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The Predator State:
How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and
Why Liberals Should Too
By James K. Galbraith,
a Book Review By Jim Miles, April 26, 2009
Published by the Free Press, New York, 2008. Not too many
economists make much clarity these days, and the general run of the mill
economists that populate the majority of political and business positions
seem to be mired in their own illusions and myths about what the economy
actually is. James Galbraith stands out in contrast to that group and
is able to see through the myths of the “free market” and provide well
conceived, simple, and effective solutions to the problems of our current
economy. In The Predator State, Galbraith follows in his father’s
footsteps (whom I had the pleasure of reading and understanding many years
ago) with a well structured, well argued, and clearly written examination of
the supposed free market. Galbraith stays within a well-defined
focus, examining the myths of the market and solutions in economic terms,
which necessarily reach over into other areas. He does not dwell on
these other areas, but in his final analysis he provides three lines of
insight that indicate where others could expand on the topic, denouncing in
effect the “hidden fist” that supports the U.S. economy. First is a
comment on terrorism, stated simply that “the global
war on terror is a fraud,” and “the solution to the threat of terror
is political, diplomatic – and a matter of police work. It is not
primarily military.” Following that is the comment, “A system based mainly
on military power, financed through the dollar reserve system, provides
neither comprehensive security nor a compelling case for preserving the
reserve system.” Finally, as he reaches his final summation, he says,
“The existing system has been held together by military power and by a
shared perception of threat.” The military is certainly part of his
analysis, mainly as an element of social structuring and governmental rules
and regulations at home that deny the idea of a free market. In his
preface Galbraith outlines the plan he intends to follow and the basic
outline of his arguments. The first section of the book “is to
describe the myth, its logical structure, its popular appeal, and especially
the set of rules for policy to which it leads.” After that, the second
section examines what he calls predation, “the systematic abuse of public
institutions for private profit or equivalently, the systematic undermining
of public protection for the benefit of private clients.”
He then turns to solutions, offering three that are “the most despised, the
most dangerous, the hardest to get across” to a culture steeped in free
market mythology. The solutions sound simple (and really are, perhaps
that is why they are so despised): a capacity to plan – as counter-witnessed
by the events around Katrina; secondly “the setting of wages and the control
of the distribution of pay and incomes is a social, and not a market
decision;” and thirdly, to “prepare for the day when the unlimited privilege
of issuing never-to-be-paid chits to the rest of the world may come to an
end.” This leads to my only real disappointment with the book - as
with any book that is concerned about rapidly changing current events – that
an examination of the really current events, the last three or four months,
are not within this discussion. Galbraith however is one of the few
economists who seems to have read the situation correctly and knows the
possibilities of what might be coming. I then re-read his most current
commentary that deals with the Geithner ‘plan’, posing many questions and
providing further logical arguments to the positions presented in the book.
[1] He does not appear optimistic, indicating that the “happy
patterns [bubble, bust, recession, stimulus, recovery] will not be repeated.
For the first time since the 1930s, millions of American households are
financially ruined. Families that two years ago enjoyed wealth in stocks and
in their homes now have neither.” His solution emphasizes the planning
stage: “What is required are careful, sustained planning, consistent policy,
and the recognition now that there are no quick fixes, no easy return to
"normal," no going back to a world run by bankers—and no alternative to
taking the long view.” Being somewhat more knowledgeable than the
average economist Galbraith states at the beginning of The Predator State
“the disciplined application of conservative principles to economic policy
leads to disaster.” From there, he proceeds to deconstruct
the free market myth. He starts with the “free” aspect first, showing
that the freedom to act is owned by business concerns, for the rest of us,
it is the freedom to shop (and thus be satisfied, indeed satiated, such that
we do not complain about the state of anything). Tax cuts
take the next hit, reaching the conclusion that “the entire thirty-year
history in promoting saving in order to increase investment has been a
bust.” Inflation comes next, with the argument that neither interest
rates nor low employment cut inflation, but the collapse of labour unions
and globalization did the trick (with a resulting increase in inequality
between haves and have nots.) Balanced budget’s are the next myth,
wherein “balancing the budget is a mission impossible and a fool’s errand.”
His last hit is on “free trade” itself. Several subtopics
enter this argument but the bottom line appears to be that the consumptive
wealth of the U.S. is upheld by its “symbiotic” ties to China, a “marriage
of convenience…not the product of comparative advantage, and it did not
emerge from free trade.” Upon entering his arguments for predation,
the current state of U.S. business, Galbraith looks at several issues.
First is the understanding of pay versus wealth. Second is the largesse of
the U.S. government sector “responsible for well over half of economic
activity. Third is the corporate crisis in which “the market has a
tendency to undermine the law.” This all leads to the predator state
where “nothing is done for the common good” but to obtain “complete control
of the apparatus of state” for private gain. Finally the
essays turn to solutions as outlined at the start of the review.
Through it all, although simplistically outlined here, Galbraith provides
strong arguments, strong evidence, to support his historical interpretations
and to support his suggested fixes. Returning to my first comments,
with Obama’s ongoing charm seeded with “hope,” the solutions “depend on the
difference between a world ruled by fear and one ruled by hope.”
Residents of the U.S. and the whole world are waiting to see what actions
are taken to support that hope.
Galbraith’s writing is strong and provocative. It is something the
current crop of political and economic advisors and theorists need to
consider and be willing to move beyond the blinders of their free market
Notes: [1] Galbraith, James K. “No Return to
Normal - Why the economic crisis, and its solution, are bigger than you
Jim Miles is a Canadian educator and a regular
contributor/columnist of opinion pieces and book reviews for The Palestine
Chronicle. Miles’ work is also presented globally through other
alternative websites and news publications.