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Bail out of Wall Street: Economic Terrorism
By Ben Tanosborn, September 25, 2008
American economic terrorism: love it or leave it!
How many times have those of us of the non-conformist breed been told… if
you don’t love America as it is, why don’t you leave it?! Well, let me
turn the tables in a different way… why don’t most of us become true
patriots, instead of ugly jingoes, and say no to economic terrorism as it is
being perpetrated in the United States? Not just say love it or leave
it; but instead, reform this predatory capitalism under whose thumb we
Bail out of Wall Street? Are we nuts? Is this Bush’s final
chapter of “Fear for America”?
The choice for Congress is clear: accede to the wishes of a greed-infested
and corrupt Wall Street or let the present system implode and set up a new,
regulated system, in its place. A trillion dollar oxygen tank will
only make the clean-up later more difficult, and probably ensure
capitalism’s demise; maybe next year, perhaps five years from now.
As dire as the consequences may be in the short term, they are much more
preferable to the no-cure cure which is being offered by both a dishonest
Fed, which knowingly allowed the bubble to grow without sounding the
appropriate alert, and an inept – and definitely unscrupulous –
administration, the most “anti-people” government this nation has ever
known. Bush, Paulson and Greenspan II (Bernanke) are as trustworthy as
the progeny engendered by the village idiot and the Main Street whore.
Congress must not get caught in the trap of passing unwarranted regressive
legislation just because of some changes, compromise masking the problem; or
to accommodate a few special interests, even if some of those changes appear
as just and punitive (such as forcing compensation limits for CEO’s of
bailed-out firms)… or be helpful to the lower rungs in the economic ladder,
such as people who bought houses they couldn’t afford.
If legislators are scared into believing that we have a do or die situation,
that Wall Street (its financial sector) cannot be allowed to collapse, may
God save us from their idiocy. If Main Street needs credit to keep the
economy going, one does not need to be a genius, or much of an innovator, to
know that a parallel banking system for passing on funds to the non-toxic,
smaller banks can be created in a short time. Let all the corrupt
financial houses, and their worthless derivate excrement, go under! If
the Oracle has great faith that Goldman is worthy enough to bring good
profits to his five billion dollar investment, without taxpayers’ help, good
for Warren Buffett… more power to him! Personally I think he is
counting on the bailout, or he wouldn’t be investing a red cent.
No, it isn’t Main Street that our elite are thinking about; it is saving the
system in its present state, or close to it; save the predatory capitalist
system, and not just save face. The fishing nets must be kept in good
repair! A great system to impoverish the lil’ guy!
After a quarter of a century of economic terrorism initiated by Reagan Bin
Laden, we would be fools not to admit that such terrorism is far worse than
that brought about by Osama’s jihadist response to our insane foreign policy
in the Middle East.
American economic terrorism… wouldn’t we be better off by burying it once
and for all? The choice for Congress is clear: regulate a predatory
capitalism which is out of control or let it perish on its own.
Capitalism, at least as practiced in these United States, has shown us
little virtue and much vice at the top corporate echelons. It’s not a
few apples that are rotten, the entire barrel is! It’s the system,
stupid! And the status of our present economy is just the result.
True fiscal conservatives repudiate a bailout for Wall Street just as much
as the true progressive left does, or even the populist sentiment. We
need to let the house of cards fall as a new system is built, one that
people can believe in... with the appropriate safeguards to keep greed in
check. And as we design and put a system in place, simultaneously, we
need to create and empower a prosecutorial office to bring to justice the
criminals principally responsible for this utter economic disaster.
No, not the penny ante greedy crooks in housing: Realtors, mortgage brokers,
appraisers, title companies, house flippers or greedy homeowners. A
proper capital gains tax system would have taken care of that. [I
proposed one some years ago based on how long property was held so as to
curb excessive speculation in residential housing.] No, those that
need to be prosecuted are the government policy-makers, the Fed Board of
Governors and the Wall Street patrons to “creative financing.”
As George W. Bush appeared last night on television to sell the American
public on the corporate bailout, one couldn’t help but see the greatest
irony of all: Here is the greatest economic terrorist in the world since
Reagan, calling Americans idiots; just as he did prior to the invasion of
Iraq, using good old reliable fear-mongering. Congress bought into
that fear in 2002… will it be fooled by another dosage of fear six years
Ben Tanosborn