Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, October 2008


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When Politics Stinks Like A Decayed Fish, part II: The 'Whale' Street!

By Ali Al-Hail, October 15, 2008

   Rumors and speculations, amongst US taxpayers, began to flow, since the collapse of the 'Whale' Street's mortgage banks, three weeks ago. A tittle-tattle has spoken of a wistful of US's 'Whales' \ CEOs (Chief executive officers) in the 'Whale' Street's old boys' network; whose greed which, has caused the crisis.
    A hearsay, nevertheless, went to assume that, those little 'Whales' of the 'Whale' Street, were merely, shadows of bigger 'Whales', in the Bush-Cheney 'oily' circles. Gossips seem to go on to that, trillions of dollars were offshored from the 'Whale' Street into offshore banks somewhere.
   Now, supposing that was the case, would have the little 'Whales' been capable of offshoring the money, had they not received the 'go ahead' from the bigger 'Whales'? Something is worth of thinking of for a while.  
   Based on such presumptions, many US taxpayers argue, why their representatives have passed the drafted version of the $700 billion bailout plan though, the differences between the original 'rescue' plan, and the 'modified' one were so subtle     that, one could hardly, detect them. Many legitimate questions arise; whether was  that an attempt, to 'rescue' the waning days of Bush administration? And if it's so, on what cost?
   Selectivity, is bad politics. It stinks like a decayed fish, and on this particular issue, both sides of the US House of Representatives, have forgotten that, caring about the taxpayers ought to (if not must), should be clearer.               
Professor, Dr. Ali Al-Hail, Professor of Mass Communication, Twice Fulbright

Award Winner, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Vice-President Of Qatar Fulbright Group, CSR Award Judge and Board Member of AUSACE, ASC, IABD, NEBAA, BEA, IMDA and EAJMC American Associations.

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