country and puts them at
the heart of the struggle with no representation in the negotiations.”
Recognizing Israel as a/or the “Jewish state” should be rejected not only
because it politically forecloses whatever chance remains for the resumption
of peace talks and sets the regional stage for the alternative, which
another peace partner to Israel, Jordan’s King Abdullah II, has repeatedly
warned against because it “would have adverse and catastrophic consequences
on the whole region,” but more importantly because strategically such a
precondition, if it gains international recognition, would inevitably be
used by Israel as a casus belli to officially resume -- what has been so far
claimed an unofficial policy by neutral monitors and officially denied by
Israeli politicians – and defend its ethnic cleansing of native Arab
Palestinians as an internationally –recognized state policy inside its
borders, and in the Palestinian territories it occupied in 1967 outside
them, and as an international carte blanche vindicating what the Israeli
historian, Ilan Pappe documented as its more than sixty-year old “The Ethnic
Cleansing of Palestine.” Politically this would rule out the
Palestinian refugees’ “Right of Return” and legitimize Lieberman’s
“transfer” dreams (expulsion en masse of Israel’s Arab - Palestinian
citizens as well as Palestinian natives of East Jerusalem) to be made true
as soon as the political timing render their realization feasible, to throw
“the Arabs into the sea,” according to Aharon Barak, the former president of
the supreme court of Israel from 1995 to 2006, who was speaking at the Rabin
Center in Tel Aviv on June 25. Israeli governmental and
parliamentary officials of Netanyahu’s ruling coalition criticized Barak's
support for “a state for all its citizens.” It would be very instructive
here to recall the first Prime Minister of Israel and forefather of ethnic
cleansing David Ben-Gurion’s reaction to the news that the world renowned
physicist Albert Einstein declined the offer of the Israeli presidency in
1952: “Tell me what to do if he says yes! If he accepts, we are in trouble,”
he said, because Einstein “would distinguish between Jewish homeland and
state, and argued for a bi-national state where Jews and Arabs shared a
common land, not a strictly defined “Jewish state,” according to Fred
Jerome, who in June published his new book, “Einstein on Israel and Zionism:
His Provocative Ideas about the Middle East” (St. Martin’s Press).
More instructive than Einstein’s arguments and Ben-Gurion’s reaction was the
U.S. President Harry S. Truman’s proclamation, just 11 minutes after the
state's unilateral declaration, that, “The United States recognizes the
provisional government (proclaimed by Jews “in Palestine”) as the de facto
authority of the new State of Israel,” and NOT as “the new Jewish State” as
proposed by the American Jewish leaders, crossing out the proposed words and
replacing them in his own handwriting with “the new state of Israel.”
Obviously, Netanyahu’s precondition “was devised because Netanyahu
understands that Palestinians will never accept it because it negates their
standing in a land they have inhabited from time immemorial.” (Rosenberg on
June 14) Czech Republic Foreign Minister Jan Kohout, visiting Israel
on June 28, said in an exclusive interview with The Jerusalem Post: “First
we have to understand what is meant by this [Jewish state demand]. So far, I
can say that I don't have a clear picture on that.” “Resolution 181 (UN
Resolution 181, also called the 1947 UN Partition Plan) calls for
recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. But at the same time it gives equal
rights to all of its citizens,” said Kohout, who seemed not interested in
recent history to note that the Israel recognized by the UN Resolution 181,
which at the time had a population of some (500,000) Jews and (438,000) Arab
Palestinians, is very much smaller than the one we know now, which enjoys a
de facto, but not yet a de jure, international recognition, thanks to
Israel’s "War of Independence" using Plan D to “cleanse” Palestine,
according to Pappe and to five major territorial expansionist wars, dubbed
“preventive” or “pre-emptive” wars by Israeli strategists, who launched them
to secure their ethnic cleansing exploits, claiming with their former
premier, Golda Meir, that there was “no Palestinian people” to cleanse.
To ethnically cleanse the Palestinians was the very basis of Israel’s
raison-d’être. Speaking of the Arabs of Palestine (Complete Diaries, June
12, 1895 entry), Theodore Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization,
said: “Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it
employment... Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor
must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” The tragic result was
summarized by Israel’s minister of defense during the 1967 war, Moshe Dayan,
in an address to the Technion, Haifa, (Haaretz, April 4, 1969): “Jewish
villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the
names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books
no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not
there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place
of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the
place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country
that did not have a former Arab population.” It seems clear now that
UN General Assembly Resolution 4686 of 1991, which revoked an earlier
one equating Zionism with racism (the 1975 Resolution 3379), was a premature
measure. Kohout, whose country was the former rotating president of
the European Union, is not a rare species in demanding to “understand what
is meant” by the “Jewish state” precondition. One could not but recall the
Venetian word “ghetto,” once meant for the Jews of Europe. The Israeli
leadership seems now in the grips of a “ghetto mentality” racing against the
modern times of pluralism and coexistence, when nations are moving towards a
globalized 21st-century identity of citizenship by allegiance, regardless of
race, creed or gender, and at a time when the French translation of Israeli
academic Shlomo Sand’s “The Invention of the Jewish People” is granted this
year’s French prestigious Aujourd’hui Award for a book which argues that
Zionism in modern times “invented” the concept of the “Jewish people” as
well as their “imaginary” historical connection to Palestine. *Nicola
Nasser is a veteran Arab journalist based in Bir Zeit of the
Palestinian territories, under the rule by force of the Israeli occupation