American Holocaust:
3 Police Officers Shot Dead in Baton Rouge,
Increasing Gun Violence Deaths to 7,449, So Far in 2016
July 17, 2016
Editorial Note:
Tens of thousands of Americans are killed every
year in domestic and workplace gun violence, tens of thousands more are
injured, all of that is for the benefit of the gun industry, and
indirectly for the benefit of the war industry, both of which promote
violence in the United States.
Zionist-controlled politicians and media are dead
silent about this continuous holocaust, which is perpetrated against the
American people on daily basis. However, they wait for a rare gun
shooting incident perpetrated by a Muslim, then they repeat mentioning
it, as incitement against Muslims generally, and Muslim Americans in
particular, ignoring the continuous
American holocaust, which is perpetrated by non-Muslims.
The objective is to justify the continuous US wars
and invasions of the Muslim World since 1990, in order for the war
industry beneficiaries to justify the enormous and unprecedented US
national debt, which has reached more than $19 trillion, as a result of
the permanent-war military spending.
For example, in 2015, there were 53,228 shooting
incidents, resulting in the killing of 13,415 Americans. Of these, there
were only two incidents perpetrated by Muslims and resulting in the
killing of 18 Americans.
The Zionist media, like Fox News and CNN,
together with the war industry agents and Zionist-controlled
politicians like Trump, kept mentioning these two
incidents while totally ignoring the other 53,226 incidents, which
resulted in the killing of 13,398 Americans!
The end outcome is that the American people are indeed actual victims of
a continuous warmongering campaign, Islamophobia, and a daily holocaust,
perpetrated against them by the war industry beneficiaries and their
agents in the media and politics.
For a background, read:
Zionist Creative Destruction of the Middle East
for the Benefit of the Apartheid Israeli Regime
Terrorism Industry, A Merciless
Continuous Attack on the
American People's Blood and
During the first six months and 16 days of
2016, there were
7,449 Americans who
were killed and
15,420 who were
injured by other
Americans, in 28,898
incidents of gun violence, including
193 mass shootings.
In 2015, there
were 13,415 Americans
who were killed and
27,000 who were
injured by other Americans in gun violence.
In 2014, there
were 12,588 Americans
who were killed and
23,035 who were
injured by other Americans in gun violence.
Here's just one of the stories of the thousands of shootings in the
U.S., which led to the killing of Americans for the benefit of the gun
and war industry:
Site of Baton Rouge shooting at police, July 17, 2016 |
Baton Rouge policemen at the hospital after the shooting, July
17, 2016 |
Baton Rouge shooter was ex-Marine
who denied ties to any group
Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:27am EDT
By Mark
Hosenball and
Kevin Murphy
Law enforcement vehicles block access to Airline Highway near the
scene of a fatal shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge.
Reuters/Jonathan Bachman
WASHINGTON/KANSAS CITY, Mo. The gunman who killed three police
officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Sunday was a former U.S. Marine
sergeant who served in Iraq and made the dean's list in college,
government officials with knowledge of the case said.
The suspect, Gavin Eugene Long, 29, who also wounded three other
officers, was from Kansas City, Missouri, a source familiar with the
investigation told Reuters. He was divorced and living in a
working-class neighborhood, and Missouri records show he had no criminal
It was not immediately clear how Long, who was black, ended up in
Baton Rouge, where police killed him in a shootout on his 29th birthday,
according to media reports. The city has become a flashpoint for
protests after police shot and killed Alton Sterling, a black man,
outside a convenience store there on July 5.
A website, social media accounts and YouTube videos that appear tied
to Long include complaints about police abuse of African-Americans and
indicate he recently joined demonstrations in Dallas, where a black
former U.S. Army reservist killed five officers two days after
Sterling's death.
In a YouTube video, Long praised the killing of the Dallas officers
and said, "It’s justice." He also posted a separate video on July 8, in
which he described himself as a former Christian, former member of the
Nation of Islam and then repeatedly stated he was now not affiliated
with any group.
"They’ll try to
put you with ISIS or some other terrorist group," he said. "No.
I’m affiliated with the spirit of justice. Nothing else."
A website named "convoswithcosmo" that features self-help, health and
relationship advice was owned by a Gavin Long at a Kansas City address,
according to online records. As of Sunday night, police in Kansas City
had cordoned off the block where that address is located. That address
also appears in local court records for a Gavin Long in two separate
civil cases.
In a YouTube video posted on July 10, the host of "Convos with Cosmo"
says he is in Dallas and had gone to the city to join protests there.
The man says that African-Americans are oppressed and questions why
white American revolutionaries are praised for fighting their oppressors
but African ones are not.
Later in the video, he suggests that only violence and financial
pressure will cause change.
"We know what it's going to take. It's only fighting back or money.
That’s all they care about," he says to the camera. "Revenue and blood,
revenue and blood, revenue and blood. Nothing else."
A government source said federal officials were reviewing the web
postings but could not definitively link them to Long.
Long was affiliated with the anti-government New Freedom Group, the
Wall Street Journal reported, citing a person briefed on the
investigation. A spokeswoman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which
tracks extremist groups, said she had no information about such a group.
Reuters was not able to confirm the existence of the New Freedom
Records provided by the U.S. Marines show Long received a number of
awards during his five years in the military, including a good conduct
He served in the Marines from August 2005 to August 2010 as a data
network specialist and rose to the rank of sergeant, according to Yvonne
Carlock, deputy public affairs officer for the Marines. Long was
deployed to Iraq from June 2008 to January 2009.
CBS News reported that he left the Marines with an honorable
discharge, but Carlock would not confirm that detail.
Public records show Long had lived in Kansas City and Grandview,
Missouri, as well as San Diego and Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
He divorced his wife in 2011, with no children at the time, according
to Missouri court records. A home that appears to be the last-known
address for his ex-wife was vacant on Sunday.
No relatives for Long could be reached by telephone.
Long was a defendant in a case involving delinquent city taxes that
was filed in March and dismissed in June, according to court records.
He attended the University of Alabama for one semester in spring 2012
and made the dean's list for academic achievement, said university
spokeswoman Monica Watts.
"The university police had no interaction with him while he was a
student," she said in an email.
(Additional reporting by David Rohde, Ian Simpson and Brendan
O'Brien; Additional reporting and writing by Colleen Jenkins; Editing by
Peter Cooney and Clarence Fernandez)
3 officers dead, 3 hurt in Baton Rouge shooting
July 17, 2016
Three law enforcement officers were killed and three others wounded
Sunday morning in a shooting near a gas station in Baton Rouge, less
than two weeks after a black man was shot and killed by police here,
sparking nightly protests across the city.
One suspect in the shooting was killed and law enforcement officials
believe two others might still be at large, said Casey Rayborn Hicks, a
spokeswoman for the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office. The city was on
high alert, officials said.
The shooting — just before 9 a.m., less than 1 mile from police
headquarters — comes amid spiraling tensions across the city — and the
country — between the black community and police. The races of the
suspects and the officers were not immediately known.
Gov. John Bel Edwards rushed to the hospital where the shot officers
were taken.
"Rest assured, every resource available to the State of Louisiana
will be used to ensure the perpetrators are swiftly brought to justice,"
Edwards said in a statement.
The shooting took place at a gas station near a fitness center on
Airline Highway, Baton Rouge Police Cpl. L'Jean Mckneely Jr. said. The
slain shooter's body was next door, outside a fitness center. Police
said they were using a specialized robot to check for explosives near
the body.
On Sunday afternoon, more than a dozen police cars with lights
flashing were massed near a commercial area of car dealerships and chain
restaurants on Airline Highway, not far from police headquarters. Police
armed with long guns on the road stopped at least two vehicles driving
away from the scene and checked their trunks and vehicles before
allowing them to drive away.
That area was about a quarter of a mile from a gas station where
almost nightly protests had been taking place against the recent police
Baton Rouge Police Sgt. Don Coppola told The Associated Press earlier
that the officers were rushed to a local hospital. Coppola said
authorities are asking people to stay away from the area.
Multiple police units were stationed at Our Lady of the Lake Regional
Medical Center, where spokeswoman Ashley Mendoza said five patients from
the police shooting, all "law enforcement professionals" had been taken.
A police officer with a long gun was blocking the parking lot at the
emergency room. Of the two who survived the shooting, one is in critical
condition and the other is in fair condition.
Officers and deputies from the Baton Rouge Police Department and East
Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office were involved, according to Hicks.
A gunman killed three officers and injured at least five with an
assault rifle less than a mile from police headquarters in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, U.S. on July 17, 2016. The residents have been asked to keep
away from the scene of crime. The incident is seen as a revenge for the
Alton Sterling and Dallas shootings that happened earlier this month.
Police-community relations in Baton Rouge have been especially tense
since the killing of 37-year-old Alton Sterling, a black man killed by
white officers earlier this month after a scuffle at a convenience
store. The killing was captured on cellphone video and circulated widely
on the internet.
It was followed a day later by the shooting death of another black
man in Minnesota, whose girlfriend livestreamed the aftermath of his
death on Facebook. Then on Thursday, a black gunman in Dallas opened
fire on police at a protest about the police shootings, killing five
officers and heightening tensions even further.
Over the weekend, thousands of people took to the streets in Baton
Rouge to condemn Sterling's death, including hundreds of demonstrators
who congregated outside the police station. Authorities arrested about
200 people over the three-day weekend.
Michelle Rogers, 56, said the pastor at her church had led prayers
Sunday for Sterling's family and police officers, asking members of the
congregation to stand up if they knew an officer.
Rogers said an officer in the congregation hastily left the church
near the end of the service, and a pastor announced that "something had
"But he didn't say what. Then we started getting texts about officers
down," she said.
Rogers and her husband drove near the scene, but were blocked at an
intersection closed down by police.
"I can't explain what brought us here," she said. "We just said a
prayer in the car for the families."
Officials confirm 3 law enforcement officers
dead, 2 suspects at large
Sunday, July 17th 2016, 2:14 pm EDTSunday, July 17th 2016, 2:14 pm
On a mobile device?
Click here to watch live coverage - Governor John Bel Edwards
will hold a press conference at 3 p.m.We will be streaming the
conference live here and on
Law enforcement officials are asking the entire community to remain
indoors and to avoid the area where a deadly shooting has resulted in
the death of three law enforcement officers and one suspect. They
say two additional suspects are at large and ask the public to report
any suspicious activity.
Officials say there have been reports of gunfire in several areas
around the city, including Cortana Mall, but so far those reports have
all been unfounded.
Multiple agencies responded to the call of shots fired shortly before
9 a.m. at the B Quick gas station on Airline Hwy near Old Hammond, which
is located less than a mile from BRPD Headquarters.
During the shooting BRPD officers and East Baton Rouge Parish
Sheriff's deputies were struck during gunfire exchange. Five of the
officers were transported to Our Lady of the Lake Hospital. Three of
those have died. Two of the officers remain at the hospital - one is
reportedly in fair condition and the other is in critical condition.
WAFB Channel 9
An East Baton Rouge Parish Deputy was transported to the Baton Rouge
General with non-life threatening injuries.
A witness described hearing at least 25 to 30 gunshots when the
shooting began.
“I walked out into the street to see what was going on, there was a
man lying in the street," the witness said. "I assume he was dead
because he wasn’t moving."
The witness believes the shooting started before police arrived.
During a call to dispatch an officer said, "unknown where the shots
are coming from."
Tensions have been high between member of the Baton Rouge community
and law enforcement since Alton Sterling was shot and killed by police
July 5. It is unclear whether this incident is connected to the Sterling
Alton Sterling shooting: A comprehensive timeline of events
“We have to heal from this hurt,” said Rep. C. Denise Marcelle. “I’m
calling upon everyone to pray today and to cease protests.”
Messages from across the globe have been coming in to the WAFB
RELATED: 'Our hearts go out to the people of Baton Rouge' - people
around the globe respond to officer shooting
"Watching your live broadcast in London. My heart goes out to all in
your city, the public, law enforcement, first responders and to all at
WAFB. I really feel for you all at this difficult time. It really
saddens me to again turn on the news and hear of another shooting in the
US specifically against law enforcement. I pray peace comes to you all
Standard Reports
The following links represent reports that are frequently
requested. Select the report link you are interested in and
view the results. If you wish to download the results to a
spreadsheet, press the "Export Results to CSV" button shown
at the top of the results view.
Total Number of Incidents
Number of Deaths1
Number of Injuries1
Number of Children (age 0-11)
Number of Teens (age 12-17)
Mass Shooting2
Officer Involved Incident2
Home Invasion2
Defensive Use2
Accidental Shooting2
Gun violence and crime incidents
are collected/validated from 1,500 sources
daily – incidents and their source data are
found at the website.
1: Actual number of deaths and injuries
2: Number of INCIDENTS reported and verified
Numbers on this table reflect a subset of
all information collected and will not
add to 100% of incidents.
Data Validated: May
05, 2016
Total Number of Incidents
Number of Deaths1
Number of Injuries1
Number of Children (age 0-11)
Number of Teens (age 12-17)
Mass Shooting2
Officer Involved Incident2
Home Invasion2
Defensive Use2
Accidental Shooting2
Gun violence and crime incidents
are collected/validated from 1,500 sources
daily – incidents and their source data are
found at the website.
1: Actual number of deaths and injuries
2: Number of INCIDENTS reported and verified
Numbers on this table reflect a subset of
all information collected and will not
add to 100% of incidents.
Data Validated: May
05, 2016
Charts and Maps

Charts and Maps
More charts and maps to come in 2016.
Charts and Maps
More charts and maps to come in 2016.
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