Cross-Cultural Understanding |
Opinion Editorials, March 2008 |
The US and the World By Abbas Bakhtiar, March 17, 2008
"Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, political parties, nations, and eras it's the rule." (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche) And no madness is
worst than greed. Every so often people assume that somehow they can
make money out of the thin air. The most famous one was the Tulip mania
of 1636-1637 in Netherland and the most recent one was the “dotcom”
bubble of 1995-2001 (on In every case, the madness begins with those who have high tolerance for financial risk. That is to say they are rich and can afford greater financial loss than others. They speculate and make money, lots of money. Soon the less wealthy see this and join the crowd and before you know it the whole country is involved. When President
Bush entered office he gave one trillion dollars (tax cut) to the
wealthy. In effect he increased the tolerance for financial risk of the
wealthy individuals and companies even further. Later, he started the
The money pumped into the economy had to find some channel for investment. So banks and financial institutions began to push money in hope of getting incredible returns. Easy credit was the solution. You want to buy a house? No problem, we finance 90% of it. You want to have a new car? No problem, we give you a loan. This push suddenly made it possible for millions of people to buy houses, putting pressure on the housing market. House prices sky-rocketed, increasing the illusion of increasing wealth, which in turn allowed people to borrow more money. All the time, banks and credit institutions were jubilant at the sight of extraordinary returns on their investments. A normal credit company charges around 18% to 23% on the dollar while they borrow the same money for 8% to 9%. It is a great business. The banks also had a good time. Cheap money was lent to people backed by assets that were appreciating in value. The risks were spread by selling mortgages to other banks and institutions. Before you knew it every bank, insurance company and god knows who else were rushing in to take their piece of the action. Growth in housing
construction represents a substantial part of general But as with Tulips and DotComs manias, there comes a time when there is no more room for illusory growth and demand. The bubble bursts and asset prices crash. The banks are left with depreciating asset guarantees for their loans and before you know it the whole financial system is in trouble. Usually when this happens, it takes a few years for the companies and individuals involved to go bankrupt, after which the cycle starts anew. Hopefully with lessons learnt. But this time it is different. When a recession starts, the government has a few tools at its disposal to deal with the economic downturn: Interest rate, the budget and war. It reduces interest rates to stimulate economic growth. It can also start large infrastructure projects such road building, constructing bridges etc, to reduce unemployment and stimulate the economy (deficit-spending). There is another sure way of kick starting the economy and that is WAR. Wars are good for businesses and reduce unemployment and stimulate (for US) important parts of the economy. However,
all three tools have been already used prior to the recent recession.
US has huge trade deficit and is involved in
two wars ( If this was not
enough its currency “the mighty dollar” is losing its position as the
preferred international reserve and trading currency. The Federal
Reserves keeps pumping dollars into the market, while at the same time
keep reducing interest rates. This means only two things, a devaluation
of dollar and an increasing inflation. Countries such as There is already
some ominous sign of this. A few days ago, Let us look at
why this happens. This will put
further pressure on the dollar contributing to its decline. This, of
course is not good for the The outlook for
the When recession
hits, the government usually starts deficit spending to increase
employment. At the same time the interest rates are reduced to stimulate
economic growth. Already in August
2006 I warned about the coming financial crisis (please read “ As can be seen the government has not the ability to meet its existing financial obligations to the American people, let alone starting infrastructure projects to reduce unemployment or help the economy. With regards to the interest rates, the Federal Reserves has very little room for manoeuvre. Already the real interest rates are in negative territory (lower than inflation), although the government and the experts say otherwise. Further interest rate cuts will only increase inflation and devalues the shaky dollar even further. But this is exactly what the Federal Reserves is doing. This is most likely to rescue big financial institutions, the very institutions that were earning huge profits from unsuspecting American consumers. In effect, the Fed is abandoning the poor and helping the rich. If the government was serious in helping the working American, it would have paid the money directly to the people, so that they could pay their debt. Instead it is pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into the banks. If you count the monies that have been poured into the financial markets, you’ll see that $160-$200 billion dollar tax rebate to the people was only mere peanuts as compared to what banks and others have received. All in all, one can say that this recession, if it doesn’t turn into a depression, will be severe and will last at least 2 to 4 years. Now you must realise that I am talking about the effects of the recession and not technical recession. The recent technical recessions that we have seen is listed below: · January-July 1980: 6 months (worst quarter GDP Growth -7.8% ) · July 1981-November 1982: 16 months (worst quarter GDP Growth -6.4%) · July 1990-March 1991: 8 months (worst quarter GDP Growth -3.0%) · March 2001-November 2001: 8 months (worst quarter GDP Growth -1.4%) Technically a recession may last one year, but the effect of that recession on families may last a decade. Some lose their homes, some their jobs, some families will break-up and so on and so forth. The human misery of technical recession lasts much longer than the recession itself. Anyway, if the price of the houses is dropped by 40% in two years, how many years of growth will it take to retake that 40%? Usually much longer than people think. I wrote an article in September 2006 titled “Who Will Pay the US Debt”. In this article I explained who will be most affected by the coming financial crisis. This is the direct excerpt from that article: “The truth is
that at the end of the day it is the American people that have to pay.
This will be in the form of higher taxes and reduced governmental
services. In other words lower living standards. The poor and the
working poor do not have anything to give. Their contribution will be in
form of statistics. The number of people living below poverty line will
increase. They will suffer because they rely on many services that will
be cut or reduced. The rich will always find some loop-hole to avoid
paying the major part of their share. Even if their wealth is reduced by
10%, they will see no hardship. This leaves us with the Middle class.
This group will be hit the hardest. They will see their taxes and
expenses increase simultaneously. A good portion will have to live on
far less than they are used to. Many will work longer hours just to stay
solvent. Many may also join the working poor. It all may sound rather
apocalyptic but the numbers do not lie. Politicians may avoid this
problem for now, but sooner or later someone has to pay the piper.” The World Economy It is said that
when the You know the
saying that if you owe the bank one hundred thousand dollars you are in
trouble, but if you owe the bank one hundred million dollars, the bank
is in trouble. Currently US owes foreigners over two trillion dollars.
In addition many trillions of dollars are also held in foreign central
banks. These countries are in trouble and they will try hard to
stabilise the But they don’t do this out of love. They just need stability to reduce their dollar holdings gradually and hence save as much of their reserves as possible. If they mention this openly, the dollar will collapse over-night and they lose. So the long-term plan would be to reduce their exposure to the dollar as gradually and as quietly as possible. This of course doesn’t mean that the value of dollar will not fluctuate; it simply means that over time dollar will become just like any other currencies and will be treated similarly. The Federal Reserves will no longer be able to just print money and refuse to publish the M3 statistics. US will also need to begin building reserves in other currencies. Today US dollar has no backing. People accept dollar on faith alone. Imagine if that faith suddenly disappears. Will you exchange 1 kg of green paper for 1000 Microwaves? I doubt it. But meanwhile the
world’s economy will experience the negative effects from the The case for the
European Union is straight forward. A flight from dollar to Euro makes
the EU’s export much more expensive, just when one of its biggest
trading partners “ So Stock-market: The
Near Term-outlook The outlook as
you have guessed is not good. I have been waiting for this crash since
mid 2006 and what kept it from happening was what Greenspan called the
“irrational exuberance” of the investors. The market, especially the
Of course this is
not written in stone. The It is my opinion
that no other
Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar
lives in
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