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Are Israeli Courts Staffed by Nazi Judges?
By Khalid Amayreh, July 24, 2009
Just as anti-Semitism became official policy in Germany in the mid
1930s, it seems hostility toward Arabs, especially Israel’s own
1.5 million Palestinian citizens, is becoming a de facto official
policy of the Israeli state. This ominous orientation is being
constantly promoted by a number of manifestly racist cabinet ministers and
Knesset members who declare openly that their aim is to make everyone in
Israel “submit to the Jewish nature of the state.” The brash racism
is now permeating through the entire apparatus of the Jewish state, from the
police, to the justice system, to the army, to the educational system and,
of course, the media. Last week, Israeli courts showed off
their racist credentials when two Israeli settlers, a murderer
and a would-be murderer were acquitted of murdering a Palestinian and
seriously wounding two others. In the first case, a
West Jerusalem judge acquitted a Jewish settler named Ze’ev Braude who
had shot and seriously injured two unarmed Palestinians in al-Khalil (
Hebron ) several months ago. The settler was caught on video
shooting at the two Palestinians who were pleading to Israeli troops
to stop rampaging settlers from attacking their homes and families. The
settlers were vandalizing Arab property and trying to set homes on fire in
protest against the evacuation by the army of Jewish squatters who had
seized an Arab building a few years earlier. Braude’s lawyer
reportedly asked for “classified information” which he said would help
clear his client of any wrongdoing. However, instead of meeting the
lawyer’s request, the attorney-general decided to drop all charges against
Braude. Thus the would-be killer, who had shot and seriously injured
two innocent Palestinians, was effectively declared innocent.
In the second case, a Jewish farmer by the name of Shai Dromi was acquitted
of manslaughter by a Bir al Saba’a (Beer Shiva) court despite damning
evidence indicting him. In 2007, Dromi shot and killed a Bedouin
“infiltrator,” claiming that he was trying to steal his livestock.
Racist system One doesn’t have to be a great expert on Israel to be
able to describe the Israeli justice system as inherently racist, being
based on religious-ethno centricism. Indeed, had the victims been
Jewish, there is not the slightest doubt that the perpetrators would have
been given harsh prison sentences, without a chance for parole for decades.
However, in a state that murders innocent children at will “for
self-defense” and lies as often as it breathes, this type of justice ought
to be viewed as being within the normal order of things.
Indeed, Israel itself, one might argue perfectly rightly, is a crime against
humanity, having been created on the ruins of another people, the
Palestinians. Hence, it is only “natural” and “normal” that Israeli
courts would deal with utmost flaccidity and utter leniency with Jewish
perpetrators of crimes as long as the victim is not a member of the “holy
tribe.” This tradition goes back to the establishment of Israel more
than 62 years when a given Jewish murderer of a Palestinian was fined
a dime on the ground that the life of a non-Jew wasn’t worth
more than a dime. A few years ago, an Israeli soldier who was
serving in southern Gaza murdered a Palestinian school child, Iman al Hums,
as she was going to school. The soldier, dubbed Captain R.
shot and seriously wounded the young girl, and as he saw
her agonize and wallow in pain, he walked toward her, empting an entire
magazine of bullets into her tender body to make sure that she was dead and
didn’t pose a threat to his life. The practice is still widely
practiced in the Israeli army and is known as “verifying the kill.”
The reaction of the Israeli justice system to this event was very telling,
indeed. For instead of prosecuting and punishing the murderer, the
Israeli army actually awarded him thousands of dollars in damages he
claimed he deserved because his reputation was tarnished by the media.
Westerners, especially North Americans, who have been consuming Zionist lies
for decades may be prompted to think that the above-mentioned cases are an
aberration and in no way represent Israel’s general behaviors.
However, the truth, which Israel and her supporters strive to hide from the
eyes of the world, is that the Israeli justice system is inherently and
profoundly racist, to put it mildly, especially when non-Jews, particularly
Palestinians, are involved. In recent years, hundreds of settler
judges and others affiliated with extremist terrorist Jewish groups,
such as the Kahana group, Gush Emunim and Chabad infiltrated the Israeli
justice system. These people are indoctrinated in the Nazi-like
ideology that Jews are genetically and humanly superior than non-Jews and
that Jewish lives are worth more than non-Jewish lives. Hence, when
a Jew and a non-Jew appear in court, the Jewish judge feels obliged to take
all these considerations into account and refrain, as much as possible, from
passing stiff punishments against Jewish defendants. This is often
done by meticulously searching for or even concocting extenuating
circumstances, or by finding a procedural loophole, that would make the
judge seriously reduce the proscribed punishment for the Jewish defendant or
acquit him of any wrongdoing. Israel claims to be a western country,
a democracy and a state where the rule of law is upheld. Well, this
trinity of lies should be obvious for anyone who has had the opportunity to
know Israel first-hand. But, there is always a certain level of
“veracity” in these claims. In Israel , the rule of law is indeed
upheld just as the rule of law was also upheld in Nazi Germany . But
the question remains, what laws are exactly being upheld? (end)