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Opinion Editorials, July  2008


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Israel Has US Proxy to Bomb Iran, Scheme Failing, Look Out Sudan!

By Charles E. Carlson, July 27, 2008

Washington's war voices are strangely muted about Israel%u2018s much practiced Iran raid. Israel is always ready, and per capita, possesses the world's largest and most powerful military.  The only question is, who is next and how big the bombs will be. 
A look at the globe reveals the USA will necessarily be part of any raid (if we Americans allow it) simply because Israel cannot get to Iraq and back without flying over and refueling in Iraq.  The USA controls Iraq and its puppet government, but fueling is an act of war and will invite reprisals against every American.  Our administration is silent about the pending raid.  The US, having given its attack proxy to Israel, must pretend to be an innocent spectator until Israel launches the attack. Will it?
Much light is cast on the scheme to bomb Iran in a July 11 story carried in London and Jerusalem.  It stated that the USA had allowed Israel the use of our airbases in Iraq and the airspace over Iraq for a dress rehearsal bombing raid on Iran.  This is an underhanded act of war by the USA against both Iran and the Iraqi people, so it has been ignored by the US and denied by Israel.
All logic suggests the report is factual because both publications that carried the story went to unusual and dishonest ends to re-plaster the news.  The original: 'Crude Oil Rises to Record on Speculation Israel May Attack Iran, By Alexander Kwiatkowski, Bloomberg's London correspondent, stated:
'Oil rallied to a record high of $146.90 a barrel in New York after the Jerusalem Post said Israeli war planes practiced over Iraq, adding to speculation the country is preparing to attack Iran.
'Israeli war planes are conducting maneuvers in Iraqi airspace and using U.S. airbases in the country, possibly practicing for a strike against Iran, the newspaper reported, citing comments by Iraqi officials in local media. Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev denied the report,' and: 'Iran, OPEC's second biggest producer, this week tested missiles capable of reaching Israel.' (3) Bloomberrg
Within an hour Alexander Kwiatkowski%u2018s story was bumped off the homepage at Bloomberg and replaced with a much milder version, Oil, Gasoline, Rise to Records on Middle East Violence Concern, by Mark Shenk, which played down the connection between oil prices and pending war:
The Jerusalem Post also switched articles; the original story hit the street: Israeli warplanes practice in Iraq; this one quickly disappeared completely and was replaced with, Iraq denies IAF using its airspace,
Which stated in part:
'Iraq denied on Friday reports claiming the Israeli Air Force has been practicing for a possible attack against Iran in its airspace.'
"As the Ministry of Defense, we haven't observed any IAF warplanes practicing in Iraqi airspace," said Major-General Mohammad al-Askari, spokesman for the Iraqi Defense Ministry.'
On Friday, sources in the Iraqi Defense Ministry told a local news network that Israel Air Force (IAF) war planes are practicing in Iraqi airspace and land on US airbases in the country as a preparation for a potential strike on Iran.'
The IDF denied the reports, calling them "baseless."
The report, which was also carried by Iranian news outlets, claimed that recently massive IAF overnight presence was detected in several American held airbases.
According land on a runway near the city of Hadita. The sources estimated the jets were to the sources, former military officers in the Anbar province said IAF jets arrive during the night from Jordanian airspace, enter Iraq's airspace and practicing for a raid on Iran's nuclear sites.
The sources also said US bases in Iraq might serve as a platform for the IAF from which to attack Iran. If Israeli warplanes were to take off from Iraq, they could reach Bushehr in five minutes - a "record time," the sources said.' (6)
The denial by the Iraqi general sounds like something written by the White House press secretary, conveniently limited to what he did not see.
Many Americans are not fooled.  Public opinion is collapsing for anything the Congress or the Administration does.  Most heartening is the seeming change going on within the Christian Right, that is showing signs of abandoning Zionist quack-Christianity.  Confidence in the Administration with its overt passion for war, the new Democrat Congress, and the Christian Right's Republicans at any price party politics are all crumbling. 
Never has there been a conspiracy with a higher cost for the American people than the scheme that would loose Israel to bomb Iran.  The price of oil pierced $100 in March and kept going.  Serious oil insiders realized our leaders really intended to hit Iran by reading between the lines, as I did. Every oil consumer mogul who could afford to stockpiled oil in preparation for this attack, driving the price to over $145.00 (now about $130.00) per barrel.
The only time oil takes a dip is when there appears to be a chance of peace.  Right now oil is on a big dip, another glimmer of hope. When Israel freshens up its threat the price of oil goes higher!  If Israel does not bomb Iran, oil prices will come down below $100.00 per barrel and maybe much lower. Oil prices, may be our best barometer of war and peace. (3)
More consumer costs of serial war:
* Food prices are still accelerating and cannot come down, or will even go into orbit, so long as the congressional created 'Ethanol Con' is being subsidized to burn corn. There is no longer a food surplus (1)
*The Pharmaceutical industry has been given the key to medical care. As anyone can see from the serial ads on prime time TV, the drug companies have all the money they can burn; consumers pay.
* Congress now will compete with the Federal Reserve for who can print more money faster and is destroying any purchasing power we may have left in our savings accounts.  Debt of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will now be privately owned giants with consumer funding.  They were correctly deemed 'insolvent'' by former Federal Reserve President William Poole, but their trillions of debt is to be guaranteed by consumers.
These and other trillions of dollars of big corporate subsidies will ultimately destroy any value our savings may have had.  Every one of the monumental problems is tied to our penchant for serial wars that promises the ultimate collapse and disgrace of the dollar.
Russia just signed a huge oil deal with Iran, according to UK sources.  European press tells us the Administration has been quietly strong-arming oil companies and banks to forego doing business with Iran...unwritten sanctions.  Under this pressure the French giant, Total Petroleum, backed out on a negotiated contract to develop a major oil and gas field in Iran last week.  But no sooner was France out than Russia rushed in, signing an overnight contract to develop one of the biggest gas fields in the world. More oil we will not see!  Again, Americans will pay the cost for our leaders' war based economy, which is wheezing and staggering along toward its own destruction. 
What are the chances that we who oppose it may interrupt the cycles of war by trumping the bombing of Iran?  Quite good. We who have tried in any way should pat ourselves on the back, for this war is already a year behind schedule.
We are not the first war-based economy
To make any sense of this, one must understand and accept that warring is the committed way of keeping our economy afloat. We are the Great Britain of 130 years ago. It acquired resources with guns to keep its economy purring.  But Warmaking businessmen, including Cecil Rhodes, got too much control and began to campaign for conquest of nations that went beyond economic spoils.
England attacked Sudan and South Africa in back-to-back invasions.  Both ended in the inhuman treatment of natives, and both wars were unsound economically. Great Britain became not so great because it invaded countries just because it could. It is no exaggeration to say Great Britain's 1885 war on Khartoum (Sudan) was sold to the British people out of vengeance for the death of one man. Sudan had nothing Great Britain could use, except cotton land, and they could have purchased that. In this respect it is much like our avenging the Day911 Afghanistan adventure. Ten years later the Boor Wars were fought for British-Colonial pride.  South Africa had gold, but Great Britain did not get the gold by conquest.
Both wars were outrageous slaughters, the first of on all black society, and the latter by deliberate starvation of 25,000 white women and children in British concentration camps. It was Great Britain's version of Abu Ghraib in South Africa, and it destroyed what little reputation for decency the British Empire may have had. These serial wars ruptured the British treasury and turned its people against war. The result was the destruction of the gold-backed Pound Sterling, leaving the USA the surviving world power with a gold-backed dollar. 
We have now repeated Great Britain's folly ten times worse. Our government and the Federal Reserve's errors are so obvious that their mistakes can only be deliberate.  War is synonymous with deficit spending. Our federal debt limits are now over $9 thousand billions.
America's warmaking leaders are serializing successive wars against Islamic Nations for no other reason than that they can get away with it.  It is true, there is oil in Iran and Sudan just as in Iraq, but we could get our share of their oil without destroying these countries and annihilating their people, and destroying our own economy in the process.  There is no oil in Afghanistan, so just who can tell us why we are there?  Bill Clinton said it best in a different circomstance. He said, "I did it because I could."
The answer is the same for Lord H. H. Kitchener, who commanded the British in both wars, and the Bush-Clinton-Bush dynasty's whose unspoken excuse is war is, its good for the economy as long as they could make it happen.
How much will it cost us if Israel's bombing adventure results in closing down shipping through the Strait of Hormuz, or destroys pipelines in Iraq?  If Iran survives the bombing and is not nuked, as some especially at the pulpits of Christian Zionist churches desire, it may be with the help of China or Russia. They will do everything in their power to make sure we do not get even a sniff of its oil and gas.  Americans will pay the price.
'Bring them on,' was George W. Bush grat line about oil rich Iraq before we shut down their oil industry for five years. Bring them on is how we have $4.00 gas. We cannot even imagine how crippling six or eight dollar gasoline would be to our weakened and shaking economy.  Europeans may be used to this price, but we are not...we drive.
Our own politicians and press are ignoring Israel's plans to bomb Iran.  They seem to be all but forbidden to connect high oil prices to the war.  We are not supposed to notice that gas was one dollar a gallon before the first attack on Iraq, and two dollars before the attack on Afghanistan, three dollars after the second attack on Iraq, and headed for the stratosphere if Israel attacks Iran.  Why, because every war disrupts the oil supply.
The rest of the world knows full well that Israel gets its power from Washington.  My opinion:  Israel will not attack Iran without the green light from our leaders.  I see optimistic signs that our government is being forced to reconsider its red hot war escalation plan.  With poll ratings like we see, even Mr. Bush has to think twice about helping Israel to destroy Iran.
The Christian Right is also showing signs of abandoning the Zionist quack leaders like John Hagee, and Rod Parsley who says our Founders called for eradicating the Muslims.  The polls also tell us they are no longer supporting the warring Bush Administration or his perceived policy clone, John McCain.
Five years ago, the Pew foundation funded a foundational poll on Religions and Public Life and concluded in part that 'American evangelical Protestants' constitute 26% of the American population (we think it is more) and that they gave George W. Bush 40% of his total votes in the 2004 election.  Recent polls by Pew and other groups indicate President Bush has less then 17% approval rating and that Congress is even lower esteemed, clearly indicating that even the Christian Right has at least partly turned against his policies of war. (5) Poll
Israel is the USA pit bull, ready to attack.  Washington is faltering under pressure from you, the public.  Keep it up! War is less likely today than a week ago or a year ago!  This means someone is having an impact, maybe it's us?
If this is so, we can expect the administration to shift its propaganda machine to Sudan and go into neutral pending the election. They will not change policy, only their tactics will change.  Sudan is an obvious war target being fanned to a blaze.  It is Muslim, all black, and has oil!  It has been on the back burner under a ruthless 10-year propaganda attack that is 90% false, but has fooled just about everyone, especially the Christian Right who want to believe Muslims hate them.
Unlike Great Britain's attack on Sudan 140 years ago, our leaders think they have something to gain there. Sudan has the biggest new undeveloped oil reserve in the Middle East, only beginning to be produced, and like Iran, they kicked out big oil companies in the 1970s.
I think we are gaining ground primarily because the logic of Jesus' Christianity is beginning to get through to the followers of the Zionist Christian-quacks.  We must keep on until the lame duck administration is safely out of the White House, and then start anew on the new one.
Give yourself a tentative high five. We think this is part of The Great Turning From the Age of Serial Wars that we wrote about five years ago.
'Americans are not only turning away from war and they will soon turn from those who make war.  And we are beginning to look for those whom we should blame. This turning about is at first ponderous, like that of an ocean-going liner. But once started, it will be unstoppable. Gathering momentum, it will crash through anything in its path, even icebergs of ignorance. The strange and diverse anti-war movement is only a symptom of awakening of a much greater slumbering mass of human energy soon to be brought to bear.' (7) Turning
The next task for the peacemakers, after Iran, will be to prevent the invasion of Sudan. The US will use much different tactics.  It will try to sell us on a humanitarian effort to save the starving people of Sudan...with a gun. But it's all about oil.  The new Obama administration may well fall for it; you must not. If the few who care can stop the occupation of Sudan and the attack on Iran back-to-back we may get a little of our country back.

(1) The Great Biofuels Con
(2) Fannie Mae, Freddie Debt a Buy Poole Says `Insolvent'
(3) Crude Oil Rises to Record on Speculation Israel May Attack Iran
(4)Iran and Russia sign major oil deal
(5) Bush, Congress get record lows in AP
(6 ) Iraq denies IAF using its airspace (
(7) The Great Turning, Ending Our Age of Serial Wars
C.E. Carlson  Mar 18, 2003
We Hold These Truths
Project Strait Gate
PO Box 14491
Scottsdale, AZ, 85267
Reports and vigil events
480 947 3329

Charles Carlson's August speaking and vigil schedule:  Aug 8-9 Ann Arbor, MI ; Aug 10-11 Columbus, Ohio ; Aug 14-17 Baltimore, MD ; open dates Aug 12-14. Contact 602 741 4650, for event and appearances click:





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