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Perpetuating Mass Killings In Iraq 2003-2008:
1.2 Million Iraqis Killed in War Attacks
By Peter Phillips, July 27, 2008
The United States is directly responsible for over one million Iraqi deaths
since the invasion five and half years ago. In a January 2008 report,
a British polling group Opinion Research Business (ORB) reports that,
“survey work confirms our earlier estimate that over 1,000,000 Iraqi
citizens have died as a result of the conflict which started in 2003…. We
now estimate that the death toll between March 2003 and August 2007 is
likely to have been of the order of 1,033,000. If one takes into account the
margin of error associated with survey data of this nature then the
estimated range is between 946,000 and 1,120,000”.
ORB report comes on the heels of two earlier studies conducted by Johns
Hopkins University published in the Lancet medical journal that confirmed
the continuing numbers of mass deaths in Iraq. A study done by Dr. Les
Roberts from January 1, 2002 to March 18 2003 put the civilian deaths at
that time at over 100,000. A second study published in the Lancet in October
2006 documented over 650,000 civilian deaths in Iraq since the start of the
US invasion. The 2006 study confirms that US aerial bombing in
civilian neighborhoods caused over a third of these deaths and that over
half the deaths are directly attributable to US forces.
The now estimated 1.2 million dead, as of July 2008, includes children,
parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, cab drivers, clerics,
schoolteachers, factory workers, policemen, poets, healthcare workers, day
care providers, construction workers, babysitters, musicians, bakers,
restaurant workers and many more. All manner of ordinary people in Iraq have
died because the United States decided to invade their country. These are
deaths in excess of the normal civilian death rate under the prior
The magnitude of these deaths is undeniable. The continuing occupation by US
forces guarantees a mass death rate in excess of 10,000 people per month
with half that number dying at the hands of US forces— a carnage so severe
and so concentrated at to equate it with the most heinous mass killings in
world history. This act has not gone unnoticed.
Recently, Dennis Kucinich introduced a single impeachment article against
George W. Bush for lying to Congress and the American people about the
reasons for invading Iraq. On July 15 The House forwarded the resolution to
the Judiciary Committee with a 238 to 180 vote. That Bush lied about
weapons of mass destruction and Iraq’s threat to the US is now beyond doubt.
Former US federal prosecutor Elizabeth De La Vega documents the lies most
thoroughly in her book U.S. Vs Bush, and numerous other researchers have
verified Bush’s untrue statements.
The American people are faced with a serious moral dilemma. Murder and war
crimes have been conducted in our name. We have allowed the war/occupation
to continue in Iraq and offered ourselves little choice within the top two
presidential candidates for immediate cessation of the mass killings. McCain
would undoubtedly accept the deaths of another million Iraqi civilians in
order to save face for America, and Obama’s 18-month timetable for
withdrawal would likely result in another 250,000 civilian deaths or more.
We owe our children and ourselves a future without the shame of mass murder
on our collective conscience. The only resolution of this dilemma is the
immediate withdrawal of all US troops in Iraq and the prosecution and
imprisonment of those responsible. Anything less creates a permanent
original sin on the soul of the nation for that we will forever suffer.
Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State
University and director of Project Censored a media research group. He
is the co-editor with Dennnis Loo of the book Impeach the President: The
Case Against Bush and Cheney.