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Christian Zionist's End Times: Election Reveals Cracks In Logic

By Charles E. Carlson, November 12, 2008

The 2008 election demonstrated the single mindedness of the Christian-Zionist voting block; this time in a losing effort.  They were the biggest group of supporters for John McCain, who received over 62 million votes.  The Pew Research Center estimated in advance that some 26 million 'white evangelicals,' members of Judeo-Christian Churches, like the one to which Sarah Palin belongs, would vote. They did! 

 When the smoke cleared we are told about 73% of the "evangelicals/born again" voted for McCain and 26% for Obama.  All other religious groups divided more evenly except Jews and Muslims.  Surprisingly 78% of Jewish voters picked Obama; "other faiths" including Muslim, went 73% for Obama.  Thus Christian Zionists voted 180 degrees from the ethnic group they claim love to the most, and the one they love to fear.
Most "Born Again Christians" as the Pew Exit Poll identifies them, qualify as Christian Zionists by We Hold These Truth's test, but they would prefer to be called, evangelicals, dispensationalists, Judeo-Christians, or even "the Christian Right."  Unfortunately, their unity of purpose is confused and is not centered on Jesus' words; Jesus has to defer to the needs and desires of Israel. Because they enthrone Israel, Judeo-Christians have an endemic capacity to be misled on political issues, including war.  
For instance they oppose abortion of unborn children, but never discuss or observe the violent killing of Arab children in a war zone, nor do they object to Israel's massive state sponsored abortion program.  We have clearly explained their logic in a new DVD called The Roots of Christian Zionism. 
In spite of the 'Obama landslide' it should not be forgotten that Christian Zionists are not going away but appear that both their numbers and their leadership are fraying and beginning to flake off.  However, they remain the largest and most powerful single voting faction, and the most easily manipulated one. 
Obviously this was not a normal election, with the biggest percentage turnout since 1908 when people dearly cared about their vote, some paid to vote and some ride horses for miles to the polls.  Many we know who are trying to follow Christ's words for peace, were horrified by the war-committed McCain, but also did not trust Barack Obama to be free of the Neo-Conservative political influence.
We think evangelicals want to be the first to share Jesus' values of loving your brother and not killing his children.  They did until they were shaped by Oxford University's Scofield Reference Bible, and influence by world Zionist lobbies, such as AIPAC and Unity Coalition for Israel.  They voted for McCain/Palin for religious reasons, as did 82% that voted for G. W. Bush four years ago.
Judeo-Christians may have been the only group in America to take seriously the rumors that Obama is a Muslim.  Churches organized pre-election prayer sessions fearfully asking God to deliver America from Obama; some referred to him as 'anti-Christ."  Now deceased Jerry Falwell's Liberty University gave its 10,000 students election-day off to work the polls for McCain/Palin. 
Obviously, Jewish voters thought otherwise since nearly 80% of them voting, voted for Obama, according to the Pew Foundation's exit poll.  It seems 26 million Judeo-Christians are out of touch with the 2 million Jewish voters.  Perhaps, the latter are not as anxious for Armageddon!
World Zionism and its Neo-Con think-tanks have switched tactics of promoting fear of terrorism, as with Day 9/11, to a new paradigm... fear and distrust of all Muslims, including the neighbor and his children.  Christian Zionists are the most susceptible to this phobia, perhaps thinking McCain would protect them from the 1.5% or less, Muslim neighbors.
Tough guy, anti-Arab talk has become acceptable among Judeo-Christians, as we have learned from our many contacts with them, and is epidemic on national network talk radio.  Comments like 'Nuke-em all' or 'Turn it to Glass' or worse, are commonplace.  Film editor Tom Compton quips that his fellow churchmen are 'my bloodthirsty brothers in Christ.'
The new Obama Administration will be under huge pressure from those who financed it to make only a show of downsizing the Iraq War.  Neo-Conservatives who wrote The Project for the New American Century, calling for war in Iraq, and international banking interests will pressure Obama to continue and even escalate warring sanctions and occupations of Islamic states. He has already opined that he favors staying in Afghanistan, and Iraq will likely be stretched out. 
Those Obama is considering for his key appointments seem to indicate the Jewish voters knew what they were doing when they voted for him, and Muslims may have been grasping at straws.  Both these are small groups compared to the many millions of Christian Zionists who voted against Obama in fear.
Christian Zionist leaders and neo-conservative think-tanks have spewed "islamophobia" on 'conservative' talk radio, and internet sites that cater to born-again listeners.  Some radio celebrities could be arrested for their inflammatory words, had hate crimes legislation not been repeatedly rejected by Congress.
We are lost to the tragedy of our warring past made manifest.  If you doubt that our past has caught up with us, look at the stock market...down about a trillion dollars in value the first two days after the Obama miracle.
No matter what Obama's intent, we must not forget that he is a politician.  And whatever is inside him will be pressed hard to be sublimated to the Neo-Cons. A key was his choice of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who is a Zionist to the core.
The Judeo-Christians remain the only political faction driven directly by religious beliefs that war and the support of the state of Israel is right, that distrust, even hatred, of Israel's perceived enemy Islam, is a necessity and prophetic. They ignore and refuse to discuss this question: Does killing of Arabs stand in the way of one's hope for Heaven?   Well meaning Christian Zionists will change when they recognize that anti-Islam, or anti any race, excludes following Christ, and is murder. 
Laymen members need to walk out of Zionist churches in mass.  Those who teach an anti-scriptural, false faith will then collapse of their own error.  Americans can only then reclaim their heritage of a moral, Christian influenced government.  We think this is already well in motion.
The error of well-meaning members can be corrected with patience and logic by challenging the religious beliefs of Judeo Christians head on.  The apostle Paul spoke of "reproving them" in his letter to the Ephesians.  We must not do less.
If we are to recover our influence over our own government we need help, and to whom shall we turn?  The answer remains in the moral church-going millions.  Mainline and orthodox churches are usually not Judeo-Christians, and there are about 150,000 such traditional church congregations, but they have been asleep at the switch.  With their renewed help we could empirically re-educate many of the 70 million influenced by Christian Zionism.  Together, as we should be, we could actually influence what our government does. 
Strong evidence of 'confrontation' is in the air from mainline churches (traditional Protestant and Catholic) and we will do what we can to encourage it.  We have called this The Great Turning in the Age of Serial Wars. 
Let us look to a future where the swing vote is not from a group with apocalyptic dreams of yet another war to usher in mystic Armageddon.  Come, be a part of it!
Voting Religiously By Pew Research:

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