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Congressman John Hostettler Interviewed by Hesham Tillawi on Current Issues TV About Iraq War July 29, 2008
Current Issues TV with
Hesham Tillawi
call-In Number 337-232-4434 ext
Current Issues is honored to host the Honorable
John Hostettler, R-IN to discuss his book: Nothing for the Nation:
Who Got What Out Of Iraq
We finally found a Congressman who is not afraid
to say it like it is. He names the names of those who pushed the country
to war on Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Fieth, David Wurmser, and many
others that we all know very well. Join us live Thursday July 24 2008
and ask the Honarable John Hostettler the question that has been on your
mind since 9/11. Join us and you will find out why main stream media
will not publicize this book. You probably have an idea why, but come
watch anyway. just click on
I almost forgot, he even talks about the Clean Break, you know the one
with Securing the Realm. Shocked? Its OK I was too. Oh by the way, if
you have no clue what I am talking about, then you really need to hear
this one. Don't forget Thursday 8:00 PM CENTRAL
for the Nation: Who Got What Out of Iraq
reveals why political leaders and their
subordinates sought to remove Saddam Hussein from power."
evidence offered in the pages of this book….is immensely more compelling
as the justification for our military involvement in Iraq than was the
case for a WMD program directed by Saddam Hussein." - Introduction
"But how could this group of very smart people see the same intelligence members of Congress were considering and conclude such a program existed? If I had problems with the intelligence, I thought these "analysts" in the Pentagon would be much more skeptical." - Ch. 11, The Truth Emerges "To say, however, that George W. Bush came into office in January 2001 with the goal of acquiring a larger campaign war chest and more occupants of some electoral big tent is to miss the point when it came to Saddam Hussein." - Ch. 11, The Truth Emerges
Join us live 8:00 PM Central Time on
Please sign this petition on behalf of the people of Naalin Current issues with Hesham Tillawi can be viewed every Tuesday evenings at 7:30 and Thursday at 6:30 PM Central Standard Time on Cox Cable system Channel 15 in Louisiana as well as Live on the Internet at and can be contacted at The show is also broadcast on Bridges TV via cable, satellite, and broadband and on Amazonas satellite World Wide. Current Issues the radio show airs live around the World on Broadband and shortwave 5.050 and many stations around the U.S. every Saturday 4-6 PM Central Time on |
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