Obama's War Cabinet: No Change, Only R
Establishment Figures
By Stephen Lendman
ccun.org, December 6, 2008
December 1 brought more disappointment but no surprises.
Obama's national security appointees (like all his earlier ones) aren't
"change to believe in" or what people expected for their votes. They're
recycled establishment figures.
Their agenda is business as usual, and
they'll continue the same failed Bush administration policies at home
and abroad. Washington's
criminal class is bipartisan. Obama was chosen to lead
it and is assembling a rogue team that's little different from the one
it's replacing.
For "security", it means:
maintaining the "strongest military on the planet" and do it by
outspending all other countries combined;
-- continued foreign
-- possibly another against Iran;
-- permanent
occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan - directly and with proxy forces;
Obama saying he'll withdraw all US forces from Iraq in 16 months (around
mid-2010) is false and misleading;
-- a reinvented Cold War
against Russia;
-- an "absolute" commitment "to eliminating the
threat of terrorism (with) the full force of our power;"
inciting instability anywhere it serves US imperial interests with
special emphasis on resource-rich Eurasia, including the Asian
sub-continent; Exhibit A: the Bombay (Mumbai) terror attacks that
Michel Chossudovsky explains have "the fingerprints of a (carefully
planned) paramilitary-intelligence operation (and) are described as
India's 9/11," or at least a mini version of it; the usual suspects are
blamed; the purpose is to incite fear and more violence; the
consequences - an internal hard line crackdown, increased tensions
between India and Pakistan, and a military opening for Washington to
intervene further in the region; and
-- additional North
American militarization as evidenced by a disturbing December 1
Washington Post report - that (on the pretext of national security) the
Pentagon will deploy 20,000 troops nationwide by 2011 "to help state and
local officials respond to a nuclear attack or other domestic
catastrophe;" three "rapid-reaction" combat units are planned; two or
more additional ones may follow; they'll be supplemented by 80 smaller
National Guard units and will be trained to respond to chemical,
biological, radiological, nuclear, high-yield explosive, and other
domestic "terror" attacks or disturbances; in other words, homeland
militarization and occupation is planned using combat troops trained to
Media Reaction to Obama's National Security Appointees
The New York Times suggested he's "put(ting) the rancor and even
some of the rhetoric of the presidential campaign behind him on Monday
as he welcomed his chief Democratic adversary into his cabinet and
signaled flexibility in his plans to withdraw troops from Iraq." He
stated: "I will listen to the recommendations of my commanders (and
it's) likely to be necessary to maintain a residual force to provide
potential training (and) logistical support to protect our civilians in
According to the Cato Institute's foreign policy
director, Christopher Preble, Obama chose Iraq war supporters, so it
"suggests that we will only get more of the same."
Washington Post highlighted Obama's "high-powered national security
team....to face a complex security picture." It quoted him calling for
"a new beginning, a new dawn of American leadership (and) the power of
our moral example."
According to UN ambassador-designee Susan
Rice, it's a team "to prevent conflict, to promote peace, combat
terrorism, prevent the spread and use of nuclear weapons, tackle climate
change, end genocide, fight poverty and disease." More on those aims
The Wall Street Journal suggested that Obama's national
security team will make "a clean break from Bush administration policies
on Iraq, Afghanistan and overseas diplomacy." It will differ from "an
over-reliance on the military and a failure to devote enough resources
to political reconciliation and economic development in those nations."
More on that below as well.
Obama's National Security Designees
On December 1 in the UK Guardian, author Jeremy Scahill called them
a "Kettle of Hawks" so it's no surprise that hard line neocon writer Max
Boot was jubilant over the selections and said they "as easily (could)
have come from a President McCain." He and like-minded ideologues
believe this puts "an end to the 16-month timetable for withdrawal from
Iraq, the unconditional summits with dictators (aka democrats like
Chavez, president Ahmadinejad of Iran, and Fidel and Raul Castro), and
other foolishness that once emanated from the Obama campaign." His
selections "should be powerful voices for neoliberalism which is not so
different from neoconservatism."
According to Boot, Obama will
pick up right where Bush left off with a near-seamless transition. "Only
churlish partisans of both the left and the right can be unhappy with
the emerging tenor of our nation's new leadership."
According to
former Chicago congressman, federal judge, and Clinton White House
Counsel Abner Mikva in a Chicago Jewish News article, it's also true for
the nation's Jews and the state of Israel. As some call Clinton 'the
nation's first black president,' "I think when this is over, people are
going to say that Barack Obama is the first Jewish president." Rabbi
Arnold Wolf agrees in saying Obama is "embedded in the Jewish world."
Given the team he's assembling, there's every reason to believe they're
Hillary Clinton
She's co-heading the team (with
Robert Gates) as Secretary of State designee, so it's clear no change is
planned given her hard line neocon ideology. As one analyst puts it:
it's why many on the left "are grinding their teeth" about her and other
former Clinton administration appointees.
Back in May,
CounterPunch co-editor Jeff St. Clair referred to her "Gothic politics"
that offer no hope for needed change. He called her "constitutionally
wedded to a stern neoliberalism, a disposition (she's unable to)
Darker still is her hawkishness, far enough to the
right to be indistinguishable from Joe Lieberman or John McCain. It's
why one analyst calls her a "war goddess" and with good reason. She
supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and still
does. She voted for the Patriot, Homeland Security, and other repressive
She's extremely bellicose, endorses attacking Iran,
supported Israel's destructive 2006 Lebanon war, praised
Israel's apartheid wall, demeans the Palestinian people, equates them
with terrorists, calls any Israeli criticism anti-Semitism, is close to
AIPAC, and at its June convention said "The United States stands with
Israel now and forever....We have shared interests....shared
ideals....common values. I have a bedrock commitment to Israel's
security. (Against Islamic extremists) our two nations are
fighting a shared threat....I strongly support Israel's right to
self-defense (and) believe America should aid in that defense....I am
committed to making sure that Israel maintains a military edge to meet
increasing threats."
"I am deeply concerned about the growing
threat in Gaza (and) Hamas' campaign of terror....Its charter calls for
the destruction of Israel....Iran (also) threatens to destroy
Israel....I support calling the Iranian Revolutionary Guard what it is:
a terrorist organization. It is imperative that we get both tough and
smart about dealing with Iran before it is too late."
In other
speeches, Clinton has been extremely belligerent and blatantly malicious
in accusations mirror opposite of the truth. She called Iran a strategic
long-term threat, a country that practices state terrorism, that uses
"surrogates to supply explosives that kill US troops in Iraq," and that
must be dealt with with "all options on the table."
She also
said that if Iran attacks Israel (that's implausible on its face),
America would respond by "obliterating" the country - in other words,
incinerate its entire population through a nuclear holocaust. During the
2008 campaign, she told ABC's Good Morning America:
"I want the
Iranians to know, if I am the president, we will attack Iran. And I want
them to understand that (if) they might foolishly consider launching an
attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them."
She's just as extremist on all foreign policy issues. She opposes an
international treaty to ban land mines and was against banning cluster
bomb exports to countries that use them on civilians. She backs arms
transfers and police training to human rights abusing countries like
Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia and similar US allies.
She's for a larger military budget, continuing the "war on terror," the
nation's illegal wars and occupation, and Israel's repressive
Palestinian occupation. In July 2004, she denounced the UN, accused it
of opposing aggressive US policies, its judicial arm for challenging
Israel's Separation Barrier, and she sponsored a Senate resolution
"urging no further action by the UN to delay" its construction.
She's done nothing to contain nuclear proliferation except to condemn
Iran's legal commercial development. It's in full accord with the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) unlike the world's greatest
nuclear outlaw - America. Israel, India, and Pakistan as well, but
they're US allies unlike Iran. Clinton also supports the Bush Doctrine
and his administration's unilateral position on using first strike
nuclear weapons, including against non-nuclear states.
Clinton at State sends a strong message to free people everywhere and
especially to all Muslims and the Arab world - the "war on terror" will
continue. Your people are its main target, and America will continue to
invade and occupy your lands. It also tells the anti-war movement that
it's work has just begun and will be no simpler under Obama than it's
been up to now. Clinton is a powerful bulwark against it and to all
freedom loving people everywhere. "Gothic" indeed - dark and foreboding
in the same "war party" under new management.
Robert Gates
He'll remain as Defense Secretary and is a clear signal of Bush
administration policy continuity. After being named to succeed Donald
Rumsfeld in November 2006, this writer said about him: The appointment
of Robert Gates "replac(es) one controversial (defense) secretary and
accused war criminal with an unindicted liar and equally controversial
former Reagan and senior Bush official." Earlier he was involved "in
cooking the intelligence to fit the policy in the Iran-Contra scandal he
was never held to account for." He also had a hand "in secretly arming
Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. When he takes over
(at DOD), expect the Pentagon under (his) management to be no
different" than the leadership it's replacing. In all respects, Gates
lived up to expectations and will continue the same policies under
In an October 28 speech at the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, he argued for expanding the Bush administration's
pre-emptive war doctrine to include first strike nuclear weapons. He
said that pacifist illusions shouldn't deter planning for a broader war.
He added that "As long as other states have or seek nuclear
weapons - and can potentially threaten us, our allies and friends - then
we must have a deterrent capacity that makes it clear that challenging
the US in the nuclear arena - or with weapons of mass destruction -
could result in an overwhelming, catastrophic response." In other words,
if non-US allies seek nuclear weapons or if Washington (without
evidence) claims it, they then become potential targets for a nuclear
response even if their intentions are peaceful.
Gates' other
credentials include 26 years with the CIA where he was its deputy
director from 1986 - 1989 and director from 1991 - 1993. Former CIA
official, turned political activist, Ray McGovern knew him there
and wrote about his "dexterity in orchestrating his own advancement
(and) never (being) one to let truth derail (his) ambition."
Former CIA analyst Mel Goodman described how he "tried hard to
anticipate the views of policy makers in order to pander to their needs"
and played a major role in politicizing the agency. One of his key
distortions led to higher military spending under Ronald Reagan - by
exaggerating the Soviet menace (along with CIA director Bill Casey) as a
"military behemoth with a robust economy rather than a decaying power
with a shriveling GDP."
Goodman added: "While serving as deputy
director for intelligence from 1982 - 1986, Gates wrote the manual for
manipulating and centralizing the intelligence process to get the
desired intelligence product." He promoted pliable CIA careerists to top
positions while sidelining or retiring more independent ones. In
1991 under GHW Bush, his colleagues staged an unprecedented revolt for
his role in destroying the agency's commitment to objectivity.
At the time, Harold P. Ford, former National Intelligence Council
vice-chairman, told the Senate Intelligence Committee: "Bob Gates has
often depended too much on his own individual analytic judgments and has
ignored or scorned the views of others whose assessments did not accord
with his own. This would be okay if he were uniquely all-seeing. He has
not been."
Throughout his career, Gates was devious and
opportunistic. He'll bring those "qualities" to the new Obama
He's also a past president of Texas A & M
University (a position gotten with considerable Bush family help), a
member of several corporate boards, served on the Baker Iraq Study
Group, and was George Bush's first choice for Department of Homeland
Security secretary but declined to remain at Texas A & M.
Retired Marine General James Jones
He's the announced National
Security Advisor designee to head the White House National Security
Council (NSC). Since inception under Harry Truman, it's to advise the
president on national security and foreign policies as well as
coordinate them among various government agencies (including the
military branches, CIA, and other intelligence agencies).
is a former NATO commander (from 2003 - 2006), Commandant of the Marine
Corp (from 1999 - 2003), and 40 year veteran after retiring from the
Corp in 2007. He's now a US Chamber of Commerce executive and last
November was named the administration's special Middle East envoy with
this endorsement: he's the "person we need to take up this vital
mission....an experienced leader who can address the regional security
challenges comprehensively and at the highest levels...." His assignment
was to draft a strategic security stabilization plan to complement
(so-called) Israeli - Palestinian peace talks. He supports stationing US
forces in Occupied Palestine under the pretext of NATO peacekeepers.
He also investigated the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, concluded that
America "t(ook) its eye off the ball" in Afghanistan and is losing. That
view supports Obama's wanting 10,000 more combat troops there (30,000
according to some reports) and also plans "as our first priority"
increased regional military operations - against Afghanistan and
Pakistan with a more convenient than ever pretext in the wake of the
Bombay (Mumbai) terror attacks in the part of the world he calls the
greatest menace to US security.
Increasing numbers of US missile
strikes are killing more Pakistani civilians. They're inciting growing
anger in the country, are escalating the Afghan war, and threaten to
expand the war theater to a much larger area with potentially
catastrophic consequences - a strategy Obama and his incoming team
apparently support.
In his latest article titled "Afghanistan,
Another Untold Story," Michael Parenti has a different view. After
reviewing the country's recent history, he says:
intervention in Afghanistan has proven not much different from US
intervention in Cambodia, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua,
Grenada, Panama, and elsewhere. It had the same intent of preventing
egalitarian social change, and the same effect of overthrowing an
economically reformist government. In all these instances, the
intervention brought retrograde elements into ascendance, left the
economy in ruins, and pitilessly laid waste to many innocent lives."
"The war in Afghanistan, a battered impoverished country, continues
to be portrayed in US official circles as a gallant crusade against
terrorism. If it ever was that, it also has been a means to other
things: destroying a leftist revolutionary social order, gaining
profitable control of one of the last vast untapped reserves of the
earth's dwindling fossil fuel supply, and planting US bases and US
military power into still another region of the world....In the face of
all this, Obama's call for 'change' rings hollow."
It also
suggests a frightening prospect under his leadership - a continuation of
Bush's (preventive war) Doctrine against countries we claim (true or
false) practice "terrorism," harbor "terrorist" elements, or aid
"terrorist" groups. In other words, an agenda that needs enemies,
invents them strategically, and intends to wage permanent aggressive
wars to expand US imperialism globally and especially over resource-rich
parts of the world like Eurasia.
Eric Holder
As Attorney
General designee, he's another very troublesome choice because of his
hard line law-and-order reputation. He's Obama's senior legal advisor, a
former District of Columbia Superior Court judge, and Deputy Attorney
General under Bill Clinton.
As senior Democrat Party legal
advisor during the Bush administration, he was actively involved in his
party's complicity in enacting repressive police state laws.
1998, he issued a statement known as the "Holder memo" in which he
supported government intervention into policing Internet free speech. It
"Because of the nature of the Internet and availability
of agents trained in conducting criminal investigations in cyberspace,
investigation and prosecution of Internet obscenity is particularly
suitable to federal resources."
In a 1998 letter to Morality In
Media (an extremist religious right front group against pornography), he
said: "I appreciated having the opportunity to meet with you recently to
discuss the prosecution of obscenity cases." Holder supported
multi-jurisdictional prosecutions of Internet web sites and businesses
on such charges, even in cases of First Amendment-protected material.
Some claim his strategy wasn't to win, but to burden defendants
with mounting legal costs, exhaust them through repeated litigation, and
perhaps drive them into bankruptcy. It's a tactic very similar to
so-called SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation)
lawsuits that are used to intimidate and silence critics.
was also involved in Bill Clinton's indefensible last day in office Mark
Rich pardon, the billionaire fugitive commodities trader. In 1983, Rich
and his partner were indicted on 65 counts of defrauding the IRS, mail
fraud, tax evasion, racketeering, defrauding the Treasury and trading
with the enemy. Holder was deputy attorney general at the time.
As US attorney for the District of Columbia, he also pushed for stiffer
marijuana penalties, and according to one report, advocated "minimum
sentences of 18 months for first-time convicted drug dealers, 36 months
for second offenses, and 72 months for each subsequent conviction." He
also wanted to "make the penalty for distribution and possession with
intent to distribute marijuana a felony, punishable with up to a
five-year sentence." The DC Council enacted Holder's recommendation into
law in 2000. His hard line stance against non-violent drug offenders
runs counter to Obama's softer position, apparently about to harden.
Holder also played a lead role in the 2005 Patriot Act
reauthorization, supported at the time by Obama. In addition, after his
Clinton administration service, he was a partner in the Covington &
Burling law and lobbying firm at which he defended Chiquita Brands
International executives on charges of aiding terrorism by financing and
arming Colombian (AUC) death squads. In spite of overwhelming evidence
and the company's own admission, he got it off with a fine of around
half of one percent of its annual revenue.
Holder also believes
that accused "terrorists" have no Geneva Convention rights. In a January
2002 CNN interview he said:
"One of the things we clearly want
to do with these prisoners is to have an ability to interrogate them and
find out what their future plans might be, where other cells are
located; under the Geneva Convention you are really limited in the
amount of information that you can elicit from people."
seems to me that given the way in which they have conducted themselves,
however, that they are not, in fact, people entitled to the protection
of the Geneva Convention. They are not prisoners of war."
left unaddressed the question of torture, guilt or innocence. The fact
that they were captured and imprisoned is good enough for him.
As the nation's top law enforcement official, he'll assure more of the
same criminal abuses under George Bush. He's no civil libertarian or
what people should expect from the nation's top law enforcement officer.
He represents business as usual, and a sign of continued dark times
Keeping FBI Director Robert Mueller as his chief law
enforcement deputy (even though his term runs until 2011) is an even
stronger signal. Mueller enforced the worst of "war on terrorism"
policies, including witch-hunt prosecutions, illegal spying, and
targeting political dissent.
The possible appointment of former
George Tenet aide John Brennan as new CIA chief is also disturbing
although reportedly he's out of the running. He heads Obama's
intelligence transition team, supported warrantless wiretapping,
extraordinary rendition, and was involved in politicizing intelligence
alleging Saddam's WMDs in the run-up to the Iraq war.
CIA Directors
On December 2, The New York Times reported that
"Obama Faces a Delicate Task" in choosing his CIA chief - "one of the
more treacherous patches of his transition to the White House" given the
agency's disturbing involvement in extraordinary renditions, torture,
and other illegal practices under Bush.
Even so, "some senior
Democratic lawmakers who are vehement critics of the Bush
administration's interrogation policies seemed reluctant in recent
interviews to commit the new administration to following the Army Field
Manual in all cases."
Diane Feinstein will become Senate
Intelligence Committee chairperson in January. She says extreme cases
and potential terrorist threats call for flexibility, so her message is
clear even though in a subsequent statement she softened it. Repressive
interrogations, including torture, will likely continue under Obama even
if Guantanamo is closed and even though they're illegal under US and
international law.
During the campaign, Obama aides said he'd
let CIA keep holding prisoners in overseas jails but that International
Committee of the Red Cross representatives should be given access to
them. It matters little because, when allowed, their tours are carefully
orchestrated to conceal repressive practices and no contact with
prisoners most aggrieved by them.
The Army Field Manual (No.
27-10) is explicit on the rule of law. It incorporates the Nuremberg
Principles prohibiting crimes against humanity, and in paragraph 498
states that any person, military or civilian, who commits a crime under
international law bears responsibility and may be punished. In addition,
paragraph 499 defines a "war crime." Paragraph 500 refers to conspiracy,
attempts to commit it and complicity with respect to international
crimes. Paragraph 509 denies the defense of superior orders in the
commission of a crime; and paragraph 510 denies the defense of an "act
of state."
Most members of Congress from both parties have been
complicit with the administration in egregiously violating both US and
international laws. All signs point to little, if any, change under the
incoming Obama administration.
The Times reports that Obama will
replace CIA director Michael Hayden. Possible candidates include:
-- deputy director (since 2004) Stephen Kappes, a 27-year CIA veteran;
-- former Indiana congressman and member of the 9/11 commission Tim
Roemer; he's now president of the Center for National Policy, a
Washington-based national security think tank;
-- Nebraska
Senator Chuck Hagel who's retiring from the Senate in January; he's also
a former conservative talk-show host and is (or was during his runs for
the Senate) part owner, chairman, and CEO of the Election Systems &
Software (ES&S) electronic voting machine company; it installed,
programmed and operated the equipment used by most voters for the
elections in which he ran; he won a second term in 1982 with 83% of the
vote - the largest ever political victory in the state; some critics
called it a dress rehearsal for Bush's 2004 electoral theft and various
state ones favoring Republican candidates; and
-- Jack Devine, a
32-year CIA veteran, now retired, and former head of clandestine
service; he describes himself as "a covert action person (who believes)
we should be out there pushing US policy wherever we can, covertly and
Admiral Dennis Blair
Reports are that retired
Admiral Dennis Blair is top choice to be Director of National
Intelligence (DNI). The office was established by the 2004 Intelligence
Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act and was formed in April 2005. It's
the president's principal national security intelligence advisor; heads
the nation's 16 intelligence agencies; and oversees and directs the
National Intelligence Program.
Now retired, Blair is a 34 year
Navy veteran and currently holds the (former Joint Chiefs of Staff
chairman) John Shalikashvili Chair in National Security Studies at The
National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR). Also the General of the Army
Omar Bradley Chair of Strategic Leadership at Dickenson College and the
US Army War College. He's the immediate past president of the Institute
for Defense Analyses, a US government Washington, DC think tank that
calls itself "a non-profit corporation that administers three federally
funded (R & D) centers to assist the (government) in national security
Blair was also an Oxford classmate of Bill Clinton and
a Naval Academy classmate of Senator Jim Webb. If appointed, he'll bring
more militarist credentials to Obama's war cabinet. In his various
command assignments during the Bush administration, he was a point man
in the "war on terrorism." He'll continue that role as the nation's
intelligence chief.
An obstacle in his way was in a Pentagon
inspector general finding regarding DOD conflict-of-interest standards.
Earlier he was involved with a study of a major military contract for
the F-22 fighter while a board member of the company that makes it,
Lockheed Martin. It occurred while Blair was president of the Institute
for Defense Analyses. Whether this will derail him is an open question,
but it highlights the pervasive Washington revolving-door and overall
corrupted culture.
Janet Napolitano
According to
Michael Lacey of LA Weekly News, the current Arizona governor and
designee for Homeland Security secretary is a troublesome choice. He
cites her sorrowful Arizona service "consorting with anti-immigrant
enforcers, indulging rank opportunism, and adhering to failed policies
(that make for) an unlikely recipe for change we can believe in. And yet
this very cocktail of mediocrity" made her Obama's choice for DHS chief
or what this writer calls the nation's Gestapo.
As Arizona
governor, Napolitano defended her states border with a "pitchfork. Her
multi-pronged strategy: embrace the nation's most regressive
legislation; empower a notorious sheriff using cynical political
calculations; (and) employ boots on the ground" - shock troop enforcers
against defenseless Latino immigrants forced north because of
destructive NAFTA policies.
Lacey goes on to describe
Napolitano's "bungled billions," hiring companies embedded with former
state agency employees and cronies, ducking hard choices, using
accounting gimmicks in state budgets, and various other practices
amounting to "corruption, greed, and the cupidity of boondoggle
bookkeeping in hard times." She also signed legislation criminalizing
the need to work and support one's family and created a state atmosphere
reminiscent of Prohibition - today against Latino immigrants driven
north to find work. Now she'll do for America what she's doing to
Susan Rice
She'll be Obama's nominee for UN
ambassador. Earlier under Bill Clinton, she was on the National Security
Council and served as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.
Some call her progressive but recommending the unilateral use of
military force against any country violates the Charter of the
organization where she'll work. In 2006, she recommended it against
Sudan in stating:
"History demonstrates that there is one
language Khartoum understands: the credible threat or use of
force....After swift diplomatic consultations, the United States should
press for a UN resolution that issues Sudan an ultimatum: accept
unconditional deployment of the UN force within one week or face
military consequences."
Chapter VII of the UN Charter authorizes
only the Security Council to "determine the existence of any threat to
the peace, or act of aggression (and, if necessary, take military or
other actions to) restore international peace and stability." It permits
a nation to use force only under two conditions: when authorized by the
Security Council or under Article 51 allowing the "right of individual
or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a
Member....until the Security Council has taken measures to maintain
international peace and security."
Calling for unilateral force
against another state for any reason is illegal and criminal. Susan Rice
did it, yet will serve as America's UN ambassador as her reward.
Obama continues to round out his team, and each appointment mirrors the
others. On his watch, it'll be business as usual, but what else would we
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate
of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can
be reached at
Also visit his blog site at
sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Global Research News Hour on
RepublicBroadcasting.org Mondays from 11AM - 1PM US Central time for
cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national
issues. All programs are archived for easy listening.
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