2,427 Americans Killed, 9,655 Injured By Gun
Violence, Including 48 Mass Shootings in 2016, Till March 13, 2016
Past Summary Ledgers
- Total Number of Incidents
- Number of Deaths1
- Number of Injuries1
- Number of Children (age 0-11)
Killed/Injured1 626
- Number of Teens (age 12-17)
- Mass Shooting2
- Officer Involved Incident2
- Home Invasion2
- Defensive Use2
- Accidental Shooting2
Gun violence and crime incidents
are collected/validated from 1,500 sources
daily – incidents and their source data are
found at the gunviolencearchive.org website.
1: Actual number of deaths and injuries
2: Number of INCIDENTS reported and verified
Numbers on this table reflect a subset of
all information collected and will not
add to 100% of incidents.
Data Validated:
March 13, 2016
- Total Number of Incidents
- Number of Deaths1
- Number of Injuries1
- Number of Children (age 0-11)
Killed/Injured1 697
- Number of Teens (age 12-17)
- Mass Shooting2
- Officer Involved Incident2
- Home Invasion2
- Defensive Use2
- Accidental Shooting2
Gun violence and crime incidents
are collected/validated from 1,500 sources
daily – incidents and their source data are
found at the gunviolencearchive.org website.
1: Actual number of deaths and injuries
2: Number of INCIDENTS reported and verified
Numbers on this table reflect a subset of
all information collected and will not
add to 100% of incidents.
Data Validated:
March 13, 2016
Jessica Shelton lost two
daughters, a son and two nieces in the Wilkinsburg backyard
ambush murders, on March 9, 2013 wtae |
Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino,
who killed five people in Missouri, on March 7, 2016 |

4 Wounded In Oakland Drive-By Shooting Of Party Bus Near Bay
Bridge « CBS San Francisco.
March 12, 2016 11:02 AM
Gunmen fired shots into a moving party bus in West Oakland early
Saturday, wounding four and leaving authorities stumped because
passengers refused to cooperate with the investigation.
The chartered executive limo bus was leaving San Francisco and had
exited the Bay Bridge around 2:25 a.m. and was on the eastbound
Interstate Highway 80 transition to southbound Interstate 880 when two
gunmen in a red
SUV drove alongside and opened fire, said California Highway Patrol
Officer Daniel Hill.
A fourth passenger sustained was hurt critically but was stable and
is expected to survive. Three others had minor injuries.
Interstate 880 was closed for roughly five hours as officers
Passengers adamantly refused to give witness statements or provide
descriptions of the shooters, authorities said.
“In fact, they didn’t cooperate so much that one of our officers got
assaulted and kicked by one of the victims,” Hill said.
4 Wounded In Oakland Drive-By Shooting Of Party Bus Near Bay Bridge «
CBS San Francisco.
A female victim hit by a ricochet also got into an altercation with
emergency medical personnel and forced her way out of an ambulance. She
fled and her whereabouts are unknown.
Investigators say the bus was occupied by couples but Hill could not
provide an estimate of how many people were on the bus. He declined to
release names and ages of the wounded.
“I will say we don’t believe this is a random incident,” he said.
4 Wounded In Oakland Drive-By Shooting Of Party Bus Near Bay Bridge «
CBS San Francisco.
The incident is the eighth freeway shooting in the East Bay since
November. Officers have blamed the shootings on an escalating gang war
in the Richmond area where six of the shootings have taken place.
Freeways are appealing because there are fewer surveillance cameras
and easy getaways.
Hill said the CHP does not believe Saturday’s shootout is
specifically related to the other freeway shootings.
2 dead, 2 wounded in Detroit drive-by shooting
George Hunter
Mark Hicks,
The Detroit News 11:08 p.m. EST March 11, 2016
A drive-by mass shooting Friday that left two men dead and two others
wounded on the city’s west side could have been even more tragic, a
Detroit police official said.
“There was a 4-year-old and 10-month-old outside playing right there,
and these clowns come by shooting guns,” Assistant Police Chief Steve
Dolunt said. “I’m livid.
“I’m thinking this had to be retribution for something. These are all
older guys.”
The first victim, identified as in his 60s, died hours before the
second, a 43-year-old man, Detroit Police Officer Jennifer Moreno said.
The two survivors, whose conditions at local hospitals were unknown,
also are in their 40s and 60s, she said.
Their relationship wasn’t immediately clear.
The shooting happened at about 3:40 p.m. at a home in the 2600 block
of Hazelwood near Linwood. The victims were on the porch when three men
in a black Dodge Journey SUV opened fire.
“There were two types of weapons used: A pistol and a long gun,”
Dolunt said.
Dolunt said he didn’t believe the first man slain was the intended
“It’s still early, and I could be wrong, but that’s what it looks
like,” he said.
Witnesses did not provide a full description of the shooters, Dolunt
The shooting unnerved neighbors and others on the street, which is
lined with mostly two-story homes.
“It’s shocking,” said Renee Little, whose family lives nearby. “It’s
Kiara Head was down the street with her children and preparing to
pick up another when she heard multiple shots.
She eventually learned her friendly neighbor had died.
“He had a heart so big,” she said.
“He helped me carry groceries, played with my kids, loved them as if
they were his own grandkids. He’s going to be missed.”
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers of Michigan
at (800) 773-2587.
(313) 222-2134
4 women, man, unborn child slain in Wilkinsburg backyard
party ambush, 3 more wounded as shooters approach from rear, side of
house on Franklin Avenue
March 11, 2016
Two gunmen teamed up for a deadly late-night ambush at a backyard
cookout, with one firing first and steering the victims toward his
partner who used a high-velocity rifle to shoot them in the head,
killing four women and a man and injuring three others, the district
attorney said Thursday.
"The murders were planned. They were calculated," District Attorney
Stephen Zappala said as he visited the crime scene on Franklin Avenue in
"They knew what they were doing. That's what it appears to us,"
Allegheny County Police Superintendent Charles Moffatt said, adding that
nearly 50 shell casings were found.
Watch the police news conference
The women who died in Wednesday's ambush were identified as Brittany
Powell, 27; her sister, Chanetta Powell, 25; Tina Shelton, 37; and Shada
Mahone, 26. Also slain was the Powells' brother, Jerry Shelton, 35.
lost three children and two nieces," said a tearful Jessica Shelton
-- the mother of Jerry Shelton, both Powell sisters and a fourth victim,
Lamont Powell, who remained in critical condition; and the aunt of Tina
Shelton and Shada Mahone.
Backyard Ambush: Step-by-step timeline, including surveillance video
She said the family had gathered for a cookout "because we like to
embrace each other, enjoy the sunny day." Wednesday was unseasonably
warm for Pittsburgh in March, with temperatures well into the 70s.
"For these shooters out here taking innocent lives, you didn't just
take innocent lives. You made children lose their parents," Jessica
Shelton said.
Tearful news conference with victims' mother
"I have no choice but to be strong, because I have grandchildren who
lost their parents who I have to be strong for and live for," Shelton
said. "I'm just heartbroken today."
Jessica Shelton lost two daughters, a son and two nieces in the
Wilkinsburg backyard ambush murders.
Jessica Shelton lost two daughters, a son and two nieces in the
Wilkinsburg backyard ambush murders.
Another shooting victim remained in critical condition Thursday, and
a woman was treated and released from a Monroeville hospital. Police
said children inside the house were not harmed by the gunfire.
Video: Dispatch
recordings outline desperate attempt lives after ambush
Moffatt said investigators are looking at some people as possible
suspects. He declined to identify them for fear of jeopardizing the
investigation, and said police do not yet have enough evidence to make
an arrest or bring anyone in for questioning.
A $20,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the
arrest of the gunmen. Tipsters can remain anonymous by calling
800-ATF-GUNS. Donations to the Shelton-Powell Fund can be made at any
Citizens Bank branch to help the victims' families with funeral
Stay with WTAE.com as we continue to update this story.
Download the WTAE app for your
phone or tablet to keep updated throughout the day. (Free in your app
Zappala said it appears that one or two of the victims were targeted
by the unknown attackers in the yard behind 1304 Franklin Ave. He said
Allegheny County homicide detectives were still investigating but hadn't
ruled out drugs as a motive.
DA tours scene of deadly backyard ambush
"Detectives have number of theories they are working with, one of
which involves Lamont Powell being the target of the gunmen," Mike Manko,
spokesman for the district attorney's office. "However, such a theory
would do little to explain the indiscriminate shooting and killing of
the other victims."
The victims rushed toward the back porch and an alleyway to seek
cover as one of the shooters fired a .40-caliber pistol at as many as 15
adults who were playing cards and having a late-night cookout.
The first shooter's actions pushed the victims toward the rear porch
and door of the house, where his accomplice had a 7.62 mm rifle similar
to an AK-47 and shot them from behind a chain-link fence less than 10
feet from the porch, Zappala said.
"It looks like, right now, they were all fleeing toward the back door
of the residence when the second gunman fired from the side of the
yard," county police Lt. Andrew Schurman said. "They all seemed to get
caught on the back porch."
Watch Allegheny County Lt. Schurman's update on investigation
No one at the party apparently fired weapons, police said. Detectives
surrounded the house and used flashlights and police dogs to search the
area, but the shooters were not found.
Surveillance video obtained exclusively by Pittsburgh's Action News
4, shows three men walking away from home moments after the shootings.
We turned the video over to police, who are looking into it.
In the video, two men walk down the street near the house at 10:55
p.m., one minute after the shooting. Two minutes later, another man
walks by.
In surveillance video, obtained exclusively by Pittsburgh's Action
News 4, three men walk away from home moments after the shootings.
In surveillance video, obtained exclusively by Pittsburgh's Action
News 4, three men walk away from home moments after the shootings
Hazel Way, an alley behind the house, had at least 40 yellow evidence
markers indicating shots fired. Bullet holes were visible around the
porch. A grill and tables and chairs, some tipped over, remained in the
yard as investigators toured the scene Thursday.
A witness said she was walking home when she heard 20 shots, and then
six more shots. She said she couldn’t get home because police blocked
the street.
Although Wilkinsburg has a reputation for violence, neighbor Mike
Jones said it has been rare in this particular area, which is located
just about a block off Ardmore Boulevard, close to the WTAE studios and
an on-ramp to the Parkway East.
"This is unheard of," the 57-year-old Jones said. "It doesn't happen
around here."
Jessica Shelton helped organize a barbecue at her daughter Brittany's
house on Wednesday afternoon. She didn't think twice about anything
happening. She didn't think she had to.
"My family, often, on nice, sunny days, have cookouts because we like
to embrace each other, enjoy the sunny day," Shelton said. "Yesterday
started out to be a beautiful day for us."
Shelton said around a dozen adults and three of her grandchildren,
8-month-old Chloe, 7-year-old Tay and 6-year-old Jaron, were in
attendance. She left around 9 p.m. so the younger adults could
socialize. Nearly two hours after she left, unspeakable horror struck in
the backyard.
"I lost three children last night and two nieces," Shelton said on
Thursday afternoon.
Investigators said gunmen used a pistol and an assault rifle to spray
bullets in the backyard and alley entrance of the home.
The scene of a backyard party where five people were killed and three
were injured on Franklin Avenue in Wilkinsburg.
The scene of a backyard party where five people were killed and three
were injured on Franklin Avenue in Wilkinsburg.
"Somebody knows who did this. There's no way in the world that people
just drive up and massacre six lives and nobody knows what's going on,"
said Pastor Maurice Trent, of The Lighthouse church, where a news
conference was held with Jessica Shelton.
Jerry Shelton had two children of his own. Jessica Shelton described
him as quiet-mannered and hard-working. Jessica Shelton said Brittany
Powell suffered the loss of a daughter in 2013 and just celebrated her
other daughter's birthday on Tuesday. Jessica Shelton said Chanetta
Powell had an 8-month-old daughter and a 6-year-old son, both of whom
were inside the home when the gunfire began.
"(My grandson) said, 'Nana. There was fireworks outside. Then I saw
mommy and them lying on the ground. I didn't want the bad men to get me,
so I ran upstairs,'" Jessica Shelton said.
Shelton said her nieces, 26-year-old Shada Mahone and 37-year-old
Tina Shelton were also killed.
"She was a hard-working woman. All she knew was work. One day she
decided to enjoy her family because she never got to enjoy it, she lost
her life," Jessica Shelton said of Tina Shelton.
"(Shada) could light up a room with her smile. If you entered a room,
you knew she was there. All of them would light up a room," Jessica
Shelton said.
Shelton's other son, Lamont Powell, remains in an induced coma at
UPMC Mercy with four bullet wounds to his neck, back, chest and hand.
She said he is expected to undergo another surgery Friday. She's praying
she doesn't lose him too, which would raise her immediate family's death
total to four children and one unborn grandson.
"It's just not right for me to lose four. And to lose two beautiful
nieces. It just breaks my heart," Shelton said.
A man named John Ellis was also wounded in the shooting, as was a
third, unnamed victim.
"For these shooters out here taking innocent lives, you didn't just
take innocent lives. You made children lose their parents," Shelton
said, adding that 11 children are now without a parent following the
killings of the five adults. "Right now, I have no choice but to be
strong because I have grandchildren who lost their parents who I have to
be strong for and live for."
Man suspected of killing 4 in KCK, 1 in Mo. charged with
murder in Wyandotte County | fox4kc.com##
Posted 12:22 pm, March 8, 2016, by
Graflage, Kathy
Quinn and John
Authorities across Missouri are searching Tuesday for a man who is
wanted in connection to five homicides that span from Kansas to
mid-Missouri. Late Tuesday afternoon, the Wyandotte County district
attorney charged Pablo Serrano-Vitorino with four counts of first degree
murder for a quadruple homicide that happened on March 7 at a KCK home.
Pablo Serrano-Vitorino
Police say they are still looking for 40-year-old Serrano-Vitorino in
Montgomery County, Mo. Serrano-Vitorino is described as 5 foot 10 inches
tall and 175 pounds. He was last seen wearing a red and black flannel
jacket, blue hooded sweatshirt, and possibly blue jeans. His direction
of travel is unknown.
Police found a vehicle matching the description of the one Serrano-Vitorino
had been allegedly driving, abandoned along I-70 near Montgomery County,
Mo., which is approximately 170 miles east of Kansas City just after 8
a.m., Tuesday.
Shortly after, the Highway Patrol found a fifth homicide victim, who
police identified as 49-year-old Randy J. Nordman, inside a home east of
Highway 19 on the south outer road. Trooper Scott White says Serrano-Vitorino
likely tried to break into the man's Montgomery County home after
ditching his vehicle along I-70. Serrano-Vitorino then allegedly shot
and killed the man inside the home before fleeing the scene.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol sent an alert to Montgomery County,
Mo., residents around 8:45 a.m., that says Serrano-Vitorino should be
considered armed and dangerous. Anyone who believes they know where
Serrano-Vitorino is asked to call 911 or *55 immediately. Schools in
the area have also been placed on lockdown while the man-hunt is
underway. The Highway Patrol told KTVI
just before 11 a.m., Tuesday that they believe Serrano-Vitorino is still
in the Montgomery County area and that he may be armed with an AK-47.
"We definitely want to take this person into custody before anyone
else gets injured or killed," a Missouri Highway Patrol Trooper told
There are currently more than 100 law enforcement officers with the
Missouri Highway Patrol looking for Serrano-Vitorino including state
troopers, canine units, officers in two chopper, two SWAT teams and
Montgomery County Sheriff's Deputies.
Serrano-Vitorino's Red 2002 Dodge Ram was found near New Florence,
Mo., around 8:15 a.m., Tuesday morning.
Authorities are searching for Serrano-Vitorino near New Florence,
Mo., Tuesday morning after they found his vehicle abandoned along I-70.
(image courtesy of KTVI news chopper)
Serrano-Vitorino is also wanted for the shooting deaths of four men
who are in their early 30's, who have not yet been formally identified.
Investigators say police were called to the 3000 block of South 36th
Street around 11 p.m., Monday., when a man reported that he and three
others had been shot. When police arrived on the scene they found three
men dead from apparent gunshot wounds. A fourth person, who was on the
porch, was taken to the hospital to be treated for gunshot wounds, but
he later died from his injuries.
A look at the scene where four people were shot to death Monday,
March 7 in Kansas City, Kan.
A look at the scene where four people were shot to death Monday,
March 7 in Kansas City, Kan.
Lieutenant Kelly Bailiff with the Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office
told FOX 4 that Serrano-Vitorino was in the Wyandotte County jail in
June of 2015 for an alleged charge of domestic battery. Bailiff did not
elaborate on the charge, but court records show it was a municipal
charge for domestic battery.
Investigators are still trying to determine what led up to the
quadruple homicide, but they did say they do not believe this was a
random act. Neighbors say Serrano-Vitorino lived in the neighborhood for
a year with a girlfriend and a young child, and investigators believe
Serrano-Vitorino was at the house when the shooting happened but fled
right after. Neighbors added that Serrano-Vitorino does not speak
"There's a lot of neighbors outside," officer Cameron Morgan with the
Kansas City, Kan., police department said. "A lot of them know each
other, a lot of these houses back here are owned by the same people, so
they're all familiar with each other. They had some information for us,
but they all pretty much heard and saw things."
A woman on the scene named Ruth Harter said one of the victims was
her husband, Clint, and another was her brother-in-law named Austin.
"I want him found," Harter said referring to Serrano-Vitorino. "I
just want justice for my kids."
Harter told FOX 4 that she is currently eight-months pregnant and has
a two-year-old daughter at home.
"This family just had a lot of losses lately and they just really
need everybody's prayers in and help to try to find whoever did this,"
family friend Lana Payton said.
Neighbors described the four men shot to death in Kansas City, Kan.,
as good men who were buddies from high school and liked to work on cars.
Anyone with any information regarding the case is asked to call the
TIPS Hotline at (816) 474-TIPS.
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