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Nuclear Weapons:
Remembering is not enough - Abolish them
a statement By TFF, August 12, 2009
Today, August 6th 2009, represents the 64th Anniversary of the
horrific nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. On that fateful day in 1945, some
70,000 people perished instantly, with thousands more injured. Nagasaki was
destroyed on August 9.
While taking time today to remember those
affected, it is important to ask ourselves how we can make sure it doesn't
happen again. How can we prevent the mass destruction of innocent lives and
make this a safer world? And how can we shape security policies so these
weapons which actually create insecurity for all can be recognized as
harmful and unnecessary?
The concept of balance of terror says what
nuclear weapons are, namely weapons of terrorism. A clear and well-defined
global commitment to nuclear-abolition is needed.
International law,
as defined by the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), is on the
side of nuclear-abolitionists like TFF. Although the 5 acknowledged nuclear
states (the US, Russia, China, France and the UK) are signatories of the
treaty, and are thus, obliged to move toward nuclear disarmament, they have
many more and more sophisticated nukes.
Not only has the treaty been
ignored by the nuclear states, 3 known nuclear powers (India, Israel and
Pakistan) have never been signatories of the treaty and North Korea left NPT
in 2005. However, most of the global focus is on states suspected of
developing nuclear weapons capabilities such as Iraq before and Iran today.
Yet we cannot condemn potential nuclear states without condemning
current nuclear states that have made little efforts to get rid of them as
they should according to the NPT as a quid pro quo for others not seeking to
obtain them.
Thus, the issue is not proliferation of nuclear weapons
but their very existence. A global commitment to nuclear abolition
must be made in order to eliminate the appeal of nuclear capabilities.
Provided below is a selection of videos and articles by TFF Associates
as well as TFF-approved videos and articles on nuclearism.
Additionally, please visit TFF's YouTube Video Channel to find an array of
informative videos on nuclear issues, listed under the playlist "Nuclearism." Video
from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF)
Video interview of Jan Oberg on the basics of nuclear weapons on the
the illogic of the Balistic Missile Defense system ACA -
Fact sheet on countries and their nuclear status
David Krieger's article "A Middle East Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone"
Gunnar Westberg's article on North Korea and the nuclear threats of the
US and Russia
Obama's early position on nuclearism from the New York Times
NAPF Video on the US role in establishing a nuclear-free-world
Lawrence S.
Wittner's article on why we need a world free of nuclear weapons
Video with Farhang Jahanpour speaking on the need for global
Join TFF in supporting a nuclear-free world. Get 2 of your closest friends
to become a fan of TFF's new Facebook page so they can actively support
nuclear-abolition as well:
This issue is far too big to ignore..or be left to politicians and
Peacefully yours, Sarah Molaiepour TFF
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