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Opinion Editorials, June 2007


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Philip Zelikow's Abuse of America 

By Steve Moyer, June 11, 2007


He is one of the "brains" behind the current evil being done by our nation. In a similar manner to the bullying and emotional abuse at Columbine and Virginia Tech which led to mass murder, our nation has been emotionally abused by Philip Zelikow and the result has been mass murder in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It's quite sinister but also quite real. We need to hear the truth in order to make wise choices. When the truth is manipulated for political purposes, when we have been denied the truth and programmed to believe that everything is a matter of perception and opinion, we have been abused! It is emotionally and spiritually abusive and destructive of our virtue as a people. It is evil.

Our politicians must WANT to honor the truth with their words and deeds. When they do the opposite, honoring FALSEHOOD with their words and deeds they are DIS-honoring the truth and abusing the people. When they refuse to investigate the truth, they DIS-honor the truth. When they allow myths to stand without a challenge, they DIS-honor the truth. The same applies to us. WE THE PEOPLE must seek the truth, speak the truth and support the truth with our actions.

We have been abused as a nation. We need to say so .... over and over again ... and insist that the abusers stop their evil deeds and be publicly punished and corrected for their crimes against us.

We have a right to be told the truth. We have a right to insist that our politicians HONOR the truth with their words and deeds.

If you feel abused by our government, say so!


Stop the abuse!

Steve Moyer




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