Cross-Cultural Understanding |
Opinion Editorials, April 22, 2008 |
Publish and perish: Persecution of European Critics
of Israel
By Eric Walberg, April 22, 2008
A French civil servant was sacked in
late March for publishing what has been widely reported as a
“violent anti-Israeli diatribe” on the website, a
crime that was investigated by no less than Interior Minister
Michele Alliot-Marie. Bruno Guigue, deputy prefect of Saintes, wrote
that Israel was “the only state where snipers shoot down little
girls outside their school gates.” The author of several books on
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Guigue also wrote of “Israeli
jails where — thanks to religious law — they stop torturing on the
“This is just the tip of the iceberg,”
Russian-Israeli author Israel Shamir told Al-Ahram Weekly.
“There are thousands of people sentenced and imprisoned for similar
‘crimes’, mainly in Germany and Austria, more than all the
dissidents ever imprisoned in Soviet Russia. The majority of these
cases never reach public awareness.”
That a lowly sous-prefet became
the subject of the interior minister’s personal intervention for
stating the above is astounding, just one example of the heavy hand
of the Israeli lobby in Europe. Bruno Guigue’s real “crime”, it’s
quite clear, was to criticise the state of Israel.
Though not a “Holocaust denier”,
Guigue is suffering a similar fate as his fellow anti-Zionists who
are prosecuted under the anti-Holocaust denial laws, currently on
the books in 12 European countries. The most notorious victims of
these laws are writers David Irving and Ernst Zundel, who were
jailed for questioning the extent of the death toll of Jews during
WWII and the insistence that the Nazis had a plan to kill all Jews
(Roma, homosexuals and Communists are forgotten in the brouhaha) as
opposed to ethnically cleansing Europe.
Though an essential weapon in Israel’s
political arsenal, according to Shamir, these laws are not usually
invoked; they are intended more as a warning. Rather, writers and
their publishers are sued under broader libel laws, as was Norman
Finkelstein, the son of Holocaust survivors, and his French
publisher Aden Brussels in 2004, when he was accused of Holocaust
revisionism and incitement to anti-Semitism. The Simon Wiesenthal
Centre Director for International Liaison Shimon Samuels testified:
“Finkelstein’s thesis is an extremist attack on Jews in general, and
American Jews in particular, accusing them of exploiting the
suffering of the Shoah as a ‘pretext for their crimes in the context
of the Middle-East conflict’. This thesis constitutes the principal
credo of modern anti-Semitism. He exploits his own Jewish
antecedents in order to attack as ‘racist’ specific Jewish leaders,
their organisations and the Jewish people. I am convinced that only
a judicial penalty will contain the damage wreaked by this
particularly offensive libel.”
Samuels compared Finkelstein to Roger
Garaudy, a respected Marxist philosopher who himself spent three
years in a concentration camp in WWII, who was convicted in France
under the Gayssot Law in 1996, which he argued “restores the law,
abolished after Vichy, that defines questioning of official truth as
a criminal offence. It restores discrimination against anybody who
does not submit to one-track thought and to the cult of politically
correct taboos imposed by American leaders and their Western
mercenaries, especially the Israelis.”
The French edition of “Flowers of
Galilee” by Shamir, “a book teeming with incitement to racial
hatred” according to Prosecutor Marc Levy, was seized and actually
burned, and his publisher Cherifi fined in 2005. At the request of
the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA),
French judges indicted him for arguing that, “the very concept of
Holocaust is a concept of Jewish superiority”, and for referring to
the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a “political pamphlet”.
Ironically, the arrest warrant, if honoured, would have meant
deporting him from Israel to France “to be tried for my stand
against Jewish hegemony”. He told the Weekly he considered
the conviction a compliment, putting him in a class with “the great
list of authors whose books were burned and banished in France, from
Voltaire to Baudelaire, from Nabokov to Joyce, from Wilhelm Reich to
Vladimir Lenin.”
None of the above writers convicted in
this witch hunt has ever advocated physical violence against Jews.
Shamir and Finkelstein are Jews themselves, though, true, Shamir
converted to Christianity. Shamir told the Weekly that “where
public criticism of Israel is absent from public discourse, painting
a swastika on a Jewish grave is not an act of racism, but rather a
protest against Israeli atrocities,” and argues that the
stranglehold of the Zionists in European society actually incites
anti-Jewish sentiment. He went on to argue that this is precisely
what they want, in order to complete the ethnic cleansing of Europe
that Hitler clearly intended. “If Jewish fears of racism can be
stoked, Jews will migrate to Israel, the Zionists’ goal.”
Vichy thought crimes, book burning, ethnic cleansing — all recall
the policies of the very Nazis that the Zionists rail against.
But there are signs that the jig may
be up. Even pro-Israeli writer Deborah Lipstadt, despite her legal
battle with British historian David Irving, is against the Holocaust
denial laws, as are most historians and prominent writers such as
Timothy Garton Ash, including Jews such as Noam Chomsky.
In 1996 Garaudy wrote: “In the flood
of insults, nobody has contested my analysis of the control of
American politics by the Israeli lobby and of the financing of the
state of Israel as a proxy of American politics in the Middle East.”
Yet this is now the core of a bestselling American analysis of the
Israeli lobby, and the outspoken belief of US law professor Richard
Falk, who as a UN advisor, compared Israeli policies with regard to
the Palestinians to the Nazi-Germany record of collective
punishment. Despite shrill condemnation by Israel, he was
nevertheless appointed in March to a six-year term as UN Human
Rights Committee investigator of Israeli actions in the Palestinian
For journalist Ash, the turning point was in 2006, when the French
national assembly approved a law making it a crime to deny that the
Turks committed genocide against the Armenians during the first
world war. He wrote in exasperation that perhaps the European
parliament should make it obligatory to describe as genocide the
American colonists’ treatment of Native Americans. “No one can
legislate historical truth. In so far as historical truth can be
established at all, it must be found by unfettered historical
research, with historians arguing over the evidence and the facts,
testing and disputing each other’s claims without fear of
prosecution or persecution.”
After an appeal, Shamir launched a new French edition of his banned
book (which was always available on the Internet anyway) in 2006 and
published a French edition of essays “Our Lady of Sorrows” with much
more interest than if it had been simply ignored by the
The Holocaust denial law was repealed
in Slovakia in 2005 and Spain decriminalized Holocaust denial in
October 2007. However, though Holocaust fatigue appears to be
setting in as Israel celebrates its 60th anniversary of
independence, Zionist cultural hegemony in Europe is still strong.
After decriminalization of denial in Spain, Spanish courts meted a
long jail sentence to publisher Pedro Varela of Barcelona and
demanded the pulping of thousands of books, including one of
Eric Walberg can be reachedat
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