Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, December 2008


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Calling Israel's Actions in Gaza by there Rightful Name: Genocide

By Curtis Doebbler, December 30, 2008


The definition of genocide includes the killing of members of an ethnical, national, religious or racial group with the intention to destroy the whole or part of that group. Genocide can also consist of actions that create conditions of life that can reasonably be understood to lead to the destruction of similar groups. Such action also often constitutes a war crime of willful killing and the crime against humanity of murder or even extermination.
What is Israel is doing in Gaza is unquestionably strong evidence of the crime of genocide. It is evidence that should be immediately investigated by an impartial body.
When a few states thought that genocide was being committed in Darfur the UN Security Council investigated the matter. Although its investigation found that genocide was not being committed, at least an investigation took place within a relatively short period of time.
The situation in Palestine has existed for more then sixty years with Israel constantly killing and harassing Palestinians. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been slaughtered by Israel's army using American made weapons.
If these actions should not be investigated as genocide, then perhaps there is no such thing as genocide and our New Years resolution might just as well be that we will sit by while the Palestinian people are slaughtered. At least then the people of Palestine would have the solace of knowing who is responsible for killing their children.
Curtis Doebbler
Professor of Law
An-Najah National University
Nablus,  Paletsine
Tel: +41-79-304-4654

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