Cross-Cultural Understanding |
Opinion Editorials, February 2008 |
Massacre of the Fayed Family: An Israeli Terrorist Act By Khalid Amayreh PIC, 17/02/2008 *
There is no doubt that the cold-blooded extermination by the Israeli air-force of an entire Palestinian family in Gaza on Friday, 15, was a monstrous crime. What else can be said about the deliberate and premeditated bombing from high altitudes of a residential home and the annihilation of a man, his wife and their three children who were asleep in the dead of night? We all know that F-16 fighters and other state-of-the-art machines of death were designed to be used against powerful armies. However, using them against brick houses where innocent people live is just beyond the pale of human morality. It is not an expression of power, it is rather an expression of cowardice and monstrosity. I know that there are many decent Israeli citizens and other Jews who are kind-hearted and peace-minded and opposed to Israel’s criminality and evilness. However, this laudable fact doesn’t alter the more clarion reality of the nature of the Israeli political-military establishment. *** Israel, a terrorist state par excellence, claims that man of the house, Ayman Al Fayed, was involved in acts of terror. But did that justify exterminating his entire family and neighbors? If so, then it would be perfectly right to murder tens of thousands of Israeli Jewish families on the ground that some members of these families were involved in terror and murder of the Palestinians. Israeli apologists claim that Israel had to kill Palestinian civilians and children in order to prevent the death of Israeli civilians and children. But this rationale is as mendacious as it is pornographic. Mendacious because the Palestinians pose no real threat to nuclear Israel which also controls the politics and policies of the United States of America and has strong influences on the governments of Western Europe. Didn’t Sharon, the infamous certified war criminal declare a few years ago that “we, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it?” And pornographic because oppressive regimes could resort to this criminal logic in order to physically eliminate their respective untermensch, blacks, Jews and Palestinians on the ground that “their very existence pose a mortal threat to our future.” This is what the White barbarian immigrants in North America did to the native Americans (the American Indians) and ultimately called it “manifest destiny.” The same thing can be said about other “civilized” White European pioneers who used their guns and tools of death rather liberally against the indigenous inhabitants of the New World. And, now Israel, which represents the ubermensch, the master-race or chosenites, , is doing more or less the same thing to the unprotected Palestinians, while the rest of the world is looking on passively. This disgraceful silence, this criminal indifference, this moral outrage is undoubtedly a reflection of the moral decadence plaguing humanity these days. Of course, this is not the first time Israel’s hands are stained with the blood of the innocent, for Israel’s entire history is an interrupted chain of crime and bloodshed. However, the fact that these hideous crimes are committed in full view of the world community suggests that the world is going through a definitive process of bestializing, which really casts a dark shadow on the future of the entire humanity. This is sad and lamentable, not only because Palestinian kids are being slaughtered to appease the criminal whims of the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the holocaust. The merciless daily killing of Palestinian civilians and the banal frequency it is assuming will perpetuate the seemingly unmitigated enmity between Arabs and Jews. Moreover, it will make sure that Israel will remain a garrison state, living by the sword, very much like ancient Israel did. Just as sad is the deafening silence and/or the enthusiastic infatuation of many Jews around the world with the crimes of the evil state. These Jews may think that by siding with Israel they are safeguarding the future of the Jewish people. However, it is amply clear, as the Torah says, that evil doers shall not prosper. To be sure, the wanton and outrageous backing of Israeli criminality by many Jews constitutes a real moral tragedy for world Jewry. It also explains in a certain way why the German masses kept silent and looked the other way while Jews and non-Jews were being exterminated, incinerated, and starved to death. * Editor's Note: The above is an edited version of Khalid Amayreh's article, "Nazi acts…by Jewish hands." References to the Nazi were deleted in the first part of the article, as Israeli Zionists have surpassed any previous examples of oppression and brutality.
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