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Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews a New Book By Alan Hart, July 18, 2009
ZIONISM, THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS is an epic three-volume journey through
the propaganda lies and the documented truth of history as it relates to the
making and sustaining of what has come to be called the Israeli/Palestinian
Volume 1,
The False Messiah
uncovers the international intrigues that marked the period from the
earliest days of Zionism to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.
This riveting account is the first ever to put all the pieces of the most
complicated jigsaw puzzle together, to enable readers to see the whole
picture for the first time, addressing with empathy all sides of the story.
Alan Hart is a former ITN and BBC Panorama foreign correspondent with a vast
first-hand knowledge of the conflict in and over Palestine that became
Israel. Over more than three decades he enjoyed intimate access to, and on
the human level friendship with, leaders of both sides including Golda Meir,
Mother Israel, and Yasser Arafat, Father Palestine. (Others included Moshe
Dayan, Shimon Peres, Nasser, Sadat, King Faisal, King Hussein - the list is
long). He also participated at a leadership level in the secret politics of
the search for peace in the Middle East (as an intermediary between Arafat
and Peres when it was presumed that Peres was headed for leadership). His
first book
Arafat, Terrorist or Peacemaker?
was published by Sidgwick & Jackson in 1984 and subsequently in several
updated editions over a decade, in America by Indiana University Press as
In the early 1970s, his independent production company produced the first
ever and to date only documentary on the true dimensions of global poverty
and its implications for all. The film, Five Minutes To Midnight, had its
world premiere at the opening of the 7th Special Session of the UN General
Assembly (called to discuss the need for a New World Economic Order), was
shown on television in many Western countries, was versioned for schools and
became a standard work of reference. For that effort Alan was credited with
having played a leading role in getting the North-South issue on to the
agenda for political and public debate.
ISBN:0-932863-64-7 / 978-0-932863-64-5 345 pages 24
illustrations $21.95
To view Table of Contents and Clarity Press
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