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Surge, a Façade for Changing Failing Bush Policy
in Iraq
By Mirza A. Beg, July 29, 2008
After four years of obstinate refusal to increase troops, Bush takes credit
for the surge. McCain, with some justification thumps his chest claiming
fatherhood of the surge. Unfortunately most pundits in the media also parrot
the bumper sticker chorus," The surge is working."
Yes, American casualties are down; even the Iraqi casualties are down, but
there is more to it than the surge. Let us not follow the propaganda mill
blindly again. Consider the reasons that are more important and relevant
than the surge itself.
Bush policy from the start of the Iraq invasion in March 2003, up to the
Republican defeat in the Congressional elections in November, 2006 was
essentially as follows:
1- The level of troops in Iraq, about 130,000, is adequate. If the generals
ask, more troops will be provided. The generals towed the line and did not
question it publicly.
2. Insistence that the dismantling of the Iraqi military, as well as the
civilian infrastructure, was the correct policy, after the fall of Saddam.
New civilian infrastructure, police and military are being trained with
selected loyal Iraqis.
3 - All the resistance in Iraq is by Al Qaida supporters on the Sunni side,
and Iran is fomenting trouble on the Shi'i side. No recognition of
nationalist sentiments.
4 - Never negotiate with the insurgents who have American blood on their
Bush, Chaney and Rumsfeld stubbornly adhered to the above mantras while Iraq
descended into chaos. American deaths rose to more that 100 per month,
reaching 160 in some months. In the meantime, bombing of Iraqi government
targets rose dramatically, claiming more than 1,000 Iraqi lives per month.
This increased internal religious strife, sinking into civil war.
Consequently, about 15% of Iraqi population is displaced. Two million Iraqis
fled to neighboring countries and another two million are internally
displaced - "ethnically-cleansed" to safer sectarian neighborhoods.
Sunnis and Shi'is who lived in mixed neighborhoods fled to the ghetto-like
safety of walled segregated neighborhoods. The safety walls between the
cleansed-sectarian neighborhoods were erected by the American occupation
The American electorate stirred from slumber and defeated Bush cronies in
the Congressional elections of November 2006. Bush was forced to fire
Rumsfeld, "face of the Iraq war" as the Secretary of Defense. Robert Gates,
the new secretary, took the job reluctantly, but found greater freedom with
the backing of the new Congress. The long awaited bipartisan Baker–Hamilton
report of December 2006, urbanely castigated the administration for doing
everything wrong. Some of the important recommendations were that the
administration should open a dialogue with the Iraqi resistance as well as
the regional opposition and stop the torture and mistreatment of Iraqis.
Bush pretended to ignore the report, but quietly replaced the generals
running the war in Iraq. Then with fanfare, he appointed General Petraeus,
widely hailed for his humane and cooperative treatment of Kurds at the
beginning of the war.
Reversing the largely discredited first three policies, the new policy, up
front was to raise the troop strength from 130,000 to 165,000, popularly
called the surge. But the violence remained unabated for the first few
months of 2007, until General Petraeus, quietly reversed even the 4th
bed-rock Bush policy of no quarter to those who killed Americans.
Petraeus recognized the obvious; the insurgency was not pro Al Qaida but
nationalistic. He instituted a program, employing former insurgents fighting
the Americans in the Sunni areas into provincial militia, particularly in
the most dangerous Al Anbar province, west of Baghdad. The program pays $10
per day to about 100,000 of the militia, controlled by local sheiks, not the
Shi'i-dominated Iraqi government. In the shattered economy of Iraq, $10 goes
a long way. A total of $30 million per month is pittance compared to
hemorrhaging of $12 billion per month.
Finally a sane use of 30 million dollars, in complete reversal of the Bush
policy, because almost all the people in the militia supported the
resistance against the US forces and undoubtedly quite a few have American
blood on their hands. Some may say it is bribery; a surrender to the enemy
by the unyielding Bush. But it is the main factor that brought down the
violence drastically.
The second reason for the decline in violence is that cleansed sectarian
neighborhoods separated by barriers are easy to patrol. It dampened the
sectarian violence.
The third reason is patience. With Bush limping towards the end of his term,
Iraqi Sunnis and Shi'is are waiting him out for the new government in the
US. They feel that with his diminished power for misadventures it is better
to wait than fight.
It is not the surge by itself that is working. The addition of 30,000 troops
has marginally helped, but the real reason is the changed Sunni attitude,
because of the reversal of the US policy from suppression to paying the
Sunnis and supporting them in local autonomy against the central government
of Prime Minister Maliki, whom Bush gave unquestioning support. No wonder
Maliki now insists on a time-table for American withdrawal.
Bush and McCain keep repeating the simplistic deceit about the surge, and
the media keeps reporting it. Occasionally voices are raised challenging it,
but they do not make the front pages or the lead story on the network news.
The claim that the surge is working is akin to saying that sun rises because
the rooster crows. Eight years ago, I would not have believed that a
significant number of voters can be so duped, but after the two Bush terms I
know they can be. We as a people were willingly duped at the start of the
war. The question is, have we and the media learned the lesson of the
duplicity of this administration or will we continue to be duped.
Mirza A. Beg can be contacted at
and at