Cross-Cultural Understanding

Opinion Editorials, June 20, 2007


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Seizure of power by Hamas: Implementation of Electoral Results

By the Vienna Anti-Imperialist Camp

The seizure of power by Hamas in the Gaza strip actually is nothing else than the late implementation of the electoral results of last year. By all means the West, Israel and Fateh have been trying to disregard the democratic vote. Internationally a starving embargo has been imposed, the elected government has not been recognised and the defeated Fateh faction with its militias, intelligence services etc. has been armed.

Hamas has been trying every possible compromise including the unity government with Fateh. But both the West as well as Fateh have been continuing their obstruction. They simply did not want to cede power while the West did not want to loose a servile proxy despite their blatant record of corruption, nepotism and personal enrichment.

Especially in the Gaza strip the situation has been unbearable where the militias of Mohamed Dahlan marauded against the people and first of all against the resistance. 

We welcome the coming into power of Hamas as the enforcement of the people's will which was impressively expressed by the elections, however, systematically violated by the so-called international community. The pace with which Hamas could take over Fateh's positions displayed to which extent Fateh had already lost popular support and how deep the morale of its heavily armed troops had fallen.

Civil war?

Often we hear the talk of fratricidal or civil war in which the Palestinians would lacerate themselves instead of rising together against occupation.

The Western media keeps presenting this stereotype in the self complacent manner of those who consider themselves civilized, enlightened and progressive ? thus infinitely superior. They speak about terrorism, of archaic Islam, the return of clans and tribes and eventually of forms of ordinary delinquency. In short according the corporate public opinion the primitives eat up themselves and barbarous Islam is to be blamed for that.

The reality is very much the exact contrary. The criminal gangs are those who co-operate with Israel and get their funding from the West, terrorising the ordinary population who overwhelmingly supports and feeds the resistance. Actually those do not talk of Islam but claim to be secular, the magic word by which the West legitimizes all anti-democratic and criminal machinations of their henchmen. They try to cover up that the resistance in Palestine as well as across the entire region has got a precise aim: to end occupation and foreign dominance and to establish self-determination including in a cultural dimension.

The overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people want self-determination, to defeat the occupation and to end Zionist colonialism. Those who still believe in the possibility of a compromise with Israel fade away as everybody can see that Oslo was a betrayal and cover for intensified colonisation and aggression. Contrary to the erroneous and misleading formula ? Land for peace? the Palestinians were stripped off the possibility to exist ending up in the biggest prison ghetto of the world, i.e. Gaza.

Meanwhile the Fateh leadership insist on violating the popular will. Their bear the sole responsibility for the inner-Palestinian armed conflict. Certainly it would have been preferable if they had accepted unsolicited leaving their posts and privileges. Instead they happened to stage civil war. No compromise, no concession by Hamas sufficed to appease them ? Also thanks to the steadfast support from the West and first of all by the EU which they continue to enjoy. With time passing by military action turned out to be the only possibility to end the impending civil war situation. The hated proconsul Dahlan flew and so it is good.

As last resort Abbas advocates the deployment of international troops which is supported also by Israel. Actually this very support is already revealing the true character of such troops as the Zionists usually refuse any international force which could curb their insatiable aggressive ambitions. 

Meanwhile Fateh attempts a kind of pre-emptive coup in the West Bank there they still hold some more positions risking also to instigate civil war also there. The declaration of the state of emergency and the imposition of their own government without any popular legitimacy are pushing in this direction.

The dismissal of the government, which cannot serve as such, is a step in the right direction even if set by the wrong people. The dissolution of the entire Palestinian Authority (PA) should follow suit as it is nothing else than a Bantustan administration by the grace of the US and Israel funded by the EU. The PA is a cover of the occupation. 

Israeli invasion?

Facing the resistance's victory in Gaza, Israel is considering a new intrusion into Gaza. But also in view of such a possibility the seizure of power by Hamas is favourable as their fighters are the only ones able to receive them duly. That sometime David prevails over Goliath could be seen last summer in Lebanon. Maybe also this time the impossible becomes possible.

Anti-imperialist Camp, Vienna, June 15, 2007


Anti-imperialist Camp 




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