Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, October  2007



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The Watson-Horowitz Fascist Alliance 

By Timothy Stinson, October 29, 2007


There are two stories which are remarkable not only for their subject matter but also, because of the sparse coverage that they've received here in the U.S.

The first of these stories concerns remarks made by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate James Watson.

During a speech in London, Dr. Watson suggested that black people were less intelligent than whites. He was quoted as stating that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all testing says not really."

The second of these stories surrounds the start of "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" lectures at university campuses nationwide, hosted by David Horowitz.

These lectures include not only many of America's most overtly Anti-Muslim American personalities such as Daniel Pipes and Ann Coulter, but also Robert Spencer who, is aligned with several neo-Nazi parties in Europe.

In a time where racial tensions are on the rise in the U.S and Muslims (including American citizens who are also Muslim) are being vilified with impunity not only by ordinary American citizens but also elected officials in all branches of government, open discussion as to why these negative attitudes exist is sorely needed and development of long term solutions in order to promote understanding amongst one another needs to occur.

Although these stories involve Americans, many U.S news sources have chosen to avoid coverage of these events while international news media has.

We cannot in good conscience, continue to lecture the international community on developing tolerant and open societies if we are not willing to take those same steps to become this kind of society ourselves.




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