As US Forces Prepare for Withdrawal, 32 Syrians
Killed in Clashes, Hundreds Executed
December 20, 2018
Editor's Note:
The following news stories are just examples of the daily horrors of war
in Syria. Readers can find more detailed daily news stories at the
sources below as well as many other sources in the internet.
American-backed Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces, file, December
20, 2018. These forces will be vulnerable to attacks by Turkish
and Syrian government forces. |
Syrian children beside the rubble of their destroyed
neighborhood, file, December 19, 2018 |
US forces
establish a new military base in Hajin, east of Euphrates,
December 20, 2018 |
US preparing for ‘full’ and ‘rapid’ withdrawal from Syria
SOHR, 19/12/2018
Planning is underway for a “full” and “rapid” withdrawal of US troops
from Syria, a US defense official told CNN Wednesday. The decision was
made by President Donald Trump, the official added.
The US has about 2,000 troops on the ground in the country, where
they are primarily training local forces to combat ISIS. The US has
forces in Iraq ready to launch attacks in Syria if necessary. News of
the planned withdrawal was earlier
reported by The Wall Street Journal.
US preparing for ‘full’ and ‘rapid’ withdrawal from Syria – CNNPolitics
The following are news stories from the
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) website (
14 members were killed, on
December 18, 2018, including 2 members of the regime forces and the
militiamen loyal to them, and 700 people
executed by ISIS and documented by SOHR
SOHR, 19/12/2018
The sources confirmed to the Syrian Observatory that the “Islamic
State” organization had executed more than 700 detainees, of who were
arrested on various charges including security members and members of
the Organization who tried to break away of it and escape its controlled
areas, and the executions were carried out inside headquarters and
detention centers of the Organization, and within its controlled areas
which are confined today.
A person was killed in a booby-trapped motorcycle explosion in a
house where members of an ISIS sleeper cell were present.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also learned that the
“Islamic State” organization executed 3 of its members within its last
enclave in the eastern sector of Deir Ezzor countryside, on charges of
“smuggling civilians” out of the enclave into areas controlled by the
Syria Democratic Forces at the east bank of Euphrates.
While 4 fighters at least of the organization were killed, and 2
fighters of the Syria Democratic Forces were killed in the same clashes
in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.
And 2 members of the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them were
killed in bombing and clashes against the “Islamic State” Organization
and the factions.
At least 2 members of the “Islamic State” Organization and the
factions of non-Syrian nationalities were killed in clashes and shelling
by warplanes and helicopters and shelling on areas of their presence.
18 members were killed, on
December 17, 2018, including 2 members of the regime forces and
militiamen loyal to them, and 15 other people
2 citizens joined yesterday the convoy of casualties of the Syrian
SOHR, 18/12/2018
In Aleppo Province, a person was killed in a booby-trapped vehicle
explosion in Azaz area in the northern countryside of Aleppo
A member of the Syria Democratic Forces was killed by targeting by
unknown gunmen for a checkpoint of the Internal Kurdish Security Forces
(Asayish), in the al-Jerthi area in the eastern countryside of Deir
And at least 11 fighters of the organization were killed, while 2
fighters of the Syria Democratic Forces were killed in the same clashes
in the eastern Countryside of Deir Ezzor.
And 2 members of the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them were
killed in bombing and clashes against the “Islamic State” Organization
and the factions.
At least one member the “Islamic State” organization was killed in
clashes and shelling by warplanes.
The following are news stories from
the US Department of Defense website (
CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 9 – Dec. 15
Release No: 18-122
December 19, 2018
Release # 20181219-01
SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent
Resolve and its partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of ISIS
in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.
Weekly Strike Summary
Between Dec. 9 and
Dec. 15, CJTF-OIR conducted 208 strikes consisting of 378 engagements in
On Dec. 15 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted
47 strikes consisting of 90 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 47 strikes engaged 20 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 21
fighting positions, 32 staging areas, two petroleum oil and lubricant
facilities, one command and control node, one tunnel, seven supply
routes, one petroleum oil and lubricant tanker, one tactical vehicle and
suppressed two mortar firing positions.
On Dec. 15 in
Iraq, Coalition military forces did not conduct any strikes.
Dec. 14 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes
consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 27 strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 18
fighting positions, five staging areas, four supply routes, two heavy
weapons systems and suppressed two mortar firing positions.
On Dec. 14 in Iraq, Coalition military forces did not conduct any
On Dec. 13 in Syria, Coalition military forces
conducted 32 strikes consisting of 57 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 32 strikes destroyed 26 fighting positions, 11 staging
areas, five supply routes, one petroleum oil and lubricant storage
facility, and one piece of heavy equipment, suppressed one mortar firing
position and damaged one fighting position.
On Dec. 13 in Iraq,
Coalition military forces did not conduct any strikes.
On Dec.
12 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting
of 52 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 25 strikes engaged 11 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 18
fighting positions, four staging areas, five supply routes, three
petroleum oil and lubricant facilities, two financial nodes, one
improvised explosive device facility and damaged three fighting
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed one fighting position.
Dec. 12 in Iraq, Coalition military forces did not conduct any strikes.
On Dec. 11 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes
consisting of 43 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 21 strikes engaged 15 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 16
fighting positions, five staging areas, two supply routes, one
improvised explosive device facility, one building, one piece of
engineering equipment, one vehicle and suppressed one mortar.
Dec. 11 in Iraq, Coalition military forces did not conduct any strikes.
On Dec. 10 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes
consisting of 59 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 29 strikes engaged 17 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 25
fighting positions, three tunnels, one supply route, one command and
control node, one petroleum oil and lubricant facility, one staging
area, one mortar tube, one heavy weapons system, one building, damaged
one vehicle and suppressed one mortar firing position.
On Dec.
10 in Iraq, Coalition military forces did not conduct any strikes.
On Dec. 9, 2018 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 26
military strikes consisting of 36 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 26 strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units, and destroyed
16 fighting positions, two command and control nodes, two staging areas,
one weapons caches, one weapon storage facility, one petroleum oil
lubricant site, one command and control node, and damaged one vehicle,
one staging area, one fighting position and suppressed one mortar and
one mortar firing position.
On Dec. 9 in Iraq, Coalition
military forces did not conduct any strikes.
Between Dec. 9 and
Dec. 15, CJTF-OIR detected 112 strikes from other actors that crossed
the Euphrates River Valley. CJTF-OIR is committed to avoiding and in
every case minimizing civilian casualties; CJTF-OIR calls on all other
actors in the area to observe the same precautions.
Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter,
attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket
propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Dec. 2 – Dec. 8
Release No: 18-119
December 12, 2018
Release # 20181212-01
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its
partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of ISIS in designated
parts of Iraq and Syria.
Weekly Strike Summary
Between Dec. 2 and Dec. 8, CJTF-OIR conducted 251 strikes
consisting of 494 engagements in Syria and Iraq.
On Dec. 8 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 39 strikes
consisting of 63 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 39 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units, and destroyed 21
fighting positions, four staging areas, three command and control nodes,
one financial facility, one petroleum oil and lubricant facility, one
mortar launching site, one piece of engineering equipment, one vehicle,
two supply route and one UAS facility.
There were no
reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Dec. 8, 2018.
On Dec. 7 in
Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 46 strikes consisting of 66
engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 46 strikes engaged one ISIS tactical unit, and destroyed 19
fighting positions, seven pieces of heavy equipment, seven staging
areas, five supply routes, four command and control nodes, three
vehicles, one building and one financial facility.
were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Dec. 7, 2018.
Dec. 6 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 32 strikes
consisting of 63 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 32 strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units, and destroyed
13 fighting positions, five staging areas, six supply routes, two pieces
of engineering equipment, one logistics facility, one petroleum oil and
lubricant tanker, one piece of heavy equipment, one heavy machine gun,
one tactical vehicle and one financial facility.
There were no
reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Dec. 6, 2018.
On Dec. 5 in
Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 41 strikes consisting of 82
engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 41 strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units, and destroyed
19 fighting positions, three command and control nodes, three vehicles,
two staging areas, two vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices, two
supply routes, two logistics facilities, one piece of heavy equipment,
one media cell and one building.
There were no reported strikes
conducted in Iraq on Dec. 5, 2018
On Dec. 4 in Syria, Coalition
military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 66 engagements
against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 31 strikes engaged seven tactical units, and destroyed 15
fighting positions, eight staging areas, four supply routes, two pieces
of engineering equipment, three command and control nodes, one piece of
heavy equipment, and one weapons facility.
There were no
reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Dec. 4, 2018.
On Dec. 3 in
Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 38 strikes consisting of 93
engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 38 strikes engaged 12 tactical units, and destroyed 10
supply routes, five staging areas, two weapon caches, four improvised
explosive device facilities, two buildings, two fighting positions, one
anti-aircraft system, one rocket storage site, one tunnel, two heavy
equipment, and one vehicle storage.
On Dec. 3 in Iraq,
Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of nine
engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Sulayman Bek, one strike engaged three tactical units, and
destroyed two buildings and damaged one building.
On Dec. 2,
2018 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 23 military strikes
consisting of 51 engagements against ISIS targets.
Near Hajin, 23 strikes engaged two tactical units, and destroyed four
command and control nodes, one building, one storage site, six staging
areas, six supply routes, one tactical vehicle and three fighting
positions, and suppressed seven supply routes and one fighting position.
There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Dec. 2,
We received delayed reports for strikes conducted by
Coalition military forces on Nov. 3 and Oct. 4.
On Nov. 3, 2018
In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of
one engagement.
Near Hajin, Coalition military forces destroyed one fighting position.
On Oct. 4, 2018 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two
strikes consisting of five engagements.
Near Hajin, Coalition military forces destroyed two fighting positions.
This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by
fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft,
rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.
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