Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, December 2008


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Gaza Massacre Justified by Israel as Palestine Mourns

A Poem

By Genevieve Cora Fraser

December 30, 2008

Fighter jets flew over the sea
Dove in formation
Slaying all they could see
Guided by Israeli malevolence
Un-manned by human kind
Unleashed a barrage of missiles
On all they could find
Buildings blew skyward
Body parts with debris
Billowed like clouds
As the living tried to flee
Gaza’s a morgue an atrocity
A parade ground littered
With police recruit dead
Law and Order’s irrelevant
As Black Saturday’s
Sent shrapnel to shred
The stench of death overcasts
The powerless city square
Blood oozes from bodies
Violence spiraling everywhere
A death toll in the hundreds
Clinically dead hundreds more
Civilians strewn about the streets
Children by the score
Blockades and starvation
Preceded the attack
Supported by Western forces
Propelled militants to act
A slingshot rocket response
Against Israel’s Goliath
War machine
Camp David
His watch
All violence will end
When all violence ceases
The All Mighty recite
Until then
Overwhelming Force
Will proceed
As planned

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