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Opinion Editorials, July  22, 2008


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Kucinich resolution for Bush impeachment got first reading

Kucinich Office


Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich's recently introduced Article of Impeachment against President George W. Bush got its first reading in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, July 15, 2008, and Kucinich immediately asked that it be referred to the Judiciary Committee.

The Article, introduced last week, charges the President with deceiving Congress with fabricated threats of Iraq WMDs to fraudulently obtain support for an authorization of the use of military force against Iraq. According to a report today on the CQ Politics website


Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. said Kucinich will be allowed to make his case to the panel as part of "a broad look at the behavior of the Bush administration."

That day, Kucinich sent an email to supporters this morning explaining the issues and the process:

"This afternoon, at approximately 5 p.m. (EDT), the Clerk of the House of Representatives will give the first reading of the Article of Impeachment of President George Bush. Once the Clerk reads the bill, I will move to refer the bill to the Judiciary Committee for hearings.

"I believe the American people have a right to an open airing of the charges against this President. Did he or did he not lie to take us into a war? I believe the evidence is overwhelming that President Bush knew that Iraq was not an imminent threat, was not in possession of WMDs at the time, and had nothing to do with 911 or with al Qaeda's role in 911.

And yet, despite having facts to the contrary, he took the U.S. into war with devastating consequences for our troops, our nation, and the people of Iraq. Congress must hold hearings. "There can be no greater offense of a President or a Commander in Chief than to conjure a war based on lies to Congress, to the troops, and to the people of America.

"I love our country with all my heart, and I intend to persist until America is America again.

"Please contact your friends and neighbors and ask them to go to our website at and sign the impeachment petition.  Thank you for your continuing support and for your love of our country and its people."

Contact (for news media only):             Andy Juniewicz             (216) 409-8992 or (216) 252-9000   





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