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The Alliance of Giuliani and the Christian Right: Has the War on Terror Merged With War on the Unborn? 

By Mark Dankof

American Free Press, June 14, 2007


My good friend, Dr. Paul Gottfried of Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, goes a long way toward explaining the real agenda of the American “Christian” Right in his latest effort for The American Conservative, entitled The Giuliani-Driven Christians

Dr. Gottfried notes that Quinnipiac polls indicate Giuliani’s present status as the most popular Presidential candidate among Protestant evangelicals, and that Hizzoner’s present lead in the polls in key swing states, especially Florida, is directly attributable to “white Evangelical voters.” The Washington Post has chimed in, reporting in February that Giuliani is “surging among white Evangelicals.” 

The implications of this burgeoning phenomenon are as striking as they are demonically draconian.  Hizzoner, after all, is a leading advocate of abortion-on-demand, even as he chides Islamic societies in Fox News-sponsored Presidential debates for attitudes and policies allegedly detrimental to the rights and dignity of women.  And aside from the Big Apple Mayor’s publicized liabilities in personal life and conduct, it seems incredible to the point of the outrageously satirical to contemplate Giuliani’s adulation by the likes of Religious Right mogul Cal Thomas, given Hizzoner’s strident support of the militant homosexual rights constituency.  That support, symbolically expressed by Rudy’s past personal appearance in Costume Drag in New York for a Gay Pride parade, suggests that all things are now possible in the increasingly comfortable alliance of the “Christian” Right with the globalist, Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party.  What is next, a Giuliani campaign appearance at a National Prayer Breakfast in Babylon-By-The-Potomac with Pat Robertson, John Hagee, Billy Graham, Al Goldstein, and Barney Frank? 

In the case of abortion, Republican hypocrisy is nothing new.  

It was, after all, Dutch Reagan who appointed pro-choice Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court after making the pro-life position a staple of the Republican campaign diet in 1980.  It was George Herbert Walker Bush who brought David Souter into America’s judicial mix during the former’s one term of office.  And neither Republican Chief Executive, nor a series of Republican Congresses after 1994, ended Federal tax subsidies for Planned Parenthood and the American abortion industry. 

And what has escaped public notice and media scrutiny in more recent times is the hard reality that the April 18th, 2007 Supreme Court decision in Gonzales versus Carhart, which upheld the Congressional ban on “partial-birth abortion,” will not in and of itself prevent one late-term, partial birth abortion.  As explained by Paul Likoudis in the April 26th edition of The Wanderer, the decision actually upholds the infamous 1973 Roe versus Wade decision, as did the bill itself passed by Congress.  Gonzales only says that the federal government and the states may pass legislation declaring restrictions on this particular technique; that such restrictions are not unconstitutional.  Likoudis goes on to explain that according to Justice Anthony Kennedy, abortions of late-term babies can continue up to the moment of birth, even utilizing the partial-birth abortion technique, as long as the child is killed in utero.  The [Congressional] Act’s definition of partial-birth abortion requires the fetus “to be delivered, until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the naval is outside the body of the mother.  The Attorney General [Gonzales] concedes, and we agree, that if an abortion procedure does not involve the delivery of a living fetus to one of these anatomical ‘landmarks’ where, depending on the presentation, either the fetal head of the fetal trunk past the naval is outside the body of the mother, the prohibitions of the Act do not apply.” 

Put another way, fetal poisoning and dismemberment are fine, as long as they take place within the confines of the womb itself. 

Placed in this judicial and cultural context, the “Christian” Republican Right has achieved virtually nothing in the wake of 34 years of post-Roe political activism.  The much vaunted Cultural War may in fact, be over.  The Left has won.  A post-Christian America is now the order of the day. 

And if this is the final verdict of history, it should not escape attention that a Rudy Giuliani Presidential candidacy, the geometric location for the latest intersection of the alliance of the American “Christian” Right with the much heralded Jewish and Israeli lobby in the United States, epitomizes the victory of the latter in America’s cultural wars if the issue of the sanctity of unborn life in the land is the definitive yardstick for measuring the conflict’s ultimate outcome.  Alexandria J. Wall, staff writer for J, The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California, and Matthew E. Berger of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, chronicle mainstream American Jewish support for the pro-choice position in an April 30, 2004 article for J entitled “Locals Join Thousands At D. C. Pro-Choice Rally.”  Major representatives of key Jewish activist organizations were front and center at the event:  Hadassah, The National Council of Jewish Women, and representatives of Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist Judaism stood proudly in the glare of media coverage.  This 2004 rally stands as a microcosm of the larger truth before and since that time:  Jewish media, political, logistical, and financial support for the abortion industry is the lifeblood of the movement of mass death for the pre-born.  No serious research on the subject can deny the patently obvious.  This is truly a Holocaust most of American Jewry can truly unite behind. 

So how do “evangelical” Protestants justify a larger political alliance with Giuliani, the Jewish power elite, and the system of the Beast Hizzoner clearly represents?  Dr. Gottfried unveils the tale of the tape:   

“But it must be stressed that the issue that has come to trump all other evangelical concerns is fighting the war on terror [reviewer’s emphasis]. Cal Thomas has extolled his fellow evangelicals to recognize the big picture: ‘Character is seen as less important than who can face the multiple challenges facing the nation’—specifically, the struggle against international terror. From the evangelical perspective, this confrontation with terror is so intertwined with other issues that it serves as a kind of shorthand. Israel, Zionism, and the glorification of American democracy as a world model are all at least implicit in the evangelical conception of the struggle against terror [reviewer’s emphasis]—one that Giuliani is imagined to be able to lead better than any other presidential contender. During a visit to New York by a Saudi Arabian prince soon after 9/11, Giuliani took the occasion to speak out against the visitor’s attempt to link the lack of goodwill for the U.S. among Arabs to American indifference to the Palestinian cause. His tirade was directed against those who suggest ‘moral equivalency between liberal democracies, like Israel and the United States’ and their current enemies. This broadside has continued to come up on evangelical websites pushing Giuliani’s candidacy.

“Another related factor here, which the New York Times underscored in an April 30 feature story, is that evangelicals have moved away from divisive issues like abortion to stress an apparently less controversial ‘human rights’ agenda. The movement’s leaders have worked overtime to sway the White House to pursue democratization worldwide, and publications like Christian Century have moved away from the Moral Majority kind of politics characteristic of evangelicals in the past to affirming the need for exporting American political practices [reviewer’s emphasis]. Significantly, the ‘Letter of Support for Democracy’ that was sent to President Bush on Feb. 25, 2003, calling for regime change in Iraq, was signed by World Evangelical Alliance dignitaries as well as prominent neoconservatives. This exhortation was fully consistent with the stated political views of the National Alliance of Evangelicals and the World Alliance of Evangelicals [reviewer’s emphasis]. Despite the erosion of support among evangelicals for the Iraq War from its onetime high of almost 80 percent, it is, according to polls, still well over 50 percent.”

Is this really the state of institutional evangelicalism in America?  If the burgeoning evangelical Protestant support for the Presidential candidacy of Rudolph Giuliani reported by Quinnipiac and the Washington Post is factual, the derivative implications are beyond calculation.  One can only conclude that the “Christian” Right has become a driving force in what real Christianity and Constitutionally minded Americans have correctly concluded is clinically evil.  This overt evidence of the demonic in history has manifested itself in the United States with an incessant vengeance.  It includes the drive toward globalization and World Government, the destruction of the manufacturing sector of the American economy, the elimination of the working middle class, an un-Constitutional war in Iraq that has killed 650,000 civilians (on top of 500,000 deaths of Iraqi children under age 5 through economic sanctions), the militant pursuit of cultural degeneracy embodied in the deaths of 45 million pre-born since 1973, the placing of an imprimatur on George Bush’s suspension of habeas corpus, and the support of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land and genocidal methodologies directed at its voiceless victims. 

This is the antithesis of the New Testament proclamations of Jesus Christ.  The “Christian” Right has perverted the meaning of God’s covenants, confused the Kingdom of God with the secular realms of Domitian and Bush, advocated the utilization of violence against the defenseless, sided with spiritual wickedness in high places vis a vis the dispossessed and the disenfranchised, lobbied for a preemptive nuclear strike against thousands of innocent Iranian civilians, and falsely defined the modern Zionist State of Israel as the Israel of God. 

The result is an evil synthesis of the War on Terror with the War on the Unborn and the Constitution of the United States

The antidote for this cancerous brew is the uniting in common cause against the system of the Beast, held in place by multinational corporations, Zionism, and the organized international Jewish lobby.  The victims of the Beast, including the Palestinians, the American working middle class, and the unborn, are natural allies.  They must seek their solutions in divinely inspired guidance and intercessory prayer, accompanied by a willingness to sacrifice their own lives for the vulnerable and powerless in their respective lands and communities.

And Biblically oriented Christians, who possess the Holy Spirit of God, must jettison 501 C (3) Christianity, the false prophets of the American Religious Right, and their veiled financial supporters in central banking and on Wall Street who bring the world ever closer to apocalyptic disaster.

And for first measures?  Dump Giuliani, along with Bush, McCain, Romney, Clinton, Obama, Edwards, and the other spokespersons for the Beast at The Weekly Standard and Fox News.  Give Cal Thomas and John Hagee the permanent boot as well.             

And a second notion comes to mind:  It is now time for another Barmen Declaration.


Mark Dankof is a guest contributor to the American Free Press, and the past Constitution Party candidate for the United States Senate in Delaware (2000). A Lutheran pastor in San Antonio, he is the host of Mark Dankof's America heard live on the Republic Broadcasting Network, Monday through Friday, 7-10 am Central. In addition to writing for the paleo-conservative BATR News on the World Wide Web, his columns are posted at and the Al Bawaba/Middle East Gateway site in Amman, Jordan at

Mark Dankof is a broadcaster for the Republic Broadcasting Network. A member of the Taft/Buchanan wing of the Republican Party historically, his radio show and print op-ed productions for BATR's Columnist Guild and the American Free Press warn of the dangers of a takeover of the American Republic by the advocates of globalism, central banking, and World Zionism. He is a severe critic of the Bush Administration's War on Terror, the influence of Jewish Neo-Conservatives on American foreign policy and culture, and the increasing utilization of American military might abroad as a first resort rather than the last. Like Mark Glenn and Michael Collins Piper of the American Free Press, Dankof represents a minority viewpoint within the American Right Wing in advocating an independent, autonomous Palestinian State and the serious curtailment of the domestic influence of the Israeli lobby in the government and news media of the United States.






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