Doug Dowd's "At the Cliff's Edge",
Part I
A Book Review By Stephen Lendman, June 24, 2008
At age 89, Doug Dowd is a wonder. He's still active, vibrant and
thankfully so. He calls himself a "radical economist" in the
best sense of the term, and for more than 50 years through the
late 1990s, he was a distinguished interdisciplinary professor
of economic history and more at Cornell, UC Berkelely and
elsewhere. It went along with his activism, progressive
thinking, honest concern for the least advantaged, and love of
teaching young people. He's no different today, except that he's
semi-retired, living full-time in Bolonga, Italy, nearing his
60th year teaching at nearby Modena University, and approaching
his 10th decade.
Dowd also authored many scholarly writings, numerous articles,
and many books on cutting-edge economic, political and social
issues. Included are Capitalism and Its Economics, the
two-volume Broken Promises of America, and his newest and
subject of this review, At the Cliff's Edge: World Problems and
US Power.
Doud dedicates his book to his students in America and Italy.
"More than a few of (them) have become dear friends." They've
thanked him for his teaching, and this book is his "opportunity
to thank them."
He's witnessed history longer than most others and cites his
concerns. "The world now stands on 'a cliff's edge' " below
which he sees "four related groups of horrors: existing and
likely wars, a fragile world economy, pervasive and deepening
corruption, and the earth dangerously near the 'tipping point'
of environmental disaster." Add one more for good measure - a
disdainful administration heading the world for potential
disaster, uncaring about what it's doing, and leaving its mess
for a successor.
For Dowd, it's ominous and disturbing. We may be at "the last
stop" of a centuries-long voyage. It produced 15th to 18th
century colonialism and nationalism. They, in turn, spawned
capitalism and industrialism, and then combined "transformed
colonialism into imperialism."
Dowd wrote his book for a purpose. He learned as a student and
teacher that what's in it isn't taught or publicly discussed.
His classes were never that way. It's why they were and are
still so popular, and why one of his former students asked him
to write a needed classroom text. As a high school social
studies teacher he found none that were "readable, pertinent,
and accessible." Dowd's book fills the vacuum. It's broad in
scope, clearly written, easily understood, and a wonderful
primer for students. Adults also, and it covers 500 years to the
present. In it, he's critically unsparing in his assessment - of
the modern era and what preceded it.
The book is panoramic in scope. It's long and detailed, and this
review covers its highlights in hopes readers will get the
volume for it all. Plus the character of the man who wrote it
and now working on a new so far unfinished book with likely more
offerings ahead. Approaching age 90, Dowd is resilient,
dedicated and continues to write and teach. We're all the better
off for it. Read on.
In a moment of reflection, he imagines what America could and
should be, not what it is. Therein lies the problem. We have an
"unconscious way....of seeing something special
(or) better" than others. Hardly so about a country one observer
describes as being "a marriage of all that's admirable with all
that's appalling" with an emphasis on the latter now and
worsening. Instead of being virtuous, "we have evolved toward
something like its opposite." Dowd equates the gap between "our
realities and our ideals" to "the Grand Canyon."
And sitting in its "dirty center....are three unacknowledged
ways of life, attitudes, (and) values that have been mutually
-- racism and other forms of prejudice;
-- ....violence and militarism; (and)
-- ....insatiable and socially sanctioned greed for money,
things, and power."
In his forward, Dowd gives examples but laments that they're not
taught in classrooms. One was the Compromise of 1877 unknown to
most readers. It was after the Civil War during Reconstruction
when northern troops occupied the South. Blacks were nominally
free, and southern whites were furious to see them hold office,
be policemen, eat in public places, and so forth. The so-called
Compromise ended the occupation and "freed whites to do as they
wished to black men, women and children." It took almost a
century to end Jim Crow laws, savage lynchings, and a federal
government committed to stopping them.
Before it happened, here's what the North got in return. The
right to exploit southern resources, its mines, railroads,
factories, cheap labor, and keep blacks de facto slaves as
sharecroppers with no schools, voting rights, safety or any
legal recourse from the state. For them, everything changed, yet
everything remained the same.
Another example is notable with memories of two stolen elections
still vivid. In the 1876 (US) presidential election, Samuel
Tilden got "today's equivalent of 2 million more popular votes
than (Rutherford B.) Hayes." In all elections, electoral college
votes are decisive. Hayes was awarded one more than Tilden, but
20 votes were disputed, so a congressional committee got to
decide. In secret session, a deal was struck to make Hayes
president. In hindsight, there's no doubt that the election was
stolen in similar fashion to the Supreme Court giving it to
George Bush in 2000.
Marc Crispin Miller's book then documented the encore in 2004 -
electoral fraud writ large in a process even more one-sided than
in 2000. Miller's account makes persuasive reading. "Fooled
Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform" shows what we're up
against and what to look forward to going forward unless
sweeping electoral reform is undertaken.
Part I - The Beginnings and Growth of the Modern World
Dowd observes how terribly wrong things are today - too much
poverty, hunger, war, anger, privilege and too little of what's
essential to make life tolerable. His book explains how it
evolved - "but need not stay this way."
He cites what he calls the "Big Four" - colonialism (now
imperialism), capitalism, nationalism, and industrialism.
They're "processes," not "things," and each "fed the others."
Colonialism began in the late 1400s, and "explorer-heros" like
Columbus advanced it. It was brutal, ugly, racist, and violent.
Over three centuries it spanned the world and made way for what
followed. Thomas Hobbes described life then as "nasty, brutish
and short." With today's scientific advances, it should be
better but isn't. It's "worse than ever....because of a
maldistribution of power" - too much at the top and mass misery
at the bottom and worsening. Add the nuclear threat and
potential ecological disaster, and you get the point.
As the world's leading superpower and richest nation, America
bears most responsibility - what's wrong and how to fix it.
We're not alone, but "the USA is largely responsible for
bringing the world to the cliff's edge."
Colonialism: The Earliest of the Big Four
It began in the Mediterranean region, then spread everywhere
through trade, financial activities and more. Dominant countries
were Spain, Portugal, but by 18th century's end the Dutch, then
overtaken by the British in the 19th century. Centralized
control became important, the national state common, and a
social system called mercantilism emerged to serve it. It then
evolved into industrial capitalism but in a much more primitive
form than today.
Mercantilism was based on national economic protection.
International trade developed, and the idea was to maximize
exports, minimize imports, and use revenues to finance
government, wars, and greater expansion. It, in turn, led to
capitalism, nationalism, and industrialism and all the ills they
Colonialism benefitted elitists who exploited cheap labor on
stolen and occupied lands. Millions were enslaved, and Dowd
calls slavery "the worst crime of all." It existed much earlier,
but by the 17th and 18th centuries burgeoned with trade to the
Americas, especially the US colonies. Rich agriculture was their
strength, and slave labor maintained it. Africa supplied it in
the many millions.
Capitalism: The Most Important of The Big Four
Capitalism is a social as well as economic system, much like
slavery was. First and foremost, capitalists are a money-chasing
"class" who've found ways to rule the "entire social process."
Not just our work but what we think, and that's crucial. Witness
the power of Big Media in an age of mass communication with
giant corporations and their advertisers benefitting. They
"shape our feelings, thoughts, and behavior as both consumers
and voters."
Dowd defines capital and its components - the means of
production, accumulation, technological advance, a powerless
working class, and finance to pay for it. In the modern era, add
another element - more than ever, government partnered with
business, and providing a legislative and subsidized open field
for profits at the expense of working people. The deck is
stacked in a zero sum game - business wins; people lose.
Consider the "heart, brain and muscle of capitalism:"
-- its heart - limitless exploitation of workers and the land;
-- its brain - continued economic and geographic expansion; and
-- its muscle - capitalist power and ability to rule society's
economic, political and social life.
Marx described it as the exploitation of human beings and Mother
Nature and the resulting destruction of our humanity and
fertility of the land. It goes back to medieval England, the
feudal era, a world of lords and serfs, the emergent enclosure
movement, and a powerless working class today called
With technological advances like the steam engine and textile
machinery, industrialism emerged in the early 19th century.
Capitalism flourished, but for workers life was "nasty, brutish
and short." It still is for 80% of people the way economist Paul
Baran explained it in his Political Economy of Growth. He
observed what's just as true today: "the rich become richer by
causing the poor to become poorer." Even worse, the poor get
blamed for their own misfortune.
There are plenty of them, including millions in America - far
more than official Census Bureau numbers that deliberately
understate the problem at about one-fifth of the population.
Today, 68% of US workers earn less than the Economic Policy
Institute's living wage estimate for a family of four - $14 an
hour or about $30,000 a year. Even with two family wage-earners,
US poverty is likely double the Census Bureau number - in the
richest country in the world Dowd calls "the Unequal Society of
Corporate capitalism requires inequality - economic, political
and social. Racism is one of its defining features. It pits
workers against each other for a dwindling number of good jobs,
weakens them, and strengthens those with power. It shaped
today's America, and consider a few of our "firsts:"
-- the number of mentally ill,
-- incarcerated,
-- without health coverage or too little of it,
-- with inadequate savings or none at all,
-- indebtedness,
-- homelessness,
-- ill-educated,
-- illiterate,
-- impoverished,
-- abused children,
-- waste,
-- environmental degradation,
-- nuclear weapons stockpile,
-- a stated intention to use them preemptively,
-- militarism and the multi-trillions it costs,
-- the amount of public fraud, and
-- much more. Nowhere else are excesses and inequalities
greater, and no country is more able to avoid them, won't, and
inflicts so much harm on so many people everywhere.
Nationalism: Your Country Can Do No Wrong
"Nations and nationalism came into existence and strengthened as
the needs for their strength arose." It has nothing to do with
patriotism or love of country. It's a "blood brother of racism,
militarism, hate and fear" and belief one's country is superior
and "can do no wrong." It spawns imperialism that, in turn,
feeds capitalism, industrialism and nationalism. It spurs
competition between nations and is a frequent cause of war. It's
key to understanding WWs I and II, what's ongoing in the Middle
East and Central Asia, and what may lie ahead as nations vie for
power, resources, markets, and cheap labor.
Industrialism: Invention Is the Mother of Necessity
It goes beyond nonagricultural production. It's about large
cities, a class society, enough educated people, strong
government, technological advances, and a modern infrastructure.
Dowd distinguishes between the (first) industrial revolution
with its steam and simple machinery. It led to a second
technological one because of chemistry and physics advances.
We're now in a third, it's global, and it's based on
electronics, biotechnology, information and plenty of
high-octane finance. Decades back, a high-school education
sufficed. Today, one or more college degrees are vital and
in the right fields. Even then, good jobs are disappearing - to
low-wage countries, in growing numbers, so what's left are fewer
opportunities as the nation eats its seed corn.
That would have been unimaginable when modern corporations
emerged around 1855. Necessity was the reason. Large-scale
production needs capital and more than individuals can raise.
Corporations get it (like today) by selling shares to investors.
By the 1870s, an earlier version of today's America emerged. One
author called it the age of "Robber Barons" with names still
familiar to most. They were predators very skilled at their
trade - monopolizing markets, skimming millions from corruption,
speculating wildly, exploiting workers brutishly, and getting
away with it with friendly government help. It's no different
today except the stakes are greater and risks unimaginable.
Earlier, mergers became common. Before WW I, they combined
businesses producing like things like steel and oil. By the
1920s, vertically conglomerates emerged of the type so common
today - like a GE owning appliance, media, finance and other
dissimilar companies.
They became multinationals (MNCs) in the 1960s, then
transnationals (TNCs) in the 1980s operating everywhere. They're
huge, powerful and in many cases larger in GDP equivalent than
their host countries. The buzzword is globalization. Protests
are for global justice. Little so far is in sight. Hopefully it
will come. The need is overwhelming, but challenges against it
are daunting:
-- hugely powerful TNCs;
-- governments in their pocket;
-- extremes of wealth concentration and power increasing;
-- destructive militarism for more; capitalism requires it;
-- people exploitation enhances it;
-- consumerism keeps it profitable;
-- efficiency also as well collateral ecological fallout.
It's horrific - enormous waste; destructive wars; and little
relief in times of peace: conglomerated production and
agriculture; exploited labor; extreme wealth disparities;
commodifying everything; planned obsolescence; productive
overcapacity; unemployment and underemployment; racism; people
as production inputs to be used and discarded like waste; and
deep-seated levels of corruption.
As companies grow, things worsen in our war-addicted economy
profiting business and government together - a mutually
destructive alliance. Their gain is civil society's loss, and
the stakes keep getting greater. It's what Dowd means by a world
"at the cliff's edge."
Part II - The Global Spread, Functioning, and Breakdown of
Industrial Capitalism, 1815 - 1945 - From Imperialism to WW I
Dowd gives a sweeping review of 130 years through WW II's end.
Of necessity, this account is briefer. Britain was dominant in
the 19th and early 20th century through WW I. Inevitably it was
challenged by Germany's science and educational superiority and
America's incomparable strengths. These three nations and other
European ones "unleashed the 19th century version of
colonialism. It was called imperialism (and it) made colonialism
look tame." By the late 19th century, resource needs "were
raging," and competition intense to secure them.
Consider Africa - resource rich and "doomed to endure one set of
disasters after another." Slavery gave way to endless civil wars
to ruthless imperial exploitation. The Congo was typical and
most important as the continent's greatest prize - an
abundance of ivory, cobalt, copper, rubber, diamonds, gold,
zinc, manganese and more in a country the size of western
Belgium's King Leopold took it as his private fiefdom, sucked
out its riches at the cost of millions of lives, and the country
remained a colony until post-WW II. Popular protests won
liberation as in other African states. Patrice Lumumba became
its first Prime Minister. He wanted Africa freed from European
dominance, and he paid with his life for his efforts. The
continent is no better off today. America exploits it most. Oil
and its other resources are coveted, and no independent leaders
are tolerated.
The war in Somalia and challenging Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe
highlight the continent's crisis (and nations everywhere). By
19th century's end, European powers controlled all of it. Today
America is preeminent and intends to remain so.
Asian history is similar and a lot more than about China and
Japan. There's the subcontinent, Central, and Southeast Asia for
a vitally important world region. Add the Middle East and its
vast oil riches that were discovered early in the last century.
The US was least aggressive but not quiescent. In the 19th
century, it took America and half of Mexico, then added Hawaii,
Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic,
Samoa, assorted other territories, the Canal Zone and control of
Cuba with in perpetuity Guantanamo Bay rights so long as rent is
paid or unless both countries back out by mutual consent.
Looking back, it was mere prelude to far greater 20th century
aims, especially post-WW II when they extended everywhere and
now include space.
1914-1945: The Most Disastrous Years in History
Dowd is blunt, and who can disagree. He calls the period between
WWs I and II "the most turbulent and disastrous in all of
recorded history." Economically the global economy suffered.
Many countries endured depressions that were only exceeded by
the "most severe conflicts in their history." Britain was one,
and its economic troubles emerged in the late 19th century.
Brits created "the first world economy." It was strongest
militarily, the envy of all Europe, and it became a recipe for
rivalries. Who'd be able to create an empire first and be strong
enough to keep it. It led to WW I, a flawed peace, years of
chaos, conflict and convulsions leading to another great war
that the first one was supposed to prevent.
Except for the Great Depression, America was spared, and is now
the world's only superpower. Post-WW I, the US emerged
strengthened. For its part, Britain was effectively bankrupt.
The war took its toll as it did against the continent's other
combatants. It turned the 1920s into years of "serious
recession, economic slack, withdrawal from international trade,"
and the rise of fascism as an antidote to hard times. WW II was
a war to end it. Instead, it merely slowed it, then relocated it
to America - first in "friendly" form, but post-9/11 in
increasingly new millennium despotism. What Peter Dale Scott
calls the "deep state" - unaccountable, lawless, below the
radar, self-serving against the public interest and operative
for decades but near omnipotent today. Its classic elements are
mostly evident and worrisome:
-- severe repression;
-- de facto one-party rule;
-- despotic laws backing it;
-- courts supporting it;
-- iron-fisted militarism and "homeland security" enforcement;
-- a permanent state of war;
-- institutionalized illegal spying;
-- stifling dissent;
-- stealing elections;
-- a claimed messianic mission;
-- outlandish racism and targeting racial and ethnic groups on
the pretext of fighting "terrorism;" and
-- corporatism writ large with strong elements of patriotism,
nationalism, yet calling it democracy.
Post-WW I, Dowd traced its rise in Italy, Germany, and Japan
with a fundamental lesson for today - democracy and freedom are
fragile. Given the right circumstances, they're easily
manipulated and corrupted. Earlier the world paid dearly. Today
it still does. The dangers are overwhelming.
1945 - 1950: From the Ashes Arising
WW II left most of Europe and large parts of Asia in ruins.
America remained untouched and triumphant. Rebuilding began but
for a purpose - to solidify US dominance, create foreign markets
for business, and fabricate a Soviet threat for an emergent
military-industrial complex. Enter the Marshall Plan, IMF, World
Bank, GATT, the Cold War, NATO, and stationing US forces
everywhere in ways unimaginable for another country to do here.
Japan became "an immense aircraft carrier (and US) naval
base...." West Germany was much the same on the continent. The
Depression was over, the great war won, America was triumphant,
so on to the next great quest - advancing "capitalist
development: monopoly capitalism and the Cold War."
The Wars in Korea and Vietnam
Liberation helped neither country at a time of Cold War
strategy. Things got worse and then some - division; horrific
wars; and millions killed, wounded, displaced and immiserated.
Wounds are still healing, South Korea still occupied, the North
isolated, tensions still high, and Vietnam is chemically
contaminated and a US offshore sweatshop.
Dowd reviews the histories and concludes: "To those who cheer
our 'victory' in the Cold War, our fist-shaking against the
'axis of evil,' and our 'mission accomplished' in Iraq, here is
a request - Dear Uncle Sam: Spare us your victories." They
reveal deceit, betrayal and conquest for world dominance.
More on Dowd's book follows in Part II. Watch for it soon on
this web site.
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the
Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and
can be reached at
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