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Christian Zionism on the Skids:
Rick Warrens to the Rescue?
By Charles E. Carlson, Dec 15, 2009
Not all Christians believe the same 'religion.'
Christianity is a man's dogma adopted in the name of Jesus. Christ
following is a faith based on Jesus' words. Rick Warrens, now
famous pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest CA, is religious.
The question is whether he is a Christ follower or less aggressive shade
of Christian Zionist. To call him "influential" is a vast understatement.
Pew Foundation's lengthy interview with Pastor Rick Warrens, The
Future of Evangelicalism tells much about Warrens in his own words.*
Pastor Rick has indeed a smooth tongue, and he drops names, from Billy
Graham to President Obama. The Pew Forum gave Warrens every chance to
discuss any aspect of what he considers his Christian belief.
Pastor Warrens numbered off his mission's six 'Signature Issues,' all of
which produce a social result; but he artfully dodged just about every
vital moral issue of our day, especially our serial wars in the Middle
East-- issues that may be within his power to influence.
Warrens knows the issues, he listed them as, "the five biggest problems on
the planet: poverty, disease, illiteracy, corruption and conflict.'
I would assume wars fall under the 'conflict' umbrella, but
Pastor Rick made no mention of his position on America's serial wars.
Warrens was allowed to speak freely and to choose his own subject matter.
If you do a word search on the 15,000 word interview, as I did, you will
find he did not once utter any of the following words: Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestine or Gaza, Sudan, Somalia-not one
word about bailout, inflation, TARP, deficit spending, or any other US
government "corruption". It is fair to conclude that war,
preventing war, and corruption in our own government are among Warrens
list of avoided issues. The closest he came was to describe his 'global
humanitarian effort to take on poverty and AIDS." What would
Jesus say about a Pastor who fails to mention a single specific
'corruption or conflict?' Jesus used terms including, "sons of
Satan" and generation of vipers," to describe the corrupt religious
leaders of his day who did business with the Roman occupiers.
Warrens did not say a word about preventing incineration and forced
starvation brought on by men in our own government with whom he claims to
be intimate friends. Warrens' agenda is on safe ground alongside
billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, all beneficiaries of the
current inflation and bail outs, all fighting AIDS. These men, it seems,
enjoy taking credit for world wide benevolent charity, but without
exposing themselves to any conflict with the giant warmaking industry and
the banking lobbies that print the money for the wars. When
asked about AIDS and his good relationship with prominent homosexual
leaders, Rick Warrens made only the vaguest association between
homosexuality and the AIDS curse, while asserting that he has many
homosexual leaders as friends and allies, along with members of all other
religions. He repeatedly asserts that Jesus requires him to love all
of his brothers. When prompted by the Pew people to stand
on any issue, he fails to mention any little brothers and sisters in
countries where our own government has, or is carrying out mass
annihilation such as Iraq, or where it has supported Israel's acts of
annihilation in Gaza and Lebanon. It is as though Warrens has wiped
these countries off of his private map of the world.
Warren's silence on burning issues shows that he knows how to keep the
favor of the Zionist fearing press. Pastor Rick has been to the Middle
East and has the benefit of briefings that have surely informed him of the
true conditions in Israel, Palestine, and Iraq, if he wants to know.
I can only conclude Warrens' silence is to preserve his
popularity with the Zionists, both Christian and Jews, as well as his
acceptance by both powerful politicians and their Neo-Conservative war
policy makers. Is Warrens a 'Christian Zionist' promoting Israel
ahead of God? The answer seems to be yes, but no.
Rick Warrens claims to be an 'evangelical,' but he is not of the same
stripe as radical Christian Zionists John Hagee and Rod Parsley, who will
always find a way to make an issue of 'God's Chosen People' and their
absolute requirement to support Israel's every move. A Christian
Zionist would not miss the opportunity of an interview with the Pew Forum
to denounce every Muslim enemy, even to the point of advocating nuclear
war upon Iran. Warrens does not do this. Warrens loves
everyone he names. He simply avoids mention of certain people.
He is promoting Israel's vital interests by ignoring its inhumane agenda,
but he does not tie Israel to his religiosity. If Warrens can't say
anything nice about Israel he says nothing at all, and he pleads, falsely,
that this was Jesus' way. Jesus never ignored evil, and he always
condemned it. It seems fair to observe that the 'purpose' that
drives Warrens' 'Purpose Driven Church and Purpose Driven Life' is worldly
success in building churches. This is a far cry from building
Christianity. He talks of the growth of Christianity in the third
world and even in China in optimistic terms of carrying out Jesus'
mission. He does not explain what kind of Christianity is taught in these
far off places, nor why Christianity is not growing in the USA and Europe.
We see evidence that Americans, under pressure, are realizing
that Christian Zionism is not the same as following Christ. We want
Rick Warrens to say this! The religion of the late Jerry Falwell and
current Zionist fanatic, Pat Robertson, as examples, is overtly political,
and that politics is all tangled up with a certain set of beliefs about
the State of Israel. Were it not so, this tiny country would be of
little interest to Americans, and Israel's US power base would be limited
to a few million US Jews. Israel may be the most unapologetic and
self-righteous serial murderer in memory. American Jews
were embarrassed a decade ago when the "Son of Sam" turned out to be a
Jewish youth from New York. How much more embarrassing to be caught
sponsoring their own serial killer state? Christian Zionists save US
Jews from having to defend Israel's brutal acts and add their weight to
the aggressive Jewish lobby that bullies the members of Congress into
doing Israel's bidding. Warrens does not cheer them on like John Hagee
does, but he looks the other way, which may be a greater sin.
Christian Zionism is a disgusting abuse of Christ's words that will soon
fail because it is false and hypocritical to its very core. We have
witnessed encouraging evidence of this pending collapse and declining
attendance at public events sponsored by John Hagee's Christians United
For Israel (CUFI. The bellicose Hagee is on the skids, and I suspect
Israel will soon replace him at the helm of CUFI with a polished and
smooth someone...we hope it will not be Rick Warrens.
Warrens is more dangerous than Hagee because Warrens is believable.
Shame on these false Christians, pretending to ignore 'politics,' while
using it to build giant tax-free empires from which to preach false
doctrine. They keep the Warmakers in power with their silence.
Yes, Rick Warrens is every bit as much an enabler of serial wars as the
loudest Christian Zionist. Can followers of Christ find any hope
in Pastor Rick Warrens' enormous influence? I say yes, because there
is evidence that he knows the truth. His loyalty to Israel is
pragmatic and not theological. Conversely, there is little hope for
radical Christian Zionists who must first deprogram themselves before they
can change. Warrens can change if he chooses to do so, and is
willing to risk losing some of the influence he is so proud of.
Warrens' pride in his influence is understandable, but is reminiscent of a
wealthy young man who came to Jesus asking what he must do to find eternal
life. Jesus, sensing this man's love of his wealth, told him he must
give away all that he had, not to Jesus, but to the poor. In this
New Testament story, the man went sadly away. No Christ
follower can tell the truth without paying a price.
*The Pew
Forum: The Future of Evangelicals, We Hold These Truths
Project Strait Gate PO Box 14491 Scottsdale, AZ, 85267 480 947 3329
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